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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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@dhaMathair - i don't Think both are evaps. However, I've had multiple chemical pregnancies. So it remains to be seen if it gets darker or not. Will definitely test tomorrow, I would have a hard time waiting for a few days.

5 years ago

Pandorica I see the lines on yours! I hope it turns out to be your
Emma I wish I could help you with your temp stuff but I’m still learning.
AFM if I go by opks I am 6-7dpo and I’m having the worst cramps ever! Idk what’s going on I really hope it’s not AF showing up because that’s way to short of time between O and AF! I’ve been testing daily and I feel like all my tests are just the indent or evaps hoping AF doesn’t show anytime soon tho or not at all would be nice.

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5 years ago

I think I will test on thursday or friday. Kmfx!

5 years ago

So gutted temp on its way down, 11dpo everything seemed perfect this cycle, frer was negative this morning so just waiting for af to turn up now, I think I’m ready to call it quits now but I’ll hang around for a while to see how you all get on xx

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5 years ago

Hi ladies, just checking checking in. In my fertile window so giving it our best shot. Hubby goes for his SA next week so hopefully we start ovulation drugs in May xx

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5 years ago

Good luck scuba

5 years ago

9 dpo today and I had the most painful stabbing like pains yesterday evening! Got a few drops of brown spotting after. I really hope it's that little egg burrowing in nicely. Never had that kind of feeling before. Today's test is a tad bit darker, even though it's still really faint. Had a much harder time getting it to show in camera without a flash. Would love to see a line on a predictor early (similar to frer), but the last few ones I bought had a scratch where the line would show and I don't like it!

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5 years ago

@Pandorica I can see the line too. Fingers crossed.
@scuba i am also (i think) in my fertile window. Fx we catch that egg.
@Ana how are you dear?
Have a nice Monday everyone.
Does anyone here celebrate Easter? If yes any plans? I have plans to go to church on Easter Sunday and just go walk in the park with my baby.

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5 years ago

Emma I am sorry it looks like your temp is going down.
Scuba I think I am also coming to my fertile window! Good luck
Pando I think I see something too! Hope this is it for you!!
Lalou DH and I will be visiting family for Easter since we haven’t gotten to for the few years.
AFM: my temps are still all over the place with no real pattern. My cm changed from ew to creamy so who knows what is going on. My OPKs are barely showing a line of at all. I am just feeling so down and out right now. Last cycle was so perfect with temps and OPKs. Yet this cycle nothing is right and I am worried I won’t O again. Scared that I will have to do medication again to even bring on a cycle and then medication to help me O. This was not how I pictured our journey would go for our first child. My sister got pregnant their first month trying and so many others keep announcing their pregnancies that I am just feeling so much like a failure. My body just won’t do what it is supposed to. Good luck to everyone though! I want to see those positives from all of you!!!

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5 years ago

Hi Ladies, And lots of Baby Dust to you ALL. I am trying for #1 and i am 7dpo today trying not to symptom spot since i know implantation most likely hasn't happened yet. But my nipples have been sore since 4dpo and all around i feel different. IDK i have been trying for almost a year now and I want this so bad.

5 years ago

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