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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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@alex symptoms wise I'm fine nothing really to report I have a headache every now and then and some cramps that concern me but that's about it... I still throw up every morning but because I wake up super hungry and dont immediately eat when my eyes go open lol but really that's all I have... She's moving around a lot now and kicks are super clear SO can feel them... Everyrhing us fine with her and I'm still not showing lol maybe a little but that's it

5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna - So cute! I can imagine a smaller belly can have it's perks too. I got big quite fast with my son and sometimes it was a bit difficult, such as walking down 3 stories to go out with our dogs.

AFM - I'm right in the middle of my two week wait and have started testing. This time I'm not going to feel bad about it at all, which takes all the stress away. As of yesterday I'm in sort of a double two week wait, and this one is actually a lot worse than the regular two week wait. I booked a little rabbit kit (french lop), which will be ready to move in about two weeks time. I've been waiting over four years for another rabbit, so I'm really excited! Even more so than our 6 year old.
Will be keeping my fingers crossed for a lot of bfps! You all ladies in here deserve one!

5 years ago

Hey ladies
I am 18dpo and this is my test. My first checkup is on Friday!

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5 years ago

Hey ladies...hope everyone is doing well.
Congratulations on all those
to everyone in the tww or waiting to O.
Anna you are so adorable with your cute baby bump. Not showing does indeed have its perks.
AFM I’m 10 weeks now. No major symptoms. Tired and a little nausea here and there briefly but doesn’t last long. Everything was fine at first trimester ultrasound. We heard the heartbeat. Did some blood work and doing the NIPT (chromosomal abnormalities) next month.


5 years ago • Edited

Hi ladies! I'm reading in the background! I'm currently 6dpo 6 days post trigger shot. My clinical guard tests are starting to finally get light so hopefully the trigger will be totally gone in a few days. I'm officially testing next Wednesday. This week is soooooo slow! I literally only have enough Progesterone until Wednesday so they said test and if it's faint come in for a blood test and get some Progesterone to get me through a few more days. Feeling a little optimistic as we literally went for it this month and BDd every day from CD6 until after I ovulated. I went away this weekend and still managed a crucial last attempt on Friday afternoon before jumping in the car and heading to my friend's hen weekend.

Why is the TWW so long!!! Lolol xxx

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5 years ago

Got 22 Mo old to bed earlier last night. Got a 10 hr hold for fmu and I believe I have vvvfl +hpt this morning at 9 or 10dpo. Let me know what you guys think. Posted for tweaking too.

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5 years ago

And with two of I have too same fmu

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5 years ago

Hey ladies

Congratulations to everyone with BFP's!!

Everything crossed for all those in tww and with faint lines!

to everyone waiting to O!

AFM I finally got my peak on my digital OPK this morning! I nearly gave up testing this cycle (14 days of high fertility) but I took a cheapie OPK last night and had a pretty strong line. I'm so thankful because my hubby goes away on Sunday for a week
Going to continue to BD over the next 2-3 days at least and then I am officially in the tww again

5 years ago word back from Drs offy. Hcg is 11. Will get another blood test done on Friday. I'd say good for 9dpo.

5 years ago

@pandorica looks like it's getting darker.

@ burkette that is great that got a strong line.

Afm took three different brands this morning and the two brands I used yesterday are getting darker already and did a clearblue plus as well this morning. I'll put photos here shortly.

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5 years ago

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