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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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9 dpo today and I had the most painful stabbing like pains yesterday evening! Got a few drops of brown spotting after. I really hope it's that little egg burrowing in nicely. Never had that kind of feeling before. Today's test is a tad bit darker, even though it's still really faint. Had a much harder time getting it to show in camera without a flash. Would love to see a line on a predictor early (similar to frer), but the last few ones I bought had a scratch where the line would show and I don't like it!

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5 years ago

@Pandorica I can see the line too. Fingers crossed.
@scuba i am also (i think) in my fertile window. Fx we catch that egg.
@Ana how are you dear?
Have a nice Monday everyone.
Does anyone here celebrate Easter? If yes any plans? I have plans to go to church on Easter Sunday and just go walk in the park with my baby.

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5 years ago

Emma I am sorry it looks like your temp is going down.
Scuba I think I am also coming to my fertile window! Good luck
Pando I think I see something too! Hope this is it for you!!
Lalou DH and I will be visiting family for Easter since we haven’t gotten to for the few years.
AFM: my temps are still all over the place with no real pattern. My cm changed from ew to creamy so who knows what is going on. My OPKs are barely showing a line of at all. I am just feeling so down and out right now. Last cycle was so perfect with temps and OPKs. Yet this cycle nothing is right and I am worried I won’t O again. Scared that I will have to do medication again to even bring on a cycle and then medication to help me O. This was not how I pictured our journey would go for our first child. My sister got pregnant their first month trying and so many others keep announcing their pregnancies that I am just feeling so much like a failure. My body just won’t do what it is supposed to. Good luck to everyone though! I want to see those positives from all of you!!!

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5 years ago

Hi Ladies, And lots of Baby Dust to you ALL. I am trying for #1 and i am 7dpo today trying not to symptom spot since i know implantation most likely hasn't happened yet. But my nipples have been sore since 4dpo and all around i feel different. IDK i have been trying for almost a year now and I want this so bad.

5 years ago

Hello everyone! New here. I’m a 37 year old mom of 3. I’m currently trying for my 4th. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 2 years. He’s not the father of my kids (their dad died, we weren’t together at the time though) and he was fine with having no kids of his own.

Until last month. I had what I assume was a chemical pregnancy because I had a positive test but blood tests were negative. We were both pretty disappointed so we decided to start trying again. I never thought I’d be trying to have another baby, much less at 37!

I think I am about 9 dpo, should get my period in about six days. I’m not feeling pregnant but I don’t seem to have pms symptoms either. The only pregnancy symptom I have is VERY sore boobs. Also, tonight in the shower, my boobs started leaking milk. I haven’t nursed in 2 years and certainly never leak milk anymore! Could that be a good sign?

Anyway, just thought I’d say hello and jump on in! Good luck everyone!

5 years ago

Awwww you guys so many good things happening !!

@pandorica I'm so excited I also see your lines !!

Update: 7 weeks already guys I've officially been pregnant longer than I've ever been before !! The nausea is getting better it's not all the time every day it's on and off now... It was bad yesterday because I had food poisoning as well from a place we went to on Sunday... But so far so good

5 years ago • Post starter

Temp went back up abit today, I’m 12dpo by temps and 10dpo by opk’s, I think my body is playing tricks on me

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5 years ago

10 days since I got my peak, so could either be 10 dpo or 9 dpo. I usually ovulate the same day I get a peak, but it sometimes happens a day after. The test I took this morning is negative.. Took one a few hours later and the only "line" I thought I could see was probably the plastic sticking to the strip, making it look a bit funky. Took it apart and didn't see anything more than a hint of a line. Worried that the previous lines were also due to the plastic sticking to the strip.. Waiting for some more reliable tests to arrive, hopefully tomorrow.

5 years ago

ladies we have news!! As I already said before, it took me one year to convince hubby to go for his SA. He did it last week and I went yesterday to my doctor for my yearly checkup and to also see this results. I also have one Fallopian tube blocked so I wanted to see since I ovulated 3 days ago, which side I ovulated.

Well... first of I ovulated from my good side yayyyyy I wasn’t even sure if it worked but apparently it is!! Doctor said that except the blocked tube everything seems healthy with me. He checked hubbys analysis and there is some bad news. Everything is ok except he has low sperm motility He said that with my one blocked tube and his low motility it won’t be easy to have a baby naturally. He gave him some supplements to make the little guys wake up a bit but he said to wait till my period comes cuz since I ovulated from my right side I could be pregnant. Those supplements are kinda expensive but I’m willing to give it a try if hubby want too. He said to take them for 6 months and if I’m not pregnant in this time period then we’ll have to go for IVF. He don’t recommend IUI in my case cuz he believes the chances are still low. Problem is I don’t think I’ll ever want to go through this So yea... ladies cross your fingers that we will make it till then.....

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5 years ago

@Alex oh no babe at least you ovulated from the good tube !! Hopefully your little miracle is growing inside your stomach right now I understand why you wouldn't want to do IVF it takes a lot out of your body and it's not easy and super stressful but it's not something that you might have to decide right now you have time to think about it I'm happy you're getting answers girl and dont have to worry about where you're standing anymore

5 years ago • Post starter

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