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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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@Noodlebug16 Congratulations!!!!!!!

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4 years ago


AFM I didn’t test this morning. I’ve been cramping like I’m about to start any minute. My nasal issues are starting to go away but another bloody nose this morning. Boobs are swollen but not sore today!

4 years ago

Thank you Kahlan&NatsMomma, Nasake, Brittany and Nasamama, never expected to get a positive on 11dpo, done it as I was getting impatient and felt a bit sick this morning and sore boobs! I had pink spotting 2 days ago - makes sense now I suppose! Super shocked - I hope we will all be preggo buddies xx

Baby dust to all of you xxx

4 years ago

@Noodlebug ! So thrilled for you!

@nasa Aww I'm sorry AF showed up. I prescribe sushi, soft cheeses, and a glass of wine.

@lalou and @Alex I AM ON PINS AND NEEDLES !

Everyone else : may the odds be ever in our favor!

As for me, I'm at cd12 of my 31 day cycle. I'll start opks tomorrow, and expect to O on cd17. We're trying the SMEP method, but altered for my cycle length. I have heard very good things about this method! I had some bloodwork done last week to check all the usual pre conception things, plus vitamin d (which I had been deficient in) and vitamin b12 (which was high, exacerbating my anxiety and mako g me intolerant to prenatal vitamins on pain of panic attacks!) Fingers crossed that with help from my naturopath my b12 is normal so I can start prenatals again - very important for me as I have MTHFR C677T. Also have the dentist for a checkup and clean on Thursday, which is bound to be exciting after not having had a cleaning on YEARS. (I have had a checkup in that time, and was told that my home care is great, I'm not a TOTAL slob I just couldn't afford the checkup and cleaning at the same time ) I know they're going to harp on about my wisdom teeth but I just can't afford to have them out! Dental insurance in Australia really stinks.

4 years ago

Mill It’s too early girl! Don’t get too discouraged just yet! Not reading into symptoms is the best thing to do though since our bodies are literally jerks lol I really can’t wait to see your bfp hun. It’s about time and you so much deserve it!

Emma so happy to see you and read that your baby girl is doing great! You give us motivation to keep going! How are you feeling? Is everything healing smoothly?

K+Nmomma! I knew it!! I had a feeling girl that this will be your month! I’m so happy for you! Congratulations Keep us updated!

Nasake don’t worry girl! We all been there lol creating lines is our specialty in here Do you care to share a pic so we can all create lines together? Lol no but on a serious note I really hope it’s not just line eyes!! Fingers crossed

AFM not much really. Just 2dpo and can’t wait to see the outcome. I’m not planning to test again this cycle. In fact I’m not planning to test ever again unless I’m having too obvious symptoms and of course if I miss
AF. I’m done with the fake lines. Seems they love me and I almost get them every time! So yea.. that’s all with me!

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4 years ago • Post starter

Flamingo hey! Welcome and happy bday to your valentine baby!! How long were you trying last time? I really hope you won’t have to go through this for a long time! Fingers crossed for a November baby!!!

How everyone else is doing? Haven’t seen scuba for a while! Girl how are you?
Lalou Any updates? Have you tested?
Nasake? Do we have a line?

AFM oh boy! I saw this dream last night where I was pregnant around 20weeks and I was soooo extremely happy! I was showing everyone my bump and I was so grateful for having a healthy pregnancy. It was so cruel to wake up really. I still can feel the heaviness of my belly

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4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

So sorry to read about the insensitivity people are having to put up with from family, etc!

Nasake, I had a similar experience with my miscarriage - people are just uneducated. My Grandmother in law said to me "what did you do? Did you lift something heavy?" ????????‍?? People mean well... Most of the time.. But daaang they can be hurtful! Isn't it nice to imagine our angel babies playing in Heaven though?

Try to keep your chin up Alex, it hurts my heart to see you so down! I want this for you so badly! I know it can happen. My Husbands cousin struggled with infertility for over eight years, and only finally got pregnant after a Novena to Saint Philomena, and a promise to the Saint to go on a pilgrimage in her honor! No ivf or iui etc. Our whole family is very devout traditional Catholic (think Latin Mass, Chapel Veils, Rosary beads etc) so ivf and such don't align with our beliefs. Miracles do happen! Pray!

Lalou, it ain't over yet! I hope this is your month! It's so hard watching people around you have baby after baby when you want another but are struggling. I felt very down the whole time we're we're TTA for my mental health. My BIL and SIL in the meantime had two more, and would tease Andy and I about having another. They'd say we have no idea how hard it is with more than one, essentially hint at us being selfish and choosing the easy life. NGL I have wanted to smack them over these comments at times.

K&N I'm just so so soooo happy for you and your sticky bean! Keep us posted. You remind me so much of one of my brothers best friends growing up that I swear when I see your dp you feel like family! You also have the same warm heart.

AFM, I'm 3dpo! This will put me at 12dpo on my birthday, so I'll wait to test until then. Hoping for the best birthday present ever! I think my follicular phase shortened because I stopped taking vitex this cycle (I had been using it to lengthen my luteal phase, but stopped because my follicular phase was longer and my periods were getting too light) I'm taking maca, garlic oil (because I'm trying to ward off any sicknesses) cranberry (to prevent uti), a probiotic (post antibiotic course), and just started a prenatal at 1dpo. All of my bloodwork came back great, and the dentist went great too. No urgent need for the wisdom teeth to come out, and no cavities! The only thing that's bugging/worrying me at this point is [TMI] some pelvic pain. I don't know if it's because we have literally not dtd during ovulation for three years (since our son was born) and maybe now I'm just very sensitive during my fertile phase, or if it was simply the fact that it was way more activity than usual, but I'm just very achy and uncomfortable! I'm going to try to get back into my routines and keep busy around the house (I love the Flylady system!) and I think I'll try to plan out some fun stuff to distract me too. I've been wanting to go to a movie for ages!

Good luck to us all!

4 years ago

My heart is breaking for you Alex, and all of you trying to get your bfps. I know the feeling all too well and being pregnant now feels amazing, but still very heartbreaking for those that struggle as you never forget that feeling. Stay strong ladies, your bfps are en route, they may just be taking the detour xxxx

4 years ago

@Alexplpl I had sharp shooting pain on my right side starting right after ovulation and continuing through about a few days ago. I did have an ultrasound 2 days before I got my BFP and they found a cyst on my right side. Last week it started happening on my left side, i called the Dr and they brought me in a for another ultrasound to make sure i wasn't having an ectopic pregnancy. They were able to see the gestational sac which looked to be on my left side and she said the pains were most likely due to everything stretching.

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4 years ago

@alex I’m doing ok, sore boobs especially my nipples and the exhaustion is real! I have had no morning sickness or good aversions yet which I am completely embracing as I know when I got to 6 weeks with my son I was hospitalised with HG. My sister had a baby 4 days ago and I was birth partner along with her OH and it was a traumatic but amazing experience - I didn’t see the actual labour as it ended in theatre with ventouse as did her first child’s labour so I’m still yet to tick off watching a child be born on my bucket list.

Love & Hugs xx

4 years ago

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