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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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@agatch - they are seeing me early because of my history of M/C and also because of my age (41) which is considered high risk. Last time they saw me when i was actually even earlier because they go based on LMP and that month i ovulated late around CD19. This time i ovulated on CD13, so using LMP the dates should line up exactly. They actually wanted me to come on 8/2 but i asked for an appointment closer to 6 weeks so there is a chance we actually see something. Last time we only saw the gestational sac which was growing, but then i started bleeding at 7 weeks so it was classified as a blighted ovum. At my age the risk of M/C is about 50% (that's what my RE says) so i'm trying to be cautiously optimistic and not stress too much until we can have that first appointment and know for sure. Thankfully i have progesterone suppositories so i should be able to keep the pregnancy long enough to make sure everything is OK before that first appointment. Meanwhile i'm just doing an HPT every day at home to see the lines getting darker. Don't really have too many symptoms except feeling hot (progesterone), heartburn (progesterone) and very tired (progesterone...). I had a few weird food things earlier in the week but that seems to have settled now.

5 years ago

Well ladies AF still hasn’t shown and neither has my spotting that usually occurs. I have had some weird dreams lately too. My temp spiked up huge last night, but I think I was tossing and turning a good amount since the hubby didn’t sleep well. Took a test this morning and I think I see something!! What do you think? It is super faint if it is truly there!!

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5 years ago

@shay I think I can see a faint something! Fingers crossed for you! xx

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5 years ago

@scuba thanks!! I just have not been feeling the best lately. No matter what I eat or don’t eat I feel so nauseous lately. Heartburn has kicked up seriously the last couple days. I really don’t want to get my hopes up until I see a true positive.

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5 years ago

Good morning ladies hope all is doing well.
@Shay spike temp and food aversions are a good sign. I dont wont to excite you but it sure looks like the start of something wait 2 more days and temp again. Fingers crossed for you all.

Praying for baby number 3!

5 years ago

Update...ok so hcg levels

9dpo - 11
11dpo - 49.8
18dpo - 1481

They said the Dr wants to schedule an u/s next week.

5 years ago

Thanks ladies!!! I am definitely hopeful. I really think the temp spike was from restless sleep but who knows. It is a huge jump so I am a little skeptical.

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5 years ago

@Shay could it be that you just ovulated now?

5 years ago

@agatch I hope not since we haven’t been able to do much baby dancing. Life has been busy and I haven’t been feeling the best. Nauseous and tired for the last few days.

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5 years ago

Shay I can see a faint something! Do you have any other tests (brand) to see if there is a line too?

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5 years ago

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