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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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Ladies please can you let me know if you think tonight's shadow on my test appears darker than last night and this morning. I'm testing out my trigger and it was barely there this morning. Want to know if I getting my hopes up or if I have line eyes! Top is last night, bottom is tonight xx

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5 years ago

And this was this morning..

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5 years ago

@pandorica looks like it's getting darker!

@scuba looks like your lines are getting darker as well!!

AFM got my hcg levels back today.
7/17 at 12:30 pm (9dpo) was at 11
7/19 at 12:45 pm (11dpo) at 49

They want me to go back on next Friday when I'd be 18dpo to check levels again. Looking good so far though...numbers are quadrupled so far.

5 years ago • Edited

Guess that strip was just a fluke or something, because it's not getting any darker now. It's even lighter. Since this brand doesn't seem to be that reliable, I'm thinking weird evap rather than a chemical. My skin's gotten quite bad since yesterday, which is my regular PMS symptom. So, I think af will arrive in a few days.

5 years ago

@Alex good luck this cycle! I think it will a fluke it was darker last night. This morning looks almost white. I know it's too early to test but this last week is hard!! This is today (bottom test) xx

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5 years ago

Hey ladies i am 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant have already gained 3 stones! Is this normal?

5 years ago

Hey @sam do you mean 3 stone or 3 kg? 3 stone is quite a lot. I don't think I even gained that by the time I had my daughter. Maybe you need to check if you have gestational diabetes which I had but wasn't diagnosed until much later in my pregnancy xx

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5 years ago

Sadly, all other tests after that darker strip has been faint or non existent. So that must have been a fluke. I've started getting cramps too and some pink spotting as well. So I'm getting even more certain that af will be here any day.

5 years ago

@scuba hahahhah sorry i mean kg

5 years ago

@sam every pregnancy is different and weight gain also depends on your weight before you got pregnant. I would just trust that your body knows what it needs but if you are worried you can ask your doctor at your first visit
@scuba It may still be the trigger showing and depending on how diluted your urine is, the line can be slightly darker from one test to the next. If I remember correctly the trigger was still showing at 9 dpo last cycle, right? So you should know more the next few days. I know the wait is so hard! I really hope this is your month!
@Pando sorry to hear AF is on the way. Sending hugs your way!
@Alex thank you. Yay for a new cycle and high hopes of success! Symptoms are mild so far. A little tired. I get mild nausea for a few hours before lunch time most days. I've had a bit of heartburn one evening or two, breast is a little sensitive and a bit bigger but no big change there, and then a bad case of pregnancy brain (which is just a little aggravation of my normal state I guess ...)

5 years ago

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