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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hey ladies!!! I am so sorry I have been MIA the last couple of months!! I have been focusing on getting myself healthy. Plus I have been anovulatory for two cycles in a row. Hoping that changes this cycle!! Went to the doctor and had all of my blood work done and she says everything is almost perfect!! So that is at least good. Hubby and I have just been enjoying ourselves lol not trying but not preventing. I have still been taking my bbt and that is how I know I have been anovulatory even with a shorter cycle last month.

Congrats to all you lovely ladies that have gotten your positives!!! I am so excited for you!! And good luck to all of you still trying!!

Here are the ovulation tests I took the last couple days. What do you ladies think? I feel like I got my surge yesterday!

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5 years ago

Hey beauitful ladies ! We are back at it, finally. Been a rough 6/7 months since my miscarriage back on Christmas. TCurrently I'm on CD 21, not sure when I O'd as I havent been tracking for some time now. I would say about 4-6dpo. but fingers crossed for us this cycle!

5 years ago

@agatch I am so happy for you!! I am sure everything will go great this time!!

I have had some cramping on and off last night and today. That is usually a sign but not always. I am trying to patiently wait for my temps to rise. My temps have been all over the place lately though so we will see what happens. The hubby and I haven't been focusing on it, instead we are just enjoying ourselves. If I ovulated yesterday or today we have pretty good chances I think. We will see though. I am not going to stress over it and focus on it too much though. I am supposed to be going to a brush and cork even for my sisters birthday the 28th so I will have to test by then regardless if AF hasn't shown up by then.

Good Luck Ladies!! I am so happy for those of you who have your positives already!!! Fingers crossed for all of us ladies still waiting!!

5 years ago

@agatch girl yes your test looks good I'm so so happy about it !! And yes morning sickness is a bitch but embrace it, it's a sign that everything is going good !! Uhg I'm so psyched for you lol !!

@shay I think I agree but I'm not completely sure I'd keep testing though

5 years ago • Post starter

@agatch - so happy your tests are getting darker!

As for me, I'm in my tww now. Not sure which dpo though since I'm not tracking in that sense. But I'm guessing around 3-4 dpo going by my ov pain. Even though I'm trying to relax it's still a bit hard to try and ignore that little voice in my head telling me to poas. But if I can make and not test until the 18th, then I'm OK. Because I will take my son and our dogs to visit my mum for around 5 days. So I'll be back home again around 13 dpo. If I haven't spotted by then, I'll definitely take a test. Not expecting it to be anything though.

5 years ago

Weird thing happened yesterday at 3-4dpo. After midnight had some annoying itching going on. Woke up a couple times due to it. Itchy upper leg, knee, neck, head. Was super annoying. Never had that happen past 3 cycles. Anyone else?

Had something like that while pregnant but that was later on. Too early for symptoms yet I'd think being only 4-5 dpo today.

5 years ago

I am so digital OPK has been showing high fertility for 10 days now, I'm still waiting for peak to show. Last cycle (my first cycle using it) I had high fertility for 2 days before it showed peak.

Does anybody have any experience of this and what might be happening?

Just to add a bit of perspective, I think that I had a chemical last cycle but I'm not 100% sure

5 years ago

@burkette I had that happen one cycle. I ended up ovulating a little later than I thought I would. When it shows high fertility it is measuring the estrogen levels and when it shows peak it is measuring the LH levels. Just give it some time.

Well ladies looking at my chart, I think I O’ed on the 10th. Just waiting for temps to confirm but definitely looks like they are going in the right direction!! Here is hoping!!! Our timing seems good this time around too!! Fingers crossed!!!

Oh for those who know about our apartment burning back in January, we are still waiting for it to be rebuilt. Living with my in-laws and working on rebuilding. Everything has been great, we are ready to be back in our own place soon though!! Especially if this is our month!!

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5 years ago

@burkette the cycle I fell pregnant with my daughter I never got a Peak reading. Just high readings but my cheapie showed a surge. Are you using those with the digital? xx

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5 years ago

Seems like a lot of us are in the tww now. I'm 1-2 dpo still waiting for my cross hairs.
@burkette I once had that and ended up that I O'd a week late. I also got a bfp that cycle (ended in chemical tho). Good luck all the ladies in the tww with me!!
@agatch yay!!!!!

5 years ago

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