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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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Southern - I've tried a few supplements and unfortunately most of them have delayed my ov. I've tried maca, borage oil, roseroot, primrose oil.

I've decided to buy some supplements that also contains selenium. So far I have mostly used vitamin B, C and D and folic acid. This time I ordered Conceive plus. The cost will be approximately the same either way, but this contains so much more vitamins and minerals. I also ordered some sperm test to check the motility of my husbands little swimmers. We've talked about contacting a private clinic specializing in fertility and IVF. We're not interested in IVF or something like that, mostly just to check if there's anything that can be corrected. I think I'll contact them after the holidays to see if or when we could get an appointment.

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3 years ago

Hello ladies! I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA but I had some family issues that was keeping me busy. I hope you’re all well and strong. I’m somewhere 1-2dpo, I really don’t know and I’m not expecting much this cycle either. Probably I ovulated from my wrong side and my BDing wasn’t very on point.

Good luck to anyone waiting to test in the next few days! All my love and support to anyone who AF got them and all positive vibes to the ladies waiting to ovulate! We got this girls!!

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3 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Pandorica: I opted to just have hubby take a regular multi-vitamin and see where nature takes us. It can't hurt to go in and see if there's anything going on. And if there is, I hope it's something that can be fixed or at least worked with/around.

Alex: busy can be good as long as you got some BDing in around the right time. Hopefully you didn't ovulate on the wrong side. I am on cd5 now and probably gonna O after Christmas. Which means sexy Christmas time but no champagne on new years eve. Not that I make it long enough to stay up til midnight to ring the new year in anyway. But I do enjoy mimosas on new years morning lol! Oh well!

3 years ago

Southern: I think that's a wise move to stick to multi-vitamins. That's what we're doing too right now. We both got checked in 2012 after ttc for a year and nothing major wrong then. But at that time I didn't have thyroid issues or fibromyalgia.. So it could very well be that the thyroid that's preventing us from getting our bfp. I don't think there's anything major wrong that can't be corrected since I always have had a regular cycle. No issues with PCO or anything like that in my family. My mum and little sister have endometriosis though. But my syster have always had very painful periods and my mom had like super heavy periods (she did a hysterectomy a few years ago because of that). But I have never had a painful period nor a heavy one, so I don't think I have it.

Even if it doesn't seem to be working for us right now, I'm at least super thankful that my husband is on the same page as me about doing some checks.

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3 years ago

Pandorica: as far as I know I don't have issues. Just waiting for my body to adjust to coming off birth control is a pain. I was always regular before birth control. My guess is being on it so long my body needs extra time to readjust. I dunno if I'm mouth breathing or what but my temp has been all over the place so far. Very rocky. I even have my alarm set for a specific time. They're all a lot higher than I would expect from pre-O temps. I'm wondering if switching my temping method from mouth to vaginal would be better since I'm so early in my cycle. Would I still get an accurate temp picture?

3 years ago

Alex, I’m glad to hear from you!
Pandorica, I’m sorry for your struggles. :( It is really great though that you and your husband are working together.
Southern, I’m not sure about the temps either. That’s why I haven’t started them.... I don’t know much about it and I have a feeling I’d be doing the same thing as you. Being confused and looking at wonky temps wondering what they mean.
9dpo today, and I did take a test and so I could squint at nothing for a good five minutes. Still have sore boobs, and they feel enormous, but fine other than that. Still just wanting the week to be over and done with. And when did birthdays stop being fun? Not looking forward to that number change...

3 years ago

Vintage: I don't usually have temps bouncing around so much. I temped when ttc for my first and didn't have any issues. I just always did it orally. I guess I'll just see what happens and hope for the best. My fertile window is coming up soon. So we shall see!

3 years ago

Cd5 for me. I picked up some prenatal vitamins and have been taking them. We will see what happens this cycle.

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3 years ago

Southern: I guess it depends on how far along in your cycle you are. If you're only a few days in I don't think it matters. But if you're close to expected O, I would wait 'til next cycle. I've thought about temping vaginally, but never tried it. But for me I don't think it would work very good anymore since I wake up too much during the night. If the tempdrop wasn't so expensive, I would love to try it!

vintage: Yeah, it feels really good to be on the same page and know I always have his support. Even though he probably wouldn't agree with the POAS.

I am approx 13-14 dpo today and are just waiting for af to arrive. I have som slight spotting today, so I expect her to be here tonight or tomorrow. This time we'll probably have a much better chance of getting some more bd in since I only have 3 work days left before I have almost 3 weeks vacation. It's going to be so nice to just be home with my family.

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3 years ago

Pandorica: I'm gonna see what happens this cycle. Maybe a little Christmas magic will happen since I ovulate close to Xmas.

3 years ago

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