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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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Congrats to everyone , Nd goodluck to those still to O!

AFM: So unfortunately AF showed, a day early for me. Currently on CD5 today, stillfeeling weird symtpoms but over thinking it. My mom asked me monday morning if I was pregnant because she had a dream I was , and now it's all I can think about. These next few months are going to be slammed , we are moving to CO ! I'm sure I wont be keep such good track and who knows maybe it will come sooner than later , and the dream was a good sign.

5 years ago

Well since my temp is still up Fertility Friend is saying I am 4 dpo now. I don’t really think I am since I have been dealing with a cold/allergies. If my temp drops more tomorrow I will tell it to disregard those days. Maybe I did O early though. Hoping I didn’t since we only bd once before O if that is the case. Picture of chart bellow.

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5 years ago

Emma this is a big jump tbh and very promising

My hubby FINALLY did his SA yesterday after more than a year trying to convince him yayyyyy
Now I’ll have to wait till tomorrow or Monday for results to be ready! I hope hope hope everything will be ok or if not at least to be not that serious!
I’m also on my fertile window and the BDing has begun. I’m planning to bd everyday instead of every other day I used to the last cycles. I’m also having my Dr appointment on Monday so I can show him hubbys results and to also check by the way which side I’ve ovulated. Fingers crossed...

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5 years ago

Alex I was a bit worried that the jump up was a bad thing, I have ordered some hcg which will come next week and I’ll be around 11/12dpo when they come , I didn’t want to have them early or I’d just have to test

Good luck Alex x

5 years ago

I know it's late in my cycle to start temping but I started temping on cycle day 17 because thats when I got my bbt thermometer in from amazon. I am not sure about how to read them lol but I also don't no if they are very accurate because I have been pretty restless the last few nights I also have no idea how to share my chart on here

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5 years ago

@Alex I'm so glad your husband finally agreed to the test. Fingers crossed for good results! It seems like things are shifting for you right now. I think I can feel your BFP coming soon! I have my fingers crossed for you
@Anna beautiful announcement! and so fun that you got to see the heart beat. I am very happy for you but hope the nausea gets better soon. I am surviving on Ginger kombucha right now (I know you hate ginger! ) One sip or 2 is all it takes to make me feel significantly better every time the nausea gets bad. Actually even the kind without ginger makes me feel better but not as much
@Emma I agree your chart looks great!
Good luck to everyone this cycle!!
AFM I'm 8 weeks today and had my first appointment but didn't have a single test done yet so I don't know much (I opted out of the datation ultrasound because I am very confident how far along I am since I was tracking my cycles). I should at least get to hear a heart beat in 2 weeks and then will have my first ultrasound between 11 and 14 weeks. I should also find out the gender with blood test around the same time so I'll have more of an update then.

5 years ago

Hi ladies! New to the board and the site. Just tryin to gather info and stay positive. Currently on day 10 past OD. Not feeling much but impatient ????. Wishing the best for everyone

5 years ago

Alright sorry I have to post this one my hubby sees it too...

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5 years ago

@alex happy that your hubby finally accepted. Yay!!! Welcome to the new people or out of the shadows. @Emma those charts look amazing. @agatch hang in there. Ginger is amazing. You too @Ana.
AFM still waiting on periods. I am not planning on poas this cycle. There is no point. Last day for student teaching tomorrow. Yay!!!

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5 years ago

@alex I am so happy to hear that your husband did his SA. Hopefully you can get some direction from it.

@agatch you're very patient to wait til 11 to 14 weeks to have an ultrasound!

I have been enjoying not tracking, but I'm also realizing that letting myself go back to normal life is kind if a sign that I'm losing hope. I don't generally bother testing because I don't know if I'll ever see that positive again. It's so different than the first time. That time I was just testing to clear my conscience because my period would skip here and there. I was expecting a negative and got a blaring positive because I was already 6 weeks. Now if I do test, I'm squinting to see anything. I hate it. Deep down I know that as soon as I forget AF is late, I'll be pregnant, but when will that be? We've had family members pass recently that I would have wanted my kids to know and it just sucks.... I know I'll feel better soon, but right now I'm kind of down.

5 years ago

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