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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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CD 2 for me. Here is to April 2020


5 years ago

@crams When opk is that code to being positive for me, I usually get a positive one within a few hours and it stays positive for about 12 hours and then I O 24 to 36 hours after the first positive opk I get. I know everyone is a bit different though. I’d say tonight and tomorrow night would be your best bets. Good luck! Hope you catch that egg!
@Lalou stressful times are always hard on relationships but it sounds like you guys are managing things as best as anyone could! I hope things get easier soon for you guys
@Alex I hate those months when PMS starts super early! Have you been drinking any/ more coffee with all the stress and long hours you were working by any chance? That always makes it much worse for me. I hope you feel better soon. And also anything out of the ordinary can be a good sign. My 2nd pregnancy I turned into a crazy witch for a day around 6 dpo (like PMS on steroids) and then was ok and got a BFP at 9 dpo
I’m 7 dpo and nothing to do but wait at this point. Just came back home from our short trip so now the desire to test has gone up a notch already... I’m sure I’ll start testing tomorrow or Monday because i have no will power when it comes to testing and I rarely even try to fight it!

5 years ago • Edited

Got my scan date ladies, not till 23rd so feels ages away, I’m still super ill I’m either vomiting, feel like I’m going to, have a migraine or nauseous when I eat or my best days are when I have it all I’m 11 weeks now and was really hoping it would be wearing off by now. I even wake in the night with it. Hopefully it will have shifted in a couple of weeks. The worse bit is I’m going through all this and struggling to keep anything in me but have gained half a stone !!! How is that possible anyways, good luck ladies who are in your ttw xx

5 years ago

Emma Hang in there girl! At the end you’ll be holding your little one and all of it will be worth it

Lalou I’m glad that you slowly finding your rhythm again! Hopefully everything will get in place soon so you can just focus on one thing! You’re multitasking for so long time! Fingers crossed a bfp will be on your hands soon!

Agatch I don’t wanna get your hopes up but I can see the faint line! Did you picked up the frer? Maybe you should try with that one too?

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5 years ago

Hey ladies
Good luck to everyone ttc!!!
I just took a test at 10dpo and this happened eeeeek!!

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5 years ago

Hi ladies! Trying to catch up. I am in the background reading all your updates

@agatch I can see the faint line! Eeeek! Did you test again today? @sam congratulations! That's a great line for 10dpo.

Afm currently CD8. I'm on Gonal-F injecting every night since CD3 for 10 days. This is my opk which is never this dark on CD8! I have a scan on Friday to look at my follicles and another next Tuesday. So we'll see. We are BDing every day until Friday but I'm away Saturday and Sunday without hubby on a hen weekend then will BD again Monday and Tuesday. I'm hoping I don't miss my window being away and that we do all we can to catch the egg. Literally can only afford one more cycle then back to trying naturally. This is cycle 10 trying for baby no. 2 xx

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5 years ago

@alex I dont have anything to show lol I was still wearing crop tops over the weekend (not the short ones the just below your belly button ones) and you couldn't tell... Girl you're gonna have your baby and soon !! I have so much hope for you, you've got this !! You're strong and I know you wont stop until you have what you deserve

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5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna you look fabulous! The kicks are always fun (at least until the last couple of months...)
@kgirl sorry AF showed up. It’s such a disappointment to feel like something different is happening and then in the end the outcome is negative. I’ve been there so many time that I had to stop thinking anything of any symptom.
@Lalou sorry about the masters program but I think you definitely deserve a break! Can you still teach with your current degree before you start the master?
@Alex thanks babe! Glad you were able to relax a bit on the beach. I know it will happen for you too. Sending lots of baby dust your way and hoping for those supplements to start acting very soon.
I tested again tonight and it is only a hair darker (I think the urine sample was much less diluted than last night). My temp is really stagnating too which worries me a bit. I know there’s nothing to do but wait at this point though.

5 years ago

@Rosie and Crystal welcome back! I hope you both have your rainbow baby soon.
@Shay great to hear from you! It does look like 7/9 may have been your surge. Any other sign of O you can rely on. Fingers crossed for you this cycle!
@ Cram hope this is your month too
My tests seem to be getting darker and I’m experiencing symptoms now. As uncomfortable as morning sickness can be I think I am really going to embrace it this time because it was the one thing that was mild and completely disappeared around 8 weeks when my baby stopped growing back in April. If I don’t feel sick, it’s going to worry me now!

5 years ago

Lol to be honest guys now that I'm pregnant I actually miss the excitement of peeing on a stick and seeing the line progression

5 years ago • Post starter

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