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May 2018 Babies

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I didn't see a group for May 2018 babies; so figured I'd jump in a start one!
Let's chat and support each other during this cycle.
I'm currently CD#2; this would be my 2nd cycle of TTC after a 2nd trimester loss in April.

Here's to lots and lots of and for all of us!

And lots and lots of BFP's!!!

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762 Replies • 7 years ago



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Sad news for me. AF came this afternoon.

Sending my best wished to all of you ladies waiting! Baby dust to all.

Will be calling the doctor on Monday to start whatever he tells me. He had mentioned clomid once, not sure if that is what I need since I have been ovulating, it is just that it doesnt stick. After temping for 2 cycles, it seems my progesterone is low due to slow rising temps after ovulating and temperatures falling at 10/11 dpo with spotting.

Will also by a sperm count pharmacy test for DH, just to make sure the problem is not on that side.

This will be our 11th cycle.

Good luck to you all.

7 years ago

@gabiperes- I am so sorry to read that AF got you. I truly hope that whatever the issue is you can get it resolved and you get your baby.

7 years ago

Hello all... new to this community but have enjoyed reading your posts. AF came this morning for me. I cried for a while. This was my first time TTC. I am 36 years old. Never wanted children until i met my now boyfriend. He and I met one year ago through my aunt who lives in Spain. I was 35 and single. She told me she knew the perfect man for me but the only caveat was that he lived in Spain. I said.. "um.. well that doesn't help me any." I met him in person in August of 2016. I was attracted to him but i wouldn't say i loved him. We continued to Skype and message one another. I returned in December of 2016 and i fell in love. I fell in love with him after seeing him with his mother and his family. In April of 2017, he came to the United States and we spent a wonderful week together. After that trip we both decided that we wanted to have a child together. I prepared and went to the OBGYN, started taking vitamins, stopped drinking, started running... Well we were scheduled to vacation in Cuba in August of 2017. My OBGYN said absolutely NOT because of Zika and since we were trying to conceive it was probably not the best idea. He immediately said we will take a mediterranean cruise. In August of 2017 i flew to Spain and we took the cruise. We scheduled it around ovulation. I thought i did everything right. But i knew i had ovulated from my left side. i am a very regular 28 day. Well we did the BBD and i thought for sure this was it. When i woke up this morning and wiped, i immediately started crying when i saw AF. he was so wonderful with me and told me that things happened for a reason and when they are supposed to happen. he also told me that maybe it was best that we do things a different way. Apply for his K1 visa and go from there. So I thought this is not the first time that things have not gone the way i have wanted and in the end have turned out perfectly. So this afternoon, i have started his application for his k1 visa. And for anyone out there who is suspicious of his motives. he does NOT have any need to come to the US. he has a job, friends, hobbies, material things, family. he would be making a great effort and sacrifice by coming here. So we will go ahead with his application and try again in December of 2017. When we met we decided to see one another every 3 months and have. So for all those who saw AF dirty self today. lets stay positive and think that it will happen when it is suppose to happen. sending baby dust to all xoxoxo

7 years ago

@gemstone I live in Ontario Canada. I ovulated on August 17 so I think we're a day apart. I'm going to test tomorrow morning which will be 10 DPO. I know it's possible to be bfn because it's two days before af is supposed to arrive.

So far so good for me, no sign of af. I usually have three to four days of spotting before af arrives and now that it is almost two days before af I'm hopeful! My cervix is high closed but hard. I thought it was supposed to be soft not hard if a person is pregnant so who knows...

My main concern right now is I am peeing a lot and I am always thirsty. I'm worried I might have a bladder infection but I don't have the burning and itching that I have had in the past.

to all and a to those who got their this month!

TTC #1

7 years ago

@dpl... I am 34 and trying to conceive my first too. We are in the same boat there. Also, my husband is from Istanbul so no judgments! I'm sorry about AF but try again and if it doesn't work, just go speak to your doctor and tell them you've been trying. Hopefully you can see a specialist sooner than later just in case you may need some help.

BFP 10/17, MMC - 11/17, IUI#1 - 4/18 BFN, IUI#2 - 5/18 BFN, IVF#1 - 6/18

7 years ago

Hello ladies. Praying for baby dust and healthy babies for all of us!!! Im new here and still learning all the abbreviations and stuff :)

7 years ago

@dpl123 welcome to the group... beautiful love story and don't worry, the ladies in this group are VERY supportive and nothing judgmental.
I am also an immigrant myself (from Brazil) and married a cuban american 7 years ago. I understand why you are worried about people being judmental as many people judged and told my husband I was marrying him for a visa. Even his family. My fingers are crossed so everything goes well with you and your fiancée.

Baby dust to all.

7 years ago

Good morning ladies and welcome to the new members!

@dpl- I have this group of women to be very supportive so I don't think judgement will be an issue. My fiance and I are both from here and our aunts have best friends since they were 3, but I still deal with judgement from my future mother in law as she thinks we have not been together long enough to get married. FYI we have been together 2 years, living together for 1 and at our ages I see nothing wrong with that. I am 32 and trying to conceive my first as well.

@can'twait18- I just joined this month and am still working on the abbreviations as well, don't worry, if you have any questions this group is really good at helping answer them.

@sweetlips- Don't worry about the cervix being hard, from everything I have read it's not uncommon for the cervix to remain low, hard or even open until weeks after a BFP. I have also had the extreme thirst and excessive urination and did not have a bladder infection. Unless you also develop pain, burning or it is dark or has a strong odor I would not worry about that.

7 years ago

Thank you for your kind words. I know that I am being extremely dramatic considering I've only tried one time.there are women here that have tried much longer and G*d bless all of you for being so strong. I guess I am just scared that it will never happen for me because people love to say it's downhill after 35. I hope you all have a great Sunday. Xoxoxo.

7 years ago

@dpl- I know what you mean, this was my first month too and I am still in limbo. Tested negative yesterday but still have not gotten AF. I had a really bad day emotionally yesterday and spent most of the day off and on crying because of the negative. Feeling more optimistic today and have decided that it will happen when it's supposed to, if it turns out that I'm not already. Let yourself be upset but then keep trying.

7 years ago

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