Community post
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by likes)
Morning ladies (well it is here in the uk) I took the kids away yesterday for a weekend away, really needed after last month, just need some time alone just us as a family x
AFM: I had a big temp drop 36.15 this morning, I’m in cd11 so hoping this is a good sign, I’ll do a opk later today and see where we are x
5 years ago
Anna first of I’m so happy for you, your numbers are great! As for the suppository, if I were you, I wouldn’t take it after what you read! I would talk to my doctor saying that if there is a chance for what it says I would feel more comfortable with something else... I mean WTF? Don’t even risk it girl, no way!
Shay so sorry that AF is coming! I hope you’ll be having a lucky cycle! I know how it feels but remember all the girls in here who were trying for so long and they finally did it!
Emma Good luck girl! I really hope this will be your month! You had such rough past cycles!
Sam i think I see something but I’m not sure! Hopefully AF stays away and you’ll be having a nice bfp in the next few days! Fingers crossed for you!!
5 years ago
@Anna those are great numbers! looking like a sticky little bean!! I would talk to your doc and see what thry think.
@Emma my opks are being weird so not sure where I am at hoping you get a good o date this cycle, along with me.
AFM still waiting for my positive opk. Hubby and I have been bding just in case, dont want to miss that egg in case I O early. I have my yearly exam next week so hoping things are going well, going to talk about getting back on metformin if we dont catch an egg this cycle.
5 years ago
Supplementary progesterone is often prescribed in early pregnancy, especially if there is a history of miscarriage or bleeding.
After you ovulate, the corpus luteum produces the progesterone to maintain your thick endometrial lining and keep the pregnancy going. By 9 weeks the corpus luteum would have dissolved and the placenta of the fetus should be making the progesterone. You were prescribed progesterone because you were bleeding (maybe your corpus luteum is not making enough progesterone), but remember outside the setting of a pregnancy, supplementary progesterone has many other medical uses. Please your discretion when you google.
5 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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