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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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@E I understand the dire money situation. Every cent count? When will your test?

@Flamingo how is it going mama? I was wondering how many days we are apart?

@Dragonfly what a scary situation. I really thank you for your service and sacrifice. Your life is at risk everyday. Please be careful. I have also heard of the 2nd strain and things getting even worse.

@Alex I'm here for you. New cycle, new hope don't give up.

AFM more prayers ...that is all I can say. They are deploying the National guards and not letting people from NY in here because it is way worse there. First 2 deaths too and more and more sick people. Breasts are heavy. A bit if nausea in the morning and fatigue. I have decided to stop testing. I am putting complete faith in God that this baby is real and pregnancy will be safe and baby healthy. DH and I think that we are having a girl. The nickname is seahorse. My parents know. Will tell his folks on Monday once blood tests confirmation and rest of both families and friends at 13 weeks like we did with 1st. My pregnancy then was high risk. I believe in miracles and praying for all the Mama's e ttc and expecting.

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4 years ago

Thank you @Alex. May this cycle brings you the perfect and healthiest pregnancy.

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4 years ago

I’m so happy for you Lalou and Flamingo! Praying for your happy and healthy 9 months!

Praying for everyone getting ready to test, and for everyone starting their new cycle for BFP’s!

AFM- received the news of my MMC at my scan this past Tuesday. Have taken the medication to begin miscarriage twice, but nothing happened. I have an appt. tomorrow to discuss next steps. I’m hoping to try the medication one more time, or to just wait for it to happen naturally over the D&C. I’m nervous to see what my Dr’s suggestion will be. I am eager to complete this process and begin the process and renewed hope of ttc again. I’m so ready for this third and final babe. Trying hard to focus on the hope the future brings, rather than the heartbreak and pain of carrying my lifeless baby and waiting for the inevitable loss.

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4 years ago

@Dragonfly- I hope you can work from soon! If your job can be done from home you should be there. My tests are getting darker! I’ll probably be done testing tomorrow as that will make a week. My symptoms were similar to last time, cramps every day that were mild and short and fatigue.

@Alex - I’m sorry to see you are on CD1. I’ll be keeping track of you and praying for your miricle babe.

@lalou- We must be super close in days! I’m guessing I ovulated around March 13th or 14th but can’t be sure. I think an ultrasound in a few weeks will help get a more accurate due date then my LMP. Good luck with the blood tests!

@K+N’smama - I’’m devastated that you are going through this. I hope you get some resolution soon.

4 years ago • Edited

Hello ladies

@K+N like Alex said there is no word. No one should go through what you are going through. I m praying that the meds will work soon and, you can properly mourn your baby and start healing spiritually and physically.

@E I completed understand wanting to wait. It s a good call. Sorry about the financial situation. I look at this crisis as the signs in Egypt with Moses. The world has become so evil especially towards children: slavery, abduction, torture, prostitution, murdering. And also as an African and catholic, I too believe that not only we have maddened our ancestors' spirits but also all that evil not only towards human but animals and nature, is what we are enduring now. Let's keep our faith in God and keep on praying even harder.

@dragonfly fingers crossed

@Alex stay brave

@Flamingo I ovulated between March 14-16 so yes we will probably have edd. How exciting!! We are both in our 30s and 2nd baby. Have you had blood tests yet?

AFM going tomorrow at 6:30 AM with protective gear at the clinic for blood tests. Boobs are itching and seem bigger. I seem to have more appetite but also mild nausea in the morning. Trying to drink more to lessen headaches. I'm also trying to catch up on my master classes and online teaching resume tomorrow. I'm trying to rest as much as I can too. I'm just so tired all the time now.

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4 years ago

Hi ladies! Miss you all so much. I’m so excited to see al of these BFPs!! How wonderful and all my love, support and prayers for those still waiting for your BFP!

My due date is Friday. Going in Wednesday night to start induction due to AMA. Physically everything is fine. Baby girl is perfect and I have minimal discomfort. I could stay pregnant forever I think if I didn’t have to pee every hour....

Emotionally I’m a wreck. DH lost his job, we cannot afford our bills. Unemployment will help as long as it lasts. I’m freaked out about the virus and getting sick. We have banished all friends and family from the house including my step kids. My parents won’t meet their grand daughter for who knows how long. We are walking into a hot bed of disease on Wednesday for our induction. We live in a major city with a growing number of cases and hospital workers rationing ppe. I don’t know how all three of us can possibly come out of there uninfected. I begged DH to stay home and stay healthy and let me labor on my own. He refused. I thought it would be good for at least one of us to stay healthy. I can’t sleep from the anxiety. Our future is so uncertain. This is the second time DH lost his job since we have been married. Last time it took 8 months to find another job, and he took a pay cut (completely drained our savings). Now who knows if anyone will be hiring and when. We have only built savings back up to half of where it was before we drained it last time. What if I come back from maternity leave and there is no company or job for me to go back to? We will lose everything and I won’t be able to give my daughter everything she deserves. What if one of us gets sick she dies?

There is only so much comfort I can get from prayer in times like these. I hope you all are staying stronger than me. My love you to all.

4 years ago

E I really hope we’ll see this BSP of yours in a few days! Also wishing all the best for your husband and his job!
Actually I’m wishing for everyone in here and in the world all the best with the hope that this too will pass and we will get out of it better, wiser, stronger and healthy!

Flamingo thank you girl! How are you doing? How are you symptom wise?

Lalou please be careful mama when you go outside! keep us updated and hopefully we will see those numbers going up and up! Take it easy and don’t stress out too much

Agatch thank you babe! We missed you! Hope you and your family staying safe and healthy!

Lissa I’m so sorry you feeling so stressed! we are all experiencing one of the most stressful, difficult and with the biggest uncertainty days of all times. Growing up I don’t remember anything like this happen before globally! I am praying for you, your husband and your little baby. Hopefully all governments will take action and take care of people. Try to stay calm for the sake of your baby and try to keep the faith! I know there’s not much to say and I know if I were in your position right now I would have the same anxiety but I’m sure hospitals are doing their best to protect all newborns. I know here in Greece since the pandemic no newborn been infected.

Ladies I know that at this times the only thing we can do is pray and be kind to one another! Try to stay safe, practice social distancing and keep yourself busy!
We’re all on the same boat..
much love to all

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4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Awww lisa. I am so sorry that you are going through with this. I understand your point of the view and your husband's too. Give birth is hard enough. I can t imagine doing it alone. But then , the risk of infection is even greater. It is such a dilemma. I keep your family and you in my prayers. God will protect you. I know there is only so much we can say, but we are all here for you. Stay safe , pray , have faith , you will be alright. Make sure you take slow deep breath and squat as much as you can.

Everyone else thank you so much for the support. Thank you @agatch. Waiting for E bfp and the others as well. Btw I am not going anywhere. I will be here cheering you all on. I got 111 on blood tests today. And going back on Wednesday for 2nd beta because I did iui. Since I have Hashimoto And PCOS ,Doc is upping my meds. But it is all worth it. DH and I believe that we are having a girl. We will only share with both sets of parents until 13 weeks for rest of families and friends. I am especially happy for my boy. He will finally have a sibling. My DH is an only child and some time it is hard for him when I am with all my siblings (we are 6) and between us 13 children with 3 more on the way this year. I was extra careful and still am. Things are not looking good in my State. The number of covid cases have doubled overnight. We are almost 500 cases and 4 death. Stay safe everyone.

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4 years ago

E. All those symptoms sounds promising and hope you get your BFP soon.

AFM. Cycle day 1. AF showed her ugly head this morning (2 days early). I was holding on to hope as I was eating peanut butter again (earlier it made me gag to even smell it, and I devoured a piece of my daughter's chocolate birthday cake (I don't eat sweets) last night. So, my husband surprised me when we DTD on CD12 with possible ovulation on CD15 but I am thinking I ovulated on either CD16/17. We DTD on CD16 but he pulled out . With my last pregnancy, I used progesterone cream this cycle as it helped me the last time to conceive my DS; but it didn't. I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was a BFN. Please note that I did use an expired test and I know that using expired tests may lead to either a false negative or a false positive but I have 4 FRERs and I didn't want to use them if I wasn't pregnant. I was planning on taking Maca capsules to see if that helps to regulate my cycles and temps as it worked wonders the last time. I still have one full tube of progesterone cream and I am thinking of ordering more in case I do get pregnant. I'm not even sad as my temps are very erradic since the birth of my DS a year and a half ago. With everything that's going on (COVID-19, and living in a small 2 bedroom house) that we should wait until everything settles down and we find a house. However, if my husband surprises me again then I will start the process over but not until I have more cream. Good luck and baby dust to everyone. #staysafe

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4 years ago • Edited

Couldn't help myself - had to test today. 12dpo : BFN But of course it's still early, and it could be a false negative I really don't think so though. Why do I do it to myself?! Why did I have to get my bfp with my son at 10 dpo! I don't think this is my month. All in God's time.

4 years ago

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