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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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Emma and Anna I hope so!!! I'm just hoping they start getting darker soon. I could be anywhere from 3-12 dpo! It's soooooo confusing!! I'm just going to keep testing and keep hoping!

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5 years ago

What do you guys think about this one??

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5 years ago

I can see it! Be careful with the first response though I have seen lines on my tests and then it has been an indent.

Well my temp was really high today but I again didn’t sleep well. I have been really good about drinking more water. Since I have been drinking so much water I have noticed that i have a lot more cm and it is really stretchy!! Hoping I haven’t O’ed yet since we haven’t BD much lately since I haven’t been feeling well. We will see what happens!!

Good luck!! Fingers crossed for everyone!!

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5 years ago

@Mama - I think I see something. Fingers crossed!

It's only a few days after ovulation and I'm already itching to poas. Weird how hard it is to get that feeling to go away. I will probably poas on sunday, since it's my birthday. However, I'll only be roughly 8 dpo, so it'll probably not show anything at all. I'm couting on a negative, but there's always that voice in the back of my head saying "what if". Ugh, I'm so ready to be done with ttc and give my son a sibling. He's turning 6 in august and are more than ready for it.

5 years ago

Silent stalker but to @emma Asda sells test for £1 each freedom pregnancy tests, they detect hcg at 20 , i used them and Frer to t st early nd i’m currently using them to test out my HCG from my missed miscarriage in march

5 years ago

Hello ladies,

Your announcement was so cute. Thinking about using it when I get pregnant next time. @mama i am seeing lines too. Fingers crossed. @Shay I am sorry . Feel better soon. @Pandorica fingers crossed as well.

AFM nothing at all. I have not poas or opk this cycle. My last cycle was March 3rd and we are now April 10th. I am just getting over a cold which gave me the biggest cold sore I have ever had in my entire life. But I am getting better now. I have also just learnt that my 2nd brother's girlfriend is expecting her 3rd child and one of my cousins with whom I grew up is also almost due (next month) with her 2nd child. My sister also gave birth to her 4th child last month and I finally got to meet my baby brother 1st daughter last weekend. My baby brother and I are about 1 y 1 month and 9 days apart and both our 1st born are exactly 1 y 1 month apart. I am happy for all the kids but I am about ready to have a 2nd one. I have a prescription for Provera if my periods do not come by May 1st week. So I am playing the waiting game. I am still going to test probably in 1-2 weeks if I do not see anything but there are sure signs that I am not ovulating. Praying for everyone. Stay strong.

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5 years ago

What is going on with these OPKs!! I am so frustrated!! Used the same urine and one brand shows at least a line though negative but I believe darker than yesterday. The other brand is showing nothing at all!! I can barely see a shadow in person but other than that nothing!! I am so annoyed with these internet cheapies!! Guess I will have to go get more of the Walmart brand or digitals. Ugh.

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5 years ago

Shay what brand are those ICs? I used accumed and they worked just fine for me. I use the clear blue also. Maybe a different brand would be better? Also I believe they are like HCG strips some have different sensitivity

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5 years ago

@Shay whrn I opk i only use clearblue pink digital. Just like you I got fed up with those cheapies. Obviously the walmart brand seem better as well than those since they are already showing something. Also start bd every other day now until you get full positive and bd everyday for another 4-5days after that. I have my fingers crossed for you as well. Have a nice day everyone. I am almost done with my student teaching.

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5 years ago

What do we think to my chart ladies ?

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5 years ago

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