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August 2018 Babies

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I was in July but AF has arrived with a vengeance so I'm moving on to TTC an August baby.
Technically this is my 2nd cycle TTC. We started in spring and conceived right away but it ended in a loss. So the first month we were able to try again was October. DH is a truck driver so that makes TTC very difficult. My midwife called in BCP for me today, and I'm going to take them for 2 weeks to delay ovulation so that it will match DH home time for the next 4 months. I'm also Homozygous MTHFR and clotting disorder, so I am on baby aspirin, prenatals with methylfolate, and will start lydia Pinkham when I stop BCP. I need O to occur between Nov 24-29. Any earlier and we will miss it. We are swaying Girl, but only because they are harder to get (for us) and plan two more children total. I'll be happy with whatever we get though!

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829 Replies • 6 years ago



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@callmecrazy. That makes sense. Then that way when your husband gets back the timing should be perfect.

ETA. Well ladies, looks like the bleeding has subsided as there was hardly anything on the tampon. I have a weird question. Would it be safe to BD once all bleeding has stopped or should I wait another day? Thank you kindly.

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6 years ago

Hi ladies!

I hope you don't mind I've been creeping on this forum :-)

Congrats purplesummer!! So exciting!

I'm still waiting to O this cycle. Hubs and I are very loosely trying for #2. I went a little crazy with planning for our son and really don't want to do that again. lol Last month was the first "dangerous" month but we only DTD once during my fertile week so I'm not at all surprised it didn't take. I should O in the next couple days so we'll see what happens this cycle!

Fingers crossed and baby dust to you all this cycle!

6 years ago

woops, multiple post

6 years ago

@dragon I'm not sure about the BD but maybe test first then you can not sure if people with IB are asked to stop BDing? how are you feeling?

@SheRiskers welcome and good luck!

@beautiful hows the waiting going?

@callme crazy also didn't know you could reset..thats great for your timing

AFM didn't sleep last night with bad cramps..have also had some runs..will get some blood work done today I think and hopefully see gynea this week

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6 years ago

@purplesummer1205. Not feeling so hot today. Been awake since 4:20 so I temped early and it was at 98.1. We never did get to BD last night so I am fine with that as I had the chills and loss of appetite. Today is going to be a long day as I have to get up in 20min for work. Too late to temp again as I had the runs this morning. Hope that whatever you are feeling is a sign of pregnancy.

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6 years ago

purplesummer- So happy for you! i just saw Ninni got her BFP, its happening everyone is getting BFP!! Patience820 too!!! wow!!!

SheRiskers- Welcome to our Forum!! What CD are you on?

Dragonfly- Do you plan on testing today?

I am doing ok getting excited should ovulate next Wednesday! Still staying positive.

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. I did test today, and I thought I saw a line but I am totally not sure. I am so on the fence today with all this TTC stuff that I am not even sure what to think. I commented about it in the July forum if you want to take a look. Just not feeling good today (hot & cold flashes), coffee tastes horrible and my hands are like icicles. Even messaged my gf as my teeth were chattering.

Just came back from the bathroom as my stomach was acting up. So, after I finished doing what I was doing my stomach started to pulse. Not sure if that means anything but that normally doesn't happen after having a bowel movement. Next month, I will take some stress off if I keep going down this road of TTC that I will not be checking my cervix. Haven't checked it for a couple days and so thankful I haven't as I am not stressing if it is open or closed.

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6 years ago

dragonfly- can you post the picture? i would like to take a look, you are usually a 26 day cycle so maybe this is your month!!!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. I threw it out this morning . If it is still in my garbage can when I get home then I can post it but by that time, it would be inconclusive. I will probably take another test in the morning as tomorrow will be CD-28. I am usually a 28-day but for some reason they have been going to 26-days and then the one month it was 24 days.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly- i would test tomorrow. i really hope this is your month!

6 years ago

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