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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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@Janise: FX'd for you this month!! So sorry about AF :(

@Luv: Thank you. And fx'd your DH doesn't have to go to Spain!!!! I know you said you had a small temp drop today, but are you still planning on testing? Or are you just going to wait? Before my bfp, my temps were completely wacky and made no sense, so I don't think that small temp drop means you are out yet... FX'd!!!!

@Cloveless: Good to see you!!! How are things going?

10 years ago

1st--very cute name. Does Virginia have family significance? Thanks about the support for Harper--I really do LOVE LOVE LOVE it! :)

Luv--I'm not stressing it--it happens and hey, it could've been worse (well, not sure how but I tell myself that to make myself feel better.haha). When would DH leave and for how long? I SINCERELY HOPE you aren't out. How significant was the temp drop? could it have been normal variation?

clove--I hope your family is recovering from their illnesses--being sick is NEVER fun!

10 years ago

clove thanks doll! Sorry about all the sickness, yikes. Hope everyone is starting to feel better. Hope your baby wasn't sick!

1stTTC thanks! I hope he stays local too :) And I hope the temps mean nothing. I will probably test Friday unless I get a big temp drop, in which case I won't test at all. I have CBE digitals so I don't want to see "not pregnant." How's everything coming along with the baby girl?

10 years ago • Post starter

Janise - Sorry the Witch came. Hopefully, this next cycle will be better for you!

1st - Great name! When I get pregnant, it will be so hard for DH and I to agree on a name. I've tried to ask him just for fun and he never likes any of the names I come up with!

Luv - I hope you are not out. I really want more of us to get BFPs soon, so I can obsess over U/S picks and pregnancy symptoms! Have you tested yet?

Hi Cloveless! Welcome back!

AFM - I'm 8DPO and have been dipping everything in my cup that even remotely looks like a dip strip! Unfortunately BFNs all the way around. Had some strange least it looked like it versus sperm. It was thick and very stretchy. Hope that is some kind of sign. I'm also quite crampy. Got a call from Best Buy and they can't fix my computer. They "junked it" or at least I think that's what they said. It is under warranty, so I can get a new one. I'm just pissed because I don't feel like loading all of the software, resaving my favorites, etc. I knew I should have backed it up before I turned it in! I have my data files saved, but not the other stuff.

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10 years ago

Hi ladies,

Luv, praying your hubby doesn't have to go to Spain! Is there any alternatives they can do if he does? Save a sample? Sorry you are feeling out too :( As far as testing you know I hate rejection so I will wait a minute to test... Only on cd24 today.

Holly, thanks! We will see what happens right? Sorry to hear what best buy said...ugh!

Law, amazing what motivates is and debt definitely does, lol! You're still working out? I'm sure the cereal won't set you back and as long as you and baby are healthy that's what counts! Hope your day is going well!

1st, congrats on the name selection ;) my mom is silly but wouldn't that be something?? Ha ha!

Jan, sorry about AF...hope she's not being too hard on you!

Clove, hi! How's everything?? Aside from the sickness surrounding you?

Well....I'm here at my appointment doctor coming on any I will let y'all know something soon!!


10 years ago

Holly so glad your computer can get replaced, but boo for having to generate all the bookmarks again. It's easy to forget to back that kind of thing up. At least you have all your docs and pictures :) Your symptoms sound good! Hopefully that CM and cramps are implantation!

JLH good idea re: saving a sample, I will have to ask about that if the time comes :) Maybe they could freeze/store it for a few days. FX for your appt!

AFM my appetite is HUGE today. I am just going for it. I haven't eaten over 2000 calories in several months and I might crack that today. Haven't felt this hungry in a LONG time!

10 years ago • Post starter

@law: I guess it's fairly common for Bp to stay high due to preeclampsia. It generally comes down in a month to six weeks. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so we'll see what my doctor says. We have more newborn photos scheduled for Thursday and Sunday so I will share those when we get them back. I hope they come out ok... Th photographer had never done infant photography... So has it sunk in your dreams of having a little girl are coming true!? :)

@JLhart: I hope to have more photos to share next week :) hopefully your mom is right!! BFP! BFP! BFP! What did your ob say!?!?!?

@Holly: I'm using my phone to post too and it does suck! I am so sorry about your computer :( and the bfns :(

@1stTTC: Thanks!!! And I love the name!! Especially the middle one!!

@Janise: Sorry about AF :(

@luv: Yes! I got an epidural! :) I was on the pitocin for four hours before I felt a single contraction though - even tho I was having them. I was 6.5cm when my water broke and then the contractions hurt like hell (excuse my language!!). I had maybe 20 contractions and asked for an epidural. At first the epidural took all the uterine pain away but I was still experiencing contractions in my hip. I just thought it was severe hip pain and they couldn't do anything to help with it (the magnesium - the drug they gave me for my preeclampsia made me so confused I didn't realize the pain occurred intermittently - with the contractions. So it took hours to figure out it was contraction related. At this point in time both my husband and mom were asleep next to me. If I would have figured it out sooner I could have been sleeping until it was time to push. Anyway.. Once we figured it out, the anesthesiologist was called back and he gave me a super dose of the epidural which took care of the hip pain - then I was completely relaxed. Unfortunately it was morning and my mom and husband woke up and they kept me awake. Them and adrenaline. Anyway.. The next pain I felt was about an hour into pushing the left half of my uterus hurt during contractions. It wasn't horrible tho and helped me know when to push. Other than the hip pain and the 20 painful contractions the worst part was that I was vomiting continually and shaking because of the magnesium. I didn't have any pain when I tore or when she sewed me up.

That sucks your friend ended up with chronic pain due to her epidural but I would not have made it without one. Not at all.... I guess that makes me a weenie but I don't care :)

Sorry for the novel!

Sorry about the temp drop :( when are you testing? Any chance you can go to Spain with your dh? I always go on work trips with my dh and vice versa. We foot the bill for my plane ticket but other than that it makes for a cheap get away. Maybe the hunger will lead to a BFP! :)

@clove: hey!! Good to hear from you. How have you been?

AFM: sorry for the novel above! I'm writing down my whole birth story - slowly but surely - and will be a able to insert that part now. Killed two birds with one stone :)

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10 years ago

luv--you overlooked me :( totally okay. no wonder you're losing like crazy--I've almost ALWAYS eaten over 2000 calories--even when only 100-105 pounds. I'm thinking of taking up calorie counting again. I stopped about a month ago because I find it mentally unhealthy for me to some extent but so is berating myself for overeating.

jada--can't wait to hear what happens! yep, still working out. The fruity pebbles wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't do the same thing with brownies a couple days before. Sigh. I'll be okay--I have substantially more good days than bad but the bad ones are REALLY bad. I'm meditating, praying, and reading some books that should help because my body issues/food/exercise are a huge and really debilitating part of my life when things don't go the way I'd like.

10 years ago

lawbride so sorry hun! I think I know what happened, we must have posted before at the same time and I didn't realize it, then I only replied to the posts that had come up since my last post. Eek. Went back and read. It was only a small temp drop, so it could be normal variation definitely. I am just paranoid at this point and trying to keep my expectations low! Hopefully if he does go to Spain it's not for a long time but it could be a week. Ick! At least it seems that he won't have to go at this point, thank goodness. I think calorie counting is generally a good idea because at least you'll know how much you're eating, even if you don't LIMIT the calories you'd at least have an idea of where you're at :)

SMH I might be able to go to Spain except that I think my passport expired and I haven't bothered to renew it! Plus the plane ticket would be like $1200. I went to San Antonio with DH for his job last year and that was awesome (and way cheaper LOL). I am glad to hear about your birth experience! It makes it seem less scary. Most women I know got an epidural and were very grateful for it. I don't think it makes you a wuss. Some women have very traumatizing births and it can really screw ya up psychologically, so it's a good way to keep the stress levels lower. Did you tear naturally or did they do an episiotomy? Honestly I would rather tear naturally. Getting cut open scares the hell out of me!

AFM DH said he will likely NOT have to go to Spain. Huzzah! He is however likely to go to France "sometime in April," so hopefully I get pregnant this month so I don't have to worry that he'll miss our fertile window.

10 years ago • Post starter

@luv: get your passport renewed!!! I tore naturally. They don't typically do episiotomies anymore. Glad my story helped. My biggest complaint is that labor is EXHAUSTING. Lol. I was already talking about my next pregnancy the next day so I was not traumatized :) I hope you get your BFP and out of town trips don't cause you concern :) !!

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10 years ago

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