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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hey ladies! Congrats to all the BFP and good luck to everyone waiting! Just got back from back to back vacations! I am 9weeks today and my little bean has a heartbeat of 180! So happy and excited! They kept my due date of Nov 15.

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5 years ago

@Amarie, my due date is Nov 12th!!!!
@Anna Super cute announcement, I am not sure if preggie pops are available where you live, but they have been a life saver for me (photo attached) along with my almost daily Mango Drangonfruit Refresher from Starbucks, I haven't been able to stand coffee but 530 AM comes early lol they are so yummy and sour MmM.

Update: I am currently 9wk and 4 days along, this week has been rough with the all day on and off sickness, even threw up at work. I work in a supported environment and have not told the Ladies I work with lol so I had to run to another level of the house lol. They are catching on to something as I am soo exhausted, not drinking coffee which I would often get atleast 2 a day and quite frankly I have been cranky AF. I am telling you this child is a girl lol

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5 years ago

Welcome Sierra! Happy to have you!!

Emma higher temps is always a good sign!! I am crossing my fingers this is it for you!!!

AFM: well the OPKs are finally showing a little darker. Definitely think I have not O’ed yet but will be soon. Luckily I am on spring break so the DH and I can bd a good amount with no pressure. A week of relaxing is what I need anyways!! Good luck ladies!! Hopefully this is all of our month!!

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5 years ago

@Emma - If I were you, I wouldn't call myself out just yet. It's only a slight drop and doesn't mean anything by itself. My pregnancy chart had drops of 0.05 degrees. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

AFM: Around 8 dpo and I haven't felt anything at all until today. Now I've started having dull cramps. Of course I couldn't keep myself from testing early. I think I see a squinter on the midstream one and definitely a line on the IC. Unfortunately, I don't trust the IC at all when it's faint since that brand is notorious for evaps. Going to upload some pics in my gallery later.

5 years ago

So I took this tonight before I took a shower. I've never had a positive on a digital test, even when I turned out to be pregnant. What is giving me pause is that little clock. Do you think that just means it's a faulty test? I'm trying not to get my hopes up!

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5 years ago

CD 4 and the bleeding is starting to go away, today it's more like dark spotting. Still have about 2 days of lighter spotting after too. Wish I could make the spotting go away. It's a bit irritating to spot for 2 days, bleed for 3-4 days and then another 2-3 days of spotting. The spotting after I can understand, since it's the leftover blood that comes out. But I don't like the spotting before af.. Oh well. I feel surprisingly good despite it not being our month. I feel like I may have come to a point were I just get a bit irritated, and then that's it. I realized I can't do more than I already am, without getting help. I finally decided to get some bloodwork done after the summer, through a private company that offers different types of bloodworks, where fertility bloodwork are one of them. They check for 15 different things that are related to fertility.

5 years ago

Pandorica seems like you should keep taking what your friend send you if it makes spotting stop! Really hope the borage oil also helps.

Lalou I don’t want to do IVF or IUI to be honest. Not the path I would like to take. It will take a lot of me and my relationship with hubby and I don’t wanna do it. If it’s not written for me to be a mom then let it be.... I’ll try for the next 6 months as the doctor suggested with hubby taking the supplements and then I’ll live it to the universe....
Good luck for the end of your semester and I hope the cold symptoms to go away soon!!!!

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5 years ago

@lalou I know! How good am I! Trying not to check what DPO I am but I have noticed my breasts are killing me especially my nipples. And much earlier than I've tracked before. I'm trying not to test at all. It's been quite liberating not temping too. I feel relaxed xx

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5 years ago

Thanks Anna x

5 years ago

Hi Girls again!!! I posted this in the other post

I need help!
So Im freaking out because I had a super positive OPK last Wednesday and Thursday, everything was great a lot of BD...
Last night I get a high reading in OPK, to peak, but really high, I will check today but Im really disappointed.... my cycles are 26-27 days, if I ovulate today or tomorrow I only have 8 days lutheal
Like always I was reading online a lot of comments about two peaks and positives and garbage in general....
I really though I catch the egg this cycle.
We are planing on going to the doctor next months if this one does not happen, but in general Im really sad...

DO you know if the OPK light up for any other reason other tham LH surging again? This is me just clinging for hope...

5 years ago

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