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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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Morning ladies !! Just read through the posts and so many exciting things happening !!

@scuba I'm so sorry girl I was positive that you were pregnant

@alex I would volunteer as your assistant but it's too far away lol I used to be a dancer (ballet, contemporary, hip hop, did a little jazz and freestyle here and there lol as well as pole dancing)... I hope you find someone suitable !!

@agatch girl I'm heading straight to your gallery after this I so see your baby lines I'm so excited for you !!

AFM: I'm 19 weeks and still not showing lol... Baby girl is moving around a little more now and I cam feel it clearly. I've definitely entered the moody part of pregnancy as I cant deal with some people and my temper is not the best lol... We picked a name it's either gonna be Luna, Lovelle or Luna Lovelle if we cant pick just one lol... Next scan is in August and I'm getting more and more excited and waiting for baby to pop out lol

5 years ago • Post starter

@kait thank you! This is a year for me too and such a roller-coaster of a year! I really hope it happens soon for you.
@Anna Thanks for the comment on my gallery photo! Glad to hear everything is going well for you. 19 weeks: almost half way there! Cute name!! Both of my kids have names that start with an L (not on purpose but I just tend to like those). I'm so happy for you!

5 years ago

@agatch I keep checking your gallery for update tests lol I need to see that line get darker

5 years ago • Post starter

Sam congratulations that’s 2 beautiful lines!

Agatch I’m so happy for you! Praying that those tests will keep getting darker
You both girls are so blessed and lucky!!

Anna Oh you’re exactly what I need! You’re willing and you know about dancing! You’re hired lol
Such beautiful names you picked can’t wait to see your belly to grow!!

Vrosynie Welcome to our little chat!! Hopefully you won’t have to stay long with us and you’ll be getting your bfp soon!!

Kait I’m so sorry to read that you have a lot to go through! Hopefully this will be your lucky cycle!!

AFM I’m 7dpo and nothing really strange! My nipples hurt more that other times but all my other “symptoms” are not unusual! Today was my first day on the beach for the summer (I know I know I’m late to the game) and it felt so nice.. I was thinking how my life would be if I had a baby! Everything would be so different. Every task will be so so much different... I feel like I’ll never know. It’s been so long!
Oh well... let life bring whatever it’s meant to be!

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5 years ago

@Ana you are for sure glowing. you will wake up one morning and you belly would have popped out, I promise. And the kicks won't stop once they start

@Alex enjoy your summer resting.
@Scuba looks like you will be ovulating soon. Keep bd
@Sam stay brave
Welcome to the new people and congrats for the bfp.

AFM not much to ad. Working on reorganizing new house and getting stuff. We are trying the minimalistic approach since we will be looking into buying our own house in a year or so from now. Sex life is fun and i am on day 2 taking provera to bring AF. The all women clinic that I had contacted for an apt won t have one available until Sept 15th which is wayay too far for me. I am looking into another one and hopefully they will get back at me soon. My graduate application for a master program got denied. I have decided to take a break from studies for now. I will get back to it maybe next Spring or Fall. I deserve a break. Break to be the teacher now and hopefully parent of another human. My baby has been extra clingy. I thought that I might be pregnant but I am ot. He is just getting used to new surroundings and just want mommy around. Anyway let's keep the Faith everyone.

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5 years ago

Fingers crossed for all of you!! I really thought this was my month. I had so many symptoms that aren’t typical for me when it comes to AF, but then, she reared her ugly head and today is CD 1...I’m REALLY hoping this will be our cycle after a year and a half of TTC! *baby dust*!!

5 years ago

@kgirl welcome. Fx this cycle will be a good one. Stay positive.

@agatch and @Ana thank you ladies. Yes even my folks and in laws agree that it is time for a break. Focus on us and my job. Yes I can teach because I completed a graduate certificate training program and I took a national exam to be certified. The Master program is mostly for myself and to keep pushing until I have at least one phD. But I'm taking a break for now. I need guidance and counseling for that and it will come to me. I'm giving myself max 1year then I will get back on it.

So something weird happened tonight. I went to pee in the bathroom and I had massive amount of ewcm. DH and I had sex earlier but it was like 6hrs ago and I know the difference in consistencies. This was ???? ewcm. I had not had that for 3-4cycles now. So maybe now that I am less stressed and watching my carbs, my body is starting to self heal. But I'm confused. Am I about to ovulate or gearing for AF. I'm taking Provera so maybe I should stop taking them for now. What do y all think?

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5 years ago • Edited

EWCM is a great sign that your body is ready to conceive again! I don’ Know Provera and what the mechanism of the drug is so I can’t speak to whether you should continue or not but in any case I think this is a great sign for your future cycles!

5 years ago

@Anna: So adorable! With your first it takes longer to show, as has been my experience.

I am back after a taking a TTC break after an incomplete miscarriage a few months back. We got a late start this cycle, so not even going to test as I know we missed my fertile days. AF expected tomorrow. Not even going to take OPKs this time, don't want to stress or obsess this time. Just going to take vitamins and let whatever happens happen. Taking more of a not preventing, not trying approach, I guess?

Congrats to the ladies who have gotten their BFPs since I last logged on!

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5 years ago

2 or 3dpo. Hoping our bd'ing was timed right figure start testing in a few days, have a ton of internet cheapies with the pregmate pack I got and easy@home ones too.

5 years ago

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