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Private Testers Support Group Part 2!

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Hello my lovelies! We need a new thread because the old one is huge. Let's stay together and keep our little unit going!

443 Replies • 10 years ago



Pregnancy test calculator

Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.

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Happy Friday to all!

Was at work until 7:30pm last night and was back in the office at 7:15 this morning! It has been the longest two weeks EVER!!!

Amag, FX'd for you!!

Luv, hope you warm up and soon...

Law, glad you are better :)

SMH, hoping you get some rest this weekend!

Blue, glad you are getting better!

Cam, where are ya??

LJT, I do believe you will get to see us all reach that amazing mark ;)

Dev, hey are you?

AFMed, how are you??

AFM, I have a headache and I am sooooooo sleepy/tired. Has to be from work :( On CD14 today, going in for the progest. test in a week AND made an appointment for my ultrasound!! 4 Feb :)

10 years ago

Luv--that's a good idea! 12 dpo is the perfect time to start. No major plans...lunch with a friend tomorrow and paper writing. You?

10 years ago

Jada--eeks. I hope your schedule gets less demanding soon! Are you doing anything exciting this weekend?

10 years ago

UGH!!! Still here at work...may miss the dinner party we were invited to tonight :( Which I am partly ok with bc my head hurts.

Law, There is a two-star General that is in construction during his day job and is really familiar with the type of home we are building. He is here in AL for military work, but he is going to stop by the house to see the progress as he helped educate us a bit prior to us building. He also plans to take us to lunch, I love food and even MORE when it's FREE :) I also sell Lia Sophia jewelry and I have a home party to do for a friend tomorrow...aside from that I plan to rest and go to the nail shop at some point...what about you?

10 years ago

Thanks all i am feeling a little better now...still have that bloated full feeling but not nauseaus at least!! i will be sure to pass on the hellos.

smh" i think right now they are on an indefinite hold for TTC. They are planning their wedding right now and are planning on doing a destination wedding!! But i will let her know you said hello. Im hoping what i am feeling could all just be hormone related but i guess only time will tell...another week to

10 years ago

I am soooo sorry I have been so busy. Thank goodness it is the weekend. I hope everyone is doing good. I will have to go back to do some catching up!

AFM- I am about 9 dpo, my temp did a dip yesterday but shot back up this morning, so lord only know what is going on. Been temping with the new thermometer for about 6 days now. I compared it to my old one and yea that thermometer was off, so I am going by OPKs for my ovulation instead of temp. I am actually really enjoying my new job, I stay busy which makes the day go by very quickly.

10 years ago

@law- glad to hear you are doing well!

@amag- get well soon!

@luvtowalkfast- I am so excited for you to start testing! I really hope this is your month!

@afmedic- glad to hear the new job is going well.

Afm, I have started my nightshifts. So expecting temps to be even more whacky. I'll probably test when I wake up Monday around noon.... so at 10ish dpo. I also had a few globs of yellow snot like cm. Whatever that means?

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10 years ago

Jada--how nice of him. Where are you going for lunch? I've never heard of Lia Sophia....I did look it up and there's lots of pretty stuff!

Blue--good luck with night shift. that sounds a bit rough. I don't know that I'd be able to do that.

10 years ago

Heya ladies!

JLH I hope you got a good night's sleep! Sucks that you're working so much and you aren't feeling 100% with a headache. You deserve a break today, to quote McDonalds ;) I love Lia Sophia jewelry! I'm not really much of a jewelry person but my SIL used to sell it and I got a few of her freebies. It's fabulous and inexpensive!

lawbride hope your paper writing is going well! I'm not doing anything this weekend, we're supposed to get snow tonight so I will hunker down and enjoy a "staycation" :) How are you feeling? You're probably coming up on the end of the 1st trimester, are you planning on how you'll announce the pregnancy to everyone?

amag how was your dinner with littlebee? Hope you are feeling better with the symptoms and all!

afmedic ooh girl a temp drop and rise in the LP is a good sign! Glad you are enjoying your job :) It's good that when your schedule is crazy that you aren't hating every minute of it!

bluerose your CM sounds awesome! Well, not awesome, but you know :-P Yikes about the night shifts! That must make temping a total trainwreck. At least you are in the TWW already so temping isn't AS critical!

AFM girls night out is cancelled tonight due to bad weather coming. I'm okay with that, since I don't drink alcohol, caffeine, or sugary beverages. I also have completely given up "bar food" so I really wouldn't have much to do if we went out ;)

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv--I've made 0 progress on my paper. This will probably cause some depression in a few weeks if I don't get it together. So, tell me, what will your staycation consist of? I'm 13 weeks tomorrow, so one left in the first trimester. I don't think I'll announce it until I'm like 16-18 weeks (basically once I start showing) but I don't think we'll do anything super elaborate. I was thinking something like this...

10 years ago

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Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation

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