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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Leococo31 - Welcome! I think we are cycle buddies, 'cause I'm roughly 6 dpo too.

5 years ago

Thanks Alex! I agree with you 100%

5 years ago

Welcome to all the newbies,
Congrats to all the BFP. @Anna hang in there. Only few more weeks and 2Nd trimester will be easier. You are doing great mama. @Agatch you too dear. So many people here. Full of positive energies.

AFM my day was somewhat smooth. Full of emotions but I did it guys. Done with my student teaching. Continuing with my online classes and hoping to pass my exams. My goal for the next weeks are to take care of DH. He was so supportive for the past 3 months and tonight we have a ramen date night (authentic ramen restaurant). Our next plan is to get on to bd and just have sex bc we barely did it for the padt 3 months. Today i did noticed a lot of yellow cm. That has never happened to me before. Has it happened to any of y all? I am glad to be fully back with y all now. I have missed you guys.

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5 years ago

I am so happy for everyone!!! It is so great to see all these positives and little beans!!!

AFM: I need a little help deciding what to do about my chart. I have been struggling with allergies and it has thrown off my temps like crazy. I am just now dealing with some cramping and sharper pains like I normally get at O but I am so confused by my chart!! I have a picture of my chart saying I am 4dpo and another saying I haven’t O’ed yet if I take out the crazy temps that I think are from allergies. I just don’t know what one to believe!! Top is without crazy temps and bottom is leaving them in.

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5 years ago

Alright so I ordered ultra sensitive HCG strips which are supposed to be 10ml I got a after a 2 hour hold I’ll attach pictures but tonight after a 4 1/2 hour hold I got “lines” on 3 different ones which I’ll attach a picture of also. Not sure what is going on right now.

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5 years ago

So these are the ones with “lines”

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5 years ago

@Amarie, my due date is Nov 12th!!!!
@Anna Super cute announcement, I am not sure if preggie pops are available where you live, but they have been a life saver for me (photo attached) along with my almost daily Mango Drangonfruit Refresher from Starbucks, I haven't been able to stand coffee but 530 AM comes early lol they are so yummy and sour MmM.

Update: I am currently 9wk and 4 days along, this week has been rough with the all day on and off sickness, even threw up at work. I work in a supported environment and have not told the Ladies I work with lol so I had to run to another level of the house lol. They are catching on to something as I am soo exhausted, not drinking coffee which I would often get atleast 2 a day and quite frankly I have been cranky AF. I am telling you this child is a girl lol

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5 years ago

My tests came today which I’m annoyed about as they were early and of course I had to use a test and at only 9dpo it was a negative , just hope I can wait till Monday now

5 years ago

Hi ladies, I will be joining here as things so far look good for a December baba. Had blood work done. HCG was 52 yesterday, I am testing with urinary tests everyday as I am really nervous about it being a chemical as I had one 2months ago and its only 13days past ovulation now. I am using progesterone now, hoping it will do the trick!

5 years ago

5 years trying to concieve 3rd IUI cycle this month. Yesterday at 8dpo my regular doctor thought it would be fun to do a quantative blood test, it was less than 1 but I had a major temp dip (a whole degree) this morning at 9 dpo with some cramping on my left side, I'm hoping it was just too early!! God luck everyone!

5 years ago

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