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Private Testers Support Group Part 2!

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Hello my lovelies! We need a new thread because the old one is huge. Let's stay together and keep our little unit going!

443 Replies • 10 years ago



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Luv--I wrote a long reply to you...must not have clicked send on my computer.ill send that in a few minutes when I get back home. So, about the creepy couple...I would just decline their invitations and hope they get the hint. I don't think there's a nice way to do it. I'd still be polite and say hello when you see them but never do things with just them. In regards to the wife, I guess you just stop asking. If she wanted to lose the weight it would take her 4-6 weeks tops being that she's morbidly obese. She clearly doesn't want it and I wouldn't feel bad for her either. You hsve to try to help yourself before you can expect others to.

1st--yippee! We plan on going sometime during week 16 so ~2.5-3 weeks from now. I'm wondering if its worth the money and the drive though. We would find out 2 weeks later anyway. Hmmm.

10 years ago

Blue- Really sorry about the witch=0(

Amag- I really hope the witch does not show!! Sorry about your DH's truck. We are kinda in the same boat with my truck, but not as bad. We are in the process of saving up so I can get an SUV. It is not a rush at this moment cause my truck still runs good, but its getting old and we are starting to have to replace things so that it stays good. I am also praying your mom's surgery went well.

1st- Congrats on the Little girl!!! Technology is amazing now a days. I found out my daughter was a girl at about the same time.

Luv- FX that the witch stays away!!!!! It got pretty cold here too, ,but the weather just can not make up it's mind here. One day it is almost in the 60's and the next it is snowing. As far as your situation, I really dunno how I would handle it, Like you I do not like attention on me. But I did have a friend from my pre marriage day, that reached out to me and was trying to talk to me, and I just told him that I am married and being so I did not feel it was respectful to my husband to be talking to another man. Even though I have guy friends I talk to, this guy made me uncomfortable so I just said it and he eased off. As far as the wife and the weight, I would feel she wasted my time too, and it is on her to lose the weight when you really want something you do what you have to do. And if you want it bad enough you will do just about anything.

Jada- FX for O!!!!! Sorry people at work are annoying you=0(

AFM- I have not taken another test, I think I am just afraid I will not see the progression I want to and get worried. I have one test left and I might take it in the AM, that would be 4 days from my last and I should see a good progression. I am constipated, and that is totally abnormal for me, I did not even have it in my first. Nausea started today along with a slight bloody nose, but think that is the weather. We got about 8 inches of snow on Tuesday/Wednesday. They closed the base yesterday but only gave us a 2 hour delay today, which was a little ridiculous in my oppion because the roads where HORRIBLE! Thank god tomorrow is Friday!!!

10 years ago

JLH thanks! I think feeling like my time is wasted is part of being a personal trainer ;) because there are lots of people who just won't do it and aren't really ready. Maybe it just affects me a bit more because I felt like "wow I can really help this girl and make a real difference" and I guess that was pretty naive! ;)

lawbride that is definitely good advice, I agree that disengaging is the best response. Cool, polite distance. Clear boundaries. And I will definitely stop asking about the cardio, it's at the point where I really don't care anyway. I hate to be a biotch but you are 100% right that if she wanted to lose the 15 lb she could do it in a month EASILY if she just worked at it even a little bit. I mean I lost 16 lb in one month (this was a long time ago) and I was much smaller than her. As far as your gender-find-out, I am curious to see which you'll choose, the 16 or 18 weeks! I have no opinions on the matter but I'd say if cost is an issue just wait until 18? If not, knock yourself out! ;)

afmedic thanks for the advice! Yeah, I might get to the point where I just straight up tell him "you know what? You are making me very uncomfortable." and let him deal with the fallout of that. It's tough because they are basically customers of mine, too. Agree also about the wife needing to want it bad enough. Seems ridiculous that something as simple as losing 5% of your body weight can be such a hangup for people. If that was ALL that was in the way of my getting pregnant, you'd better believe I'd be in the gym twice a day and eating a vegan diet to make it happen!!! I'm sorry you are scared about taking another test, it definitely is nerve-wracking to see the line not get much darker. I really think you'll see progression though, your symptoms sound fantastic and having that many symptoms so fast = sticky bean!

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv--i am also over the winter. It sucks to walk outside and feel my hands go from warm to nearly frostbitten in a matter of minutes. Ugh. Please give me sun soon mother earth! hehe. I'm doing okay. I now have class every day instead of my usual 1-2 days off but it's only 1-2 classes each day instead of 3 so I'm cool with actually keeps my productivity up instead of having absolute lazy days. I am motivated to do my paper though so that's a relief. Tomorrow I'll go to campus a bit early and work on it before class, then have class, and then come home, workout, and have dinner. Then this weekend I plan to work on it for at least 6 hours on Saturday since DH is working--that might allow for some good progress. That's about it for me. I sooooo hope your temps stay up. Holding off until Sunday is probably for the best--so I'm sending strength your way because I know it's hard not to test!

10 years ago

luv--cost isn't an "issue" but I hate spending money frivolously if that makes sense. I mean, it wouldn't hurt us to do it but I think okay, well that $50 could've been a maternity outfit and either way we'll find out the sex. Ya know? I'm just a bit torn. I'm also EXTREMELY impatient! Any weekend plans yet?

10 years ago

I apologize luv. I just have a hard time keeping everybody straight and don't want to mix people up. And I usually take my cues from the other posts I read when I'm getting ready to post because I can't remember exactly who said what when. That's why I use to do the spreadsheet because then I could keep track of who was testing and when and all that jazz. But unfortunately the spreadsheet idea seemed to fall out when I did in the fall, and when everybody starting coming into the other forum. I just felt like such a stranger when I came back that it was hard for me to get back into the groove of things. And a lot of you ladies are moving on to IUI, IVF, Medicated cycles and the like, and I have no experience there. So I put my 2 cents in where I have the ability, but when it comes to the other, I tend to quietly sit back and observe. I'm sorry if you feel hurt, or that I am only paying attention to those ladies that have got a BFP. That is not at all my intention. I hope this clarified a little bit. I'm trying to be a cheerleader for you ladies, but I can't really be as effective as I want to be when I don't have all the basic knowledge about what you ladies are going through exactly. :(

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10 years ago

lawbride that is awesome that your schedule is so "spread out" on the days now :) And hooray for paper-writing motivation! Sometimes it takes a while for inspiration to strike but it's always worth it! Hopefully the weather will get nicer, dude. This is nuts. I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to "waste" money if you don't have to. Maybe wait the two weeks and promise yourself a little shopping spree for Baby with the money you would have spent. You can get your first gender-specific things with it :)

LJT I understand it is hard to keep up with everyone! And I know you only recently really came back to the forums. If you ever want to know what I'm up to, I won't be offended if you have to ask for clarification :) I personally just got an HSG last cycle, and have been doing IUI for 3 cycles now. If I get AF I'll be on 50mg Clomid again and continue the IUIs. But I'm 13 DPO so I'm either pregnant or not! I am sorry your pregnancy is getting tough, you have something awesome coming at the end of it so stay strong.

AFM cooking Omaha Steaks pork tenderloin for dinner, which I have never done before but I looked it up online. Seared it and put it in the oven with some Omaha Steaks potatoes au gratin. I love Omaha Steaks. I swear. It makes me feel like a good cook ;)

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv--that's a great idea. I think we should plan a shopping day for DH's very first day off after we find out the sex of the baby. I love love love baby clothes. How lame I know. I'd also like to get some maternity clothes soon.

10 years ago

Morning ladies im just coming by to say hey I have a very busy sad day. Mychildhood friend lost her only child 15yr old daughter yesterday she was find dead. She had a seizure in her sleep. I have homework for all 3 classes. I did not do well on my two test. So I need to step up my studying and my time. I'm on cd 21 I don't feel any way about that I can't say if I feel good about it or not. I'm strolling down my newsfeed on fb and all I see is RIP so many people are dying. I'll check back in much later be blessed my ladies smooches.

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10 years ago

@Luv: I was worried too that maybe she just missed the "boy parts", so she actually took us a few pictures from all kind of different angles that show no "boy part". Haha.... She was also able to show us the three lines that are associated with little girl parts, so we are pretty confident that she is indeed a she. As far as the kind of creepy, always staring guy, I am not sure how exactly you could handle that either. I am glad you told your husband so he knows what all is going on. Hope you can come up with something. Or hopefully maybe the guy will just stop... As far as the wife, I agree with you a 100%. Seems like if she really wanted a child, she would be doing everything in her power to try to make that happen. I hope you find a way to address all this! Keep us updated! We are always hear to listen :)

@Law: So exciting!!! My next doctor appointment is on valentines day, but I couldn't wait that long!! I am impatient also :) Keep us updated!! :)

@AFMedic: I know, technology is completely amazing now days! Glad to hear things are still going good!! :) I am sure everything will baby will be fine! :) If you decide to take your other test for progression, I am sure you will see a beautiful progression!!!! Keep us updated!!! :)

10 years ago

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