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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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Yay and let's catch this egg luv!!!!

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10 years ago

luv--will you get an u/s to see the lining? I hope you're good to go but that little eggie won't be making it's way down for a while so you've got time! Fingers crossed for you. And thank you. I do take breaks to I went in at 10, left at 12:15 for lunch, then headed back to work on it after going to get fingerprinted for my bar application and dropping it off at the post office. So now I'll be working on it from 2:30 until 7. So, yeah about 7 hours total.

Cam :)

10 years ago

This is going to be quick cause I have to wake Rella up to nurse and I have a horrible headache but I have to chime in.

@law: I ended up on my back every night and Rella is perfect. Stay off your back when you can but I don't think it's that big of a deal.

@luv: good luck with the iui today!! Fx for thick lining!

@jlhart: can't wait to hear how your RE appointment went.

@afmedic: thanks for the encouragement. I still have no where near the supply other new moms have :( I hope you are getting the sleep your body is craving and needs!

@cam: so proud of the load you are carrying. Praying for your BFP!

@blue: hopefully your shorter cycles are no cause for concern.

@amag: I can hardly contain my excitement for you!!

@janise: fx for a clear pap!! Colposcopies are not fun but they are manageable.

AFM: hoping I'm not getting the flu or something. Second day having a really bad headache. Dh is worried my Bp is back up so I may pack up the pumpkin and go check it at the pharmacy up the street later. I just think I need more sleep. Lol.

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10 years ago

SMH--you should get a blood pressure cuff for home. They're not too pricey. I hope it isn't your BP and a nap will do the trick. Whew. Happy to hear sleeping on the back isn't cause for serious concern.

10 years ago

@So_much_hope- I hope you aren't getting sick! Checking your BP isn't going to do any harm anyway. And no, the shorter cycles should be fine. Still within normal range.

@luvtowalkfast- Yay for ovulation! Hope your IUI and ultrasound go well! Good luck.

@Camasia- Hoping af stays away!!

@lawbride88- My last cycle was 28 days! Hope your paper writing is going well.

@afmedic109 -Yeah now that my temp is up and staying up everything makes more sense. I hope you got a good sleep! I go to bed early all the time. 7 pm the other night. haha

6 dpo. Still lots of creamy cm. Have been getting hot flashes all day (hoping its not due to the illnesses going around). Other than that nothing new.

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10 years ago

Hi all,

I went to the doctor, David (master of everything - so he thinks) met me there and the doctor basically went over some history and asked questions. He wants me to have a Saline Infusion Sonogram performed after my next period. I will call in on the first full day of flow and we will set it up. From there he should be able to see if there is any scaring and where the fibroids are. Then we will decide how to move forward, which will most likely be either, both less invasive than my open myo in 2009:

â?¢Laparoscopy (lap-ar-OSS-koh-pee) â?? The doctor inserts a long, thin scope into a tiny incision made in or near the navel. The scope has a bright light and a camera. This allows the doctor to view the uterus and other organs on a monitor during the procedure. Pictures also can be made.
â?¢Hysteroscopy (hiss-tur-OSS-koh-pee) â?? The doctor passes a long, thin scope with a light through the vagina and cervix into the uterus. No incision is needed. The doctor can look inside the uterus for fibroids and other problems, such as polyps. A camera also can be used with the scope.

If there is any scarring and it's thin he will be able to cut it, but if it is thick there isn't much of anything that can be done. If the fibroids are in the cavity he will shave them, which should provide an environment that can support the baby. That's the main goal here. It seems as though everything else is ok with David and with me...and Dr. Harper also believes that we may be conceiving but when it gets to my uterus it can't attach most likely due to the fibroids. He said in our case it isn't "unexplained infertility" so the goal is to make the uterus able to support the future baby :)

Once pregnant he will monitor me until we are clear of early miscarriage then release me back to my OB. He is optimistic that once we go in and see where the fibroids are and can shave them down, pregnancy has a greater chance of occuring and he said late spring early summer!!

Thanks for all of the support ladies!

10 years ago

JLH glad everything is going along so well! I think your tests will really help a lot! :)

Well my appt did not go as planned. Got an u/s and each ovary had a HUGE follicle on it. So huge (2.5-3 cm diameters) that the u/s tech thought they were cysts, but the doctor says they're just juicy follicles. Unfortunately my uterine lining was only 4.5 mm.

Then I was waiting for the IUI and they called me back to talk to the doc (my favorite doc at the practice, thank god, and not my normal doc). She said all the sperm I brought in were dead. That's never happened before so I think it was a fluke/environmental. She also said "we gotta get you on Femara, the Clomid isn't helping. We aren't helping you. We need to get you to the RE." I like her because she is so matter of fact and gives it to you straight. She said we can do Femara for two months until I get in to see the RE, but she doesn't think there's any point in wasting $$ on the IUIs. We can just try on our own with Femara. I think that sounds great, honestly, the IUIs are so damn stressful and annoying and painful.

She also said she doesn't think I have PCOS because I have been ovulating this whole time. I'm wondering if the "tons of cysts" they saw last time were actually immature follicles. Also I don't have the typical hormonal profile of PCOS. So that is kind of a relief and honestly maybe it's just a matter of getting on the Femara and stopping stressing about the awful IUI stuff. I actually feel pretty peaceful about this plan for the moment. It's a bummer that this cycle is basically wasted (not because of lack of IUI but because of lack of lining) but next month it should be better at least.

The page is screwed up because of JLH's link but that's ok! I think we can still read everything important :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv, sorry for screwing up the page :( Glad you have a new plan in place and pray it works for you!!!

10 years ago

@luv: I'm so sorry. I honestly don't know how you are holding it together right now. I would be so bummed out. I am proud of you for looking onward to the next cycle. I think the femara/letrozole will be the key to your BFP! Will they do u/s' next cycle to check follicles and lining on the letrozole? Can that kick ass doctor work some magic and get you into the RE sooner?

Do links mess up the forum pages?

@jLhart: Sounds like you have a good plan in place! Super exciting!!!

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10 years ago

JLH no worries! It only cuts off like half a letter at the most :)

SMH I don't really have a choice, the IUI didn't happen and frankly I need to focus on the positives, which are that I don't have PCOS and I didn't need a tenaculum up my hoo-hoo for once, and I talked to the competent doctor this time, and I am gonna be trying a better drug that has fewer side effects because the Clomid makes me a nightmare! I don't think skipping the IUIs will reduce our chances all that much. I would love to get to the doc sooner based on this new info, we'll see what we can do there!

I think links only mess up the forum page if they're really long, really any long unbroken text would do it. It's been way worse in the past but I didn't want anyone to be like "Why the fook is it so screwy?" ;)

10 years ago • Post starter

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