What women are saying

2 days past ovulation

Page 8

Lotsa_Youngs   7 years ago
Been crampy today and when my daughter nurses youch! It hurts!


kbaker_10  7 years ago
Feeling bloated and full. Lots of lower pressure. Super sore chest and nipples.


kbaker_10  7 years ago
Feeling bloated and full. Lots of lower pressure. Super sore chest and nipples.




happymedium  7 years ago
weepy...not good. probably low progesterone.


Averyhogue2002  7 years ago
2dpo with Pelvic cramps and lower back ache and just a little bit nauseous!


HealthyTT  7 years ago
had backache & light cramping from 2DPO on! Pelvic pressure from 5DPO! Got a faint + @9DPO & darker @11DPO :)))


FeliChica92  7 years ago
weird little flutters on right side. almost like a tickle?


Roshelle7877  7 years ago
Pressure in pelvic area. Gassy. So tired


BORI1976  7 years ago
bloated dull lower back cramps, moody, iced coffee craving, blurred vision. thirsty/dry mouth!


ladysyracuse02  7 years ago
dull back and belly pain/ pinches. Warm cramps..


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