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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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@janise: I hope you are having a great day :)

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10 years ago

blue--oh my goodness. I'd go braless if I had to pay that kind of money. no way Jose. lol.

smh--yuck. i hope the weather cooperates this Saturday. The weather here has been so gloomy and wet and gross and just yuck. haha. I so can't wait to be back in CA! :) I'm very weird about sex--I highly doubt that it will ever be appealing. I'm a bit of a prude.

luv--yay for a positive. Fingers crossed that this is the cycle! I am soooo praying for your BFP!

cam--I'm sorry about the test. You have a great attitude though! Wow, 25 day cycles must pass so quickly!

afmedic--wow, it sounds like this baby is really wiping you out. I guess I got "lucky" although it didn't feel lucky at the time--symptoms are quite reassuring IMO. I hope the Zofran works. Are you vomiting or just nauseous?

10 years ago

Hi ladies,

SMH, you getting any rest? Have you changed your mind on Rella's coming home outfit? I am still waiting to hear from the nurse...ugh!

Jan, how's the day going?!

Law, hey there!

How are the other ladies out there??

I am still at work, head is still hurting...blah. I wrote my sorority sister who is now pregnant and I was so happy when she told us that she and her hubby are expecting, so I wanted to check on her. She shared her story with me ladies, and after clomid, IUIs, shots, and everything else that some of you have and are enduring, she did IVF and is now pregnant!! She had some obstacles even with the treatments, but now she's going to be a mommy :) I say that all of us will have our moments and all we are going through will be worth it. I am just SO thankful for ALL of you to help me go through this...ok...let me stop!

10 years ago

Well it's done, the IUI hurt as bad as usual but at least I didn't have a violent physical reaction like last time. DH said he thinks this is our month, which he has never said's hoping. Hard to be perky about it. I am currently bleeding a bit :(

10 years ago • Post starter

Prayers lifted for you Luv!!!!

10 years ago

@law: I hope the weather cooperates too! We'll see what happens though. I am trying to be flexible but that is harder and harder to be right now, lol. I hope the weather starts getting better there too! Ahh... you and me both! Wish I was in California right now too!

@JLHart: I am getting a little rest... I slept pretty good last night, the first time in a few days. I still have the same homecoming outfit packed but I am meeting my friends husband at the mall tomorrow to pick up their diaper genie and I may run into Nordstrom rack to see if there is another outfit :) Though we really don't need anymore 0-3 month clothes. I hope your headache is gone! That is a great story about your sorority sister! What great news for her!

@luv: That is awesome your dh is so positive this cycle!!! Woohoo!! And I am so glad you didn't have a bad reaction this time. That is great. Sorry you are bleeding but it will stop soon :) I am super positive for you this cycle!!

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10 years ago

Thanks girls :) It means a lot to have you guys in my life! Even if it's just through a computer haha :) Lord, I am super gassy. Guessing I ovulated this morning sometime, which is fine. I think ideally they want to get the IUI on 6 hours either side of ovulation!

10 years ago • Post starter

SMH hey girl! Sorry your back is sore! Y'all are really going at it LOL ;) Did you get all your thank-yous written out? That would be tough. Recruit the DH to help!

janise thanks sweetie! I hope you're doing well today! Sounds like you are staying busy which can be a good distraction :)

lawbride thanks! How are you feeling now? Has the second trimester been kind to you?

JLH hope your head is better, that is a great story about your friend, there is hope for all of us! Did you hear back about the SA?

Hi to all the other ladies as well, hugs for all of you especially those in either a TWW or a WTO (wait to O) :)

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: Sorry about the gas! Are you going to bd tonight too? Or maybe tomorrow morning? Put a little extra up there :) I am happy to have you in my life too! And at this point, due to your gas, I am happy its just through the computer. Lol!

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10 years ago

SMH LOL yes it is for the best that you are not in my presence at the moment :) Hoping to BD tomorrow morning for good measure! DH was like "will that help us or hurt us?" and I was like "well it sure won't HURT." He gets so paranoid, it's kind of cute :-P

10 years ago • Post starter

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