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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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amag--I see. Well at least you can view his moodiness objectively and not take it personally! I know it must sting for him to say things like that though...even if he doesn't mean it.YAY sample! Does that mean you're going to do the extraction soon (sorry if that's the wrong word). I completely get it with the twin thing now that you've expressed it. Your insurance covers MOST of this though, right? So you have a few tries before it is a financial strain?

1st--I see. My appointments are exactly 4 weeks apart until 22 weeks--I had my 18 week scan and 1st trimester screen at a different facility and those weren't regular appointments but just tossed in there. I go back at 25 weeks and 28 weeks. After 28 weeks I won't be seeing my current OB anymore since I'm moving back to CA but hopefully they have me going ever 2-3 weeks there--preferably 2 as I actually like going to appointments! OH yucky rhogam shot--I hate shots and needles for any purpose for that matter but I've gotten kind of used to it with the whole TTC and constant monitoring during pregnancy. Thanks for the luck--I'm doing very well, finished 2 pages already (woo hoo) so it's time for a wee break for lunch, then I'll work some more! How are you feeling anyway? Any symptoms? Are you showing a lot (I assume so because I seemed to have already popped--not that that means much).

10 years ago

Hi ladies!!

Made it into work and went straight to a meeting, which has me completely shocked! Interesting....but shocked.

Law, You are getting it done! Good job and that's a good plan. Glad you were able to make it to the gym. I have been a SLACKER...need to get back to my schedule.

Amag, EXCITING!!!! FX'd for you, but I am sure it will all go just fine :)

1st, thanks for the well wishes. How are you feeling?

Blue, my goodness! I would not be functioning too well if I were you...another Superwoman on our page ;0 Hope you O and this is your month!!

SMH, Luv, Holly, Cam, Darling, hey ladies how are y'all??

AFM, had a good and productive weekend did not want to get up and moving this morning. But the meeting was so crazy...I work with Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault and some things that came from the meeting just shocked me. Dealing with the person who has been the Program Manager of the CRAZY!! OK...sorry. I am still waiting to hear back from my doctor, thinking of calling Wed or Thursday to follow up. Thinking they are trying to talk with the doctor or something, so fx'd they will have good news for me. In the meantime we are just really enjoying each other, working on the house, and will be heading to Miami next week :)

10 years ago

SMH thanks girl hope your birthday was awesome! I definitely think this is what DH is choosing to stress about. I think if he thought too much about the sperm issues and ED issues that he'd just feel terrible about himself so stressing about money keeps his mind off that whole part. He is not a good communicator and I consider that a skill of mine, so we butt heads sometimes because I get frustrated that he can't adequately express what he's REALLY thinking. I think that's just a guy thing though!

lawbride thanks sweetie :) I am glad you get it! I think we both have DHs that pull total boners from time to time, LOL ;) I think like I told SMH that he is just trying not to think about his own "failures" with the TTC process whereas that's all I can focus on, is how much my body is failing. When it comes down to it he will pony up the dough required, but I think PCO or PCOS is a much better diagnosis that is less likely to require IVF than other things. Your paper schedule is stressing ME out and I don't even have to do it! But I know it's possible, hell when I was in college I wrote a 15-page paper in four hours from research to final draft...desperation yields huge results! ;) You can do it! Rah rah rah!

amag you totally hit the nail on the head, I think men like our husbands feel kind of helpless when they can't get us pregnant and they want to focus on what they CAN do, or CAN allow themselves to worry about. I'm also sorry to hear about your DH having his bad moments. My mom says men become fathers when the baby is born...or at least when they can experience that there is a baby. They are probably just protecting themselves from being too hurt. But on a positive note you are getting some eggs harvested!!! I am so excited for you! After that the hard part will be over :-D

JLH thanks girly! By the way 33 is so not old! :) Honestly I can't even imagine having had a baby in my 20s, I know a lot of women prefer to do it that way (and do great at it) but holy crap I personally was so not ready. Part of why it's almost a blessing to have to TRY to have a kid, is that you appreciate it more when it happens. Glad to hear your new house is coming along and you and DH are excited about a baby :) And BDing for fun...what's that? LOL!

bluerose eek sorry about the looooong work week! Glad you got to BD though! Looked at your chart and depending on where your temps go you may have O'd a few days ago! Look up "fallback rise bbt" to see what I mean :)

1stTTC thanks I am excited too, hopefully the appt will not be necessary!

AFM CD 12 and BDing is going well. Thank god we BD first thing in the morning because my moods have been crap lately. The constipation and constant dehydration no matter how much water I drink are taking a serious mental toll. I have to take three different kinds of stool softeners right now and two of them draw water out of my body so I am at over 150 oz and it's still not even close to enough. Gonna try to get over 200 today but honestly it's a nightmare to drink that much. Then I have to eat more, including more sodium because otherwise I'll get a massive headache. Then I feel fat and bloated and it makes everything worse. Plus I have to eat a massive amount of fiber and it's just hard to get everything down. Blech. Sorry to be Debbie Downer on y'all. I am trying to stay positive for this cycle but I have my moments. Expecting to O on Thurs or Fri.

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv--thank you for the vote of confidence. I'm actually strting to feel like I CAN do it...15 pages in (single spaced) and only 10ish to go. That's keeping me fired up. I have more done than I have left. WOOHOO! I'm totally finishing it this week so that it's done done done. I have an exam on the 29th that's required for me to become a lawyer--so, I definitely need this paper to be done and over with so that I can just move on. when I think about my schedule though it stresses me out as well. whoa, that's a crap ton of water. I mean a TON! I don't think I could do that. I struggle to get in more than 64oz. I think generally speaking I might get about that much but on average it's no more than that. I've been rather constipated myself which is a pain in the ass because I've always had incomplete eliminations so to be constipated on top of it just makes me crabby but I'm sure you feel my pain.

Jada--I'm confused. What was shocking about the meeting? Yay for Miami. What's there? What will you be doing?

10 years ago

Luv, Hey there! I think you are right about men and having to have something to control. Hopefully he will start to really understand and come around, sooner than later! BD'g for fun...LOL...just trying not to think of everything ya know? So much easier said than done, most times.

Law, Wellll the guy working the program is being accused of stuff!!! CRAZY I tell ya...

AFM, had a call from my OB and she is having her nurse to try to schedule me earlier with the RE!!!

10 years ago

Law, My MIL is in Miami :) She's 90 and will be moving in with us, but for now we try to get down every quarter to see her. I will be pressing to get to the beach though and to BD as it will be my fertile

10 years ago

Jada--ahhh I see. did he discuss the accusations at the meeting? That would be awkward if he did. Wow, 90. that's pretty awesome. Does she live alone right now?

10 years ago

Law, he wasn't even at the meeting today!! Which makes it even weirder...I had a feeling he was creepy, but for people to talk about it even without filing a complaint is just shocking to me. And that the leadership knew/knows and have done nothing, is beyond me when this is so big right now ya know? Yes she is staying alone, isn't that amazing?! But she is ready to come up and I am happy she will be :) She's still an amazing cook!!

10 years ago

lawbride you are a lean mean law machine! ;) Sounds like you might even have the paper done early, which is good, more time to get on that test! Ugh I am sorry you are constipated too! Jeez louise. When will we catch a break?

JLH yay for Miami and beach BD! But yikes for that creepy guy at work! At least they "caught" him. Ick. Just another reminder of how great women's intuition is! :)

AFM I am starting to get worried that Clomid is thinning my uterine lining. I think I'll ask them to do another u/s when I come in for my IUI, just to make sure it's thicker then. At least 8 mm would be good! I was at 3 mm CD 9, according to the internet it can increase by 1 mm a day but we will see. If my uterine lining is too thin I will NOT take Clomid next month.

10 years ago • Post starter

Hello my ladies I'm just getting out of anatomy class I received an 89 on my test. My average is 83! God is SOOO awesome! My microbiology class my average is 71I thought it was a 67! I'M passing! Anyways I'm on cd 19 with one week to go so we will see what happens this cycle. Im getting antsy I feel like someone is about to get a BFP I can't wait to see who it is!

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10 years ago

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