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10 DPO (I think) and NEED some one to talk to.

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Hi ladies! I am tired of the stalker folk not replying to my comments or topics. :(

I want to find a nice lady who is online daily and is in her tww.

For once let us close a forum with an update!!! I find more often than not a woman starts listing her symptoms and bfns but NEVER updates the forum with the outcome. D:

I'm tired. Lol

So, if you're in the same boat that I am - please respond! I'm on daily and I am currently suffering from horrible line eyes!!

578 Replies • 10 years ago



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Good luck MrsAC3!!!! Go do the bussines :)) hope this is your month :)

9 years ago

Thank you Ralucutzarusuu!!!

9 year old son Two Angels in heaven lost at 8 weeks It's a BOY! Baby #2 due 3/16/16 fingers crossed and praying everyday Third times a charm! User Image

9 years ago

weird today very wet watery cm, leaving my knickers wet and like inside is swollen.

5dpo anyone else have this? xx

9 years ago

The same happened to me at 5 dpo. I was feeling lots of upper abdominal bloating and water like cm.

Fingers crossed for you xxx

9 years ago

Karlou fingers crossed for you!!!

DH and I BD last night after getting an almost positive OPK. I thought it was pretty positive until I tested again this morning and got a BLAZING positive. We plan to BD for the rest of the week...I've heard that BD every day during your fertile window is good and I've also heard it's not so good. What's your take?

On a TMI note, who else gets totally grossed out when DH's stuff comes out of you?! I usually have to wear a panty liner for two days! But not only does it feel icky, it makes me feel like its wasted coming back out. I want it all to stay in there!!!

9 year old son Two Angels in heaven lost at 8 weeks It's a BOY! Baby #2 due 3/16/16 fingers crossed and praying everyday Third times a charm! User Image

9 years ago

I was told by my GP to BD every other day bcos doing it every day can reduce the sperm count.

I really didn't think we'd conceived bcos there was so much 'stuff' coming back out but make sure you lie down for at least 15 mins afterwards.


9 years ago

Thanks gemma1986. I was in bed for about 15 minutes afterward, got up to take out my contacts and went back to bed. As soon as I went potty this morning it started to come out and then shortly after while sitting at the computer! Yuck. Anyway I suppose we should go for every other day but it's just so much fun

9 year old son Two Angels in heaven lost at 8 weeks It's a BOY! Baby #2 due 3/16/16 fingers crossed and praying everyday Third times a charm! User Image

9 years ago

Thanks Gemma..xx

Hey Mrs I read a study on this and even though the sperm count is reduce you get a better quality sperm so even better I say ;) xx

good luck ladies

9 years ago

@MrsAC3 TMI question but I'm going to ask anyway...What position are you in when it comes out? I know some should but some positions make it come out more and faster. Just curious. And yes, I second the emotion that it feels like such a waste when it doesn't stay inside!!! lololol

9 years ago

Starting my "one week wait" today. Trying not to think about it too much

9 years ago

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