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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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Help.. took these this morning have some spotting when i checked my cervix idk if theres lines i am 8 or 9 dpo this was fmu and smu

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5 years ago

8dpo and got lines on mutiple tests i am worried my progesterone is low though

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5 years ago

My blood draw came back at 2057 (4weeks 5days)

5 years ago • Post starter

@crystal that sucks babe I'm sorry But I'm glad you're looking at it in a positive way

5 years ago • Post starter

@Alex a batch of internet strips sounds about right for now

5 years ago • Post starter

Emma I feel like I did too, but I'm still testing

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5 years ago

I’m so excited I thought I was out this cycle. We’ve been bding for the last week and will continue to for the next 4 just so we’re covered! Hoping for you Emma.

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5 years ago

Lawrence x

5 years ago

Good luck Emma hope this is our month for both us!

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5 years ago

Emma Thank you and I believe having your tests coming late is the best thing to keep your self out of obsessing over shadows and lines. I think you will have a bfp this month!

Mama girl!! You’re pregnant I think is time to get a blood test!!

Agatch Thank you so much! Happy to see you around I’m also very optimistic now that I know that we will have answers.
So happy that you’re doing well on your pregnancy! Do you have any preference on the gender?

Hi Tree! Welcome I hope you’ll not be around for long and that you’ll get your bfp this very cycle

Lalou hi!!! Yes I’m very excited! I’ll probably have the results this afternoon or Monday. Hoping for the first!
Hopefully your last day will pass quickly so you can get back on track!!

Kait Yes! I really hope if it’s something wrong with his S at least to be something manageable.
I’m so very sorry to read that you’re feeling this way even though I feel very often as you described but without ever having a bfp. I can totally hear what you’re saying about wanting your kids to meet some people that unfortunately passed away.. It’s something that will constantly will visit my thoughts since I lost my dad 2 yrs ago and he wanted a grandchild so much. But you know what? We cannot bring people back but we can bring a new life in the world knowing that certain people would be so proud of us and we must keep going and doing the things we know they would be proud of. I’m never losing hope even though I feel like so. Kait... it will happen! If we want something, all of our actions will make it happen! Keep your faith girl!!

Anna! Same question as I asked Agatch.. Do you have any preference on the gender? I know it’s too soon but it’s always so interesting to me.

Kitty Hi and welcome!! I’m so sorry for your loss and I really hope you will have a healthy pregnancy very very soon

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5 years ago

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