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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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I think I may have missed it. But not sure maybe my body’s just preparing for it. My boobs are killing me and my nipples are super sensitive cramping on and off and sore back here and there. Not sure what’s going on. I’ll keep testing to make sure but not sure the pic I added is from day 11-14 which is today. 14 on top. They all seem to be the same darkness not getting darker or lighter so not sure. all this makes me crazy because it’s so difficult to know for sure. I know everyone says to temp but I haven’t tried it yet.

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5 years ago

This is today’s test up close cycle day 14

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5 years ago

First trimester sucks, after having 5 straight losses all i think about is ill have another so i pee on a stick every 5 hrs ..

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5 years ago

@Alex I'm so sorry I'm literally days behind you. Still getting stark white tests 11DPO today. xx @sbaby those are great lines! xx

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5 years ago

Thanks Ladies!! I am super worried, I really hope it's just my mind. Last Wednesday I had my dating ultrasound, I saw the heartbeat and baby. I have my follow up appointment tomorrow. My concern is my Dr. Asked that I do prenatal screening blood work on Monday. Now I am worried that something may be wrong, I did a bunch of blood work when I found out I was pregnant and I am currently 8 weeks along.

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5 years ago

Well ladies morning sickness is in full swing... I woke up feeling sick this morning, had hot chocolate which I threw up and now I tried having oats which isnt staying down either... My friend suggested getting ginger lollies which they sell here but I can't stand ginger and she said coke helped with her morning sickness so I might run to the gym for a bottle in a bit

5 years ago • Post starter

Becky I hope AF stayed away

Mama I think somewhere between day 13-14 you might had your positive opk and just didn’t caught it! Boob and nipple pain is usually a sign that you already have ovulated. I thing the progesterone rising will give you this and it’s starting rising usually after O. For me personally I usually have boob pain on 1dpo hence I know that I Od.

Sbaby it seems is progressing beautifully!! I understand your fear but try to enjoy it!!

Scuba thanks girl! I hope you won’t be joining me soon

Nadia must be so exiting to be able to hear your baby!!
Did you ask your Dr if it might be something wrong? I say don’t torture your mind. If you’re concerned about something you should ask him. Is your body and your baby and you have every right to know especially because stress is not good for the baby!!

Anna I’m so sorry you feeling bad today!! Hang in there girl. Your little angel will be here soon and it’s gonna totally worth it!!! Unfortunately I don’t have any remedies suggestion but I heard that salty food like crackers or something may help. I might be totally wrong though lol sorry I totally suck!

CD2 here today and I feel like shit! Nothing much to say about it more than this lol just waiting to feel better

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5 years ago

@anna sorry to hear morning sickness hit you, but that means it’s a healthy pregnancy. The only things that helped me with morning sickness were carbs, peppermints and fresh air. Hang in there!

5 years ago

@Anna, morning sickness yeyyy!!! we all wish we can have that right now.

@Alex I know, every month is the same with me, I go from Crazy to full on depression lol, but not funny.

@Nadia everything looks great girl!!! relax!!!! enjoy it!!!

@ Scuba, we are not out until it shows up.

My period should have arrived yesterday, Im cramping like before AF and no sore boobs this month.... so Im just waiting

5 years ago

So many new posts since I last wrote. Good luck to those who are ovulating, and also waiting to test. Fingers crossed for a lot of bfp's!

@Anna - Ugh, I remember that morning sickness. I didn't throw up though, but were feeling nauseaus all day. For me, the only thing that helped were over the counter meds for car sickness. It's pretty common to use those here.

As for me, even though I use my monitor I still try not to count cycle days too much. I don't want to be stuck counting days again, which I've been doing for far too long. Ovulation will probably occur in a few days, finally got a high on my monitor instead of only lows.

5 years ago

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