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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hi everyone! I'm jumping on this board too. I'm taking a fairly relaxed approach. I keep thinking I'll stop temping for the rest of the cycle. I did a few times to confirm ovulation and it's not really telling me too much and if anything it's starting to stress me out as I start over analysing everything. So I'm going to stop from tomorrow morning. I'm about 5dpo today. xx

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5 years ago

Hey ladies, I am 6 dpo and some weird pulling cramping and spotting when I wiped ..temp spiked yesterday too.

5 years ago

Hi Becky, I’d say the bottom test looks darker than the control line so I’d go with that one being your peak , sorry wasn’t on here last night so a late reply x

5 years ago

@Sbabytears: Sounds like possible implantation!!

@scuba: Really hoping this is your month and you get your BFP soon!

AFM: I am still super confused... Now lines are showing on my internet Wondfo cheapies when they weren't before and they seem to be getting darker?? My levels were only at 5 on Monday when I visited my doctor, so I am so confused as to how Wondfo is now picking up lines.... could I still be pregnant?? Or is that hoping for too much? 5 hcg is way too low for a viable pregnancy at 17dpo (which is what I would have been on Monday)… OPK is darker today, too... I have NO idea what is going on... Guess I will have to visit my doc again.

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5 years ago

@CrystalMom2BoysTTC3 I think you are pregnant.... I saw your photos and you have a definite positive from yesterday, the OPK is lighting up (it will light up because HCG and LH are similar proteins) and the recent test from 1h ago have a fain line.
So rest, take care of yourself and don't stress to make that baby stick!!!
I vote YES

5 years ago

@crystal how confusing! Any chance you can get back in for another blood test today? It sure does seem like you’re still pregnant. Those are good lines on the Wondfos.

5 years ago

@crystal that is just so confusing! I am sorry it is so up and down for you right now.

AFM: took an FRER this morning and of course it looks pretty negative except for the faintest line. I think it is an indent personally though it does seem to have some color. This is why I hate the FRERs!! I am only 11 dpo so we will see what happens. I will test tomorrow or this evening with one of my Walmart cheapies. Nothing new to report besides that. Feeling pretty much normal right now. Only thing different is a huge increase in cm. It is pretty think more like what you should have before AF. We will see. My temps are still up at least!

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5 years ago

@Shay: I had increased CM with my pregnancies, and I see a very faint line on your test!! and thank you, I hate this back and forth...

@Lawrence: I'm going to go tomorrow if my tests seem any darker... I need answers!!

@Becky: My OPK this morning was even darker, too. And in person my hcg test from this morning was darker than yesterday's.

Is it possible I could still be pregnant after all that's happened? Saturday I passed some pretty big clots and Sunday I passed one big one and a few small ones. Been spotting lightly ever since... Still am spotting today. But boobs still do ache and feel burning sensations. Super tired. I'm wondering if my body is just thinking it's still pregnant and having a "fake" pregnancy?? I am going back to the doctor tomorrow if my tests seem any darker at all.... I need answers! I was ready to move on from this chemical, but I can't if my tests are not going negative and staying the same...

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5 years ago • Edited

Hi ladies, I'll jump over to this thread too.

@crystal - How weird that the tests are acting that way. I hope for the best outcome!

As for me, I'm at cd 6 right now. I put my thermometer away and are only going by my monitor this time. Are waiting for the spotting to go away. I usually stop spotting at cd 5, but cd 3 was very very light, which is probably why there's still some spotting left.

5 years ago

Update: Pregnancy only began and I already have complications... I started bleeding a little earlier today and rushed through to my doctor... He checked and my cervix is still closed and there was the tiniest little spec on the ultrasound but it seemed in the correct position... I have been put on bed rest till Monday and I am prescribed progesterone as well... Did another hcg draw today and will phone tomorrow for updates

5 years ago • Post starter

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