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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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Alex - My LP are usually 14 days, but sometimes it's 12 days.

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3 years ago

Southern you’re too close of knowing even though I know that feels so far away! Hopefully we’ll cheer for you in a couple of days! You got this!

Vintage Don’t lose your hope hun. It’s too early and too soon. After all you gotta give time to yourself to check how your body is working after so long time. I’m still very positive that your O day is around the corner. Personally I never get a positive or anything near to a stronger line unless it is the exact day of my ovulation. It’s kinda uncommon but I was using opks for two years religiously and it was always like that.
Always remember to give time to yourself since stress is only causing the opposite results! God luck!

Pandorica hopefully the tww will run fast! How you feeling any updates?

AFM not much. AF came as normal yesterday morning.

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3 years ago • Post starter

Alex, I’m sorry to hear that. :/ I really appreciate your feedback and encouragement though.
Southern, let us know! Hoping for two lines!! ????????????
I did finally get a positive OPK today!! I took another test yesterday afternoon and it was still negative but I noticed the line was darker when I ejected the test, so I was hopeful- and finally got a smiley face today! I’m hoping we can make timing work for us this weekend!

3 years ago

Im about 3dpo amd I feel like a freight train plowed into me. Woke up with a major migraine. Also feeling nauseated and super warm.

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3 years ago

Alex - So sorry AF got you again.. I'm 7 dpo today and are feeling quite ok. A bit tired, but that's unfortunately completely normal for me and aren't TTC related. I have started taking the med I got side effects from, but a slightly lower dosage and so far no side effects what so ever! Too bad that I have to stop them completely if/when pregnant. I have no tww symptoms what so ever, which is nice for a change.

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3 years ago

Alex: a friend who is also in the TWW with me thinks I may get a bfp. Today's test was negative but she seems to think my symptoms are promising. Symptom spotting: yesterday and today I have to pee ridiculous amounts even though I'm not drinking more than usual. Even though I go, I still kinda feel like I have a full bladder. No UTI (I would absolutely know the difference lol). I swear I went pee and 15 minutes later after zero liquid I had to go again. I am sooooo tired today. I actually laid down at like noon to nap which isn't like me even on only 4 hours of sleep. I usually get 7-8 and got 7.5 last night of good quality sleep according to my body and my fitbit. I'm soooo bloated. I ate at 4 and an hour later felt like my stomach was empty ans a little...not nauseous but kinda an unsettled stomach? All I know is it is the same way my stomach felt the day before full on morning sickness hit in my first pregnancy (and it never stopped the whole 9 months). My hubby says my breasts feel firmer and I agree. Had a morning of cramps yesterday so... Maybe? But my friend seems to think it sounds promising. But I don't remember having any of this in the tww with my daughter. Especially not the peeing. I didn't pee all the time when I was pregnant.

3 years ago

Vintage I was almost certain that you would get your positive opk today! I’m glad that you did and now you can feel more positive! Hopefully you won’t need a second cycle!

Hberry Aw hun! You’re on the beginning of the dreadful tww. Hopefully it will pass fast and who knows? We may see your bfp this cycle. I remember you said the BDing timing was good this time! Try to keep yourself busy since you are getting either way a tin of similar with pregnancy symptoms each cycle and try not to symptom spot! I’m having everything crossed for you!

Pandorica so glad that the owner dosage is not giving you side effects. I noticed that on my self when I started metformin. For the first couple of months and until my dosage was stabilized, the side effects was horrible. Now I’m taking them and I have not a single side effects. Hopefully you will get used to it and you’ll be able to slowly up the dosage. Isn’t there any similar med you can’t take when pregnant?

Southern even though I’ve never been pregnant in my life, I’m in here way too long and I’ve read A TON of success stories. What I’ve learned is no matter how many times you’ve been pregnant before, each pregnancy is unique and might be totally different from the previous ones. Symptom spotting is also one of the things we should avoid since our bodies are preparing for pregnancy either way after ovulation. Symptoms can be identical to pregnancy even if not pregnant. I really hope in your case to be proven as pregnancy related, which I highly believe too! I’m excited for you!!

AFM I’m really not expecting much any more. I’m just staying in here out of habit. I don’t believe that I’m able to get pregnant and since we’re not interested in IUI or IVF chances of me getting pregnant after all this years of trying, correct timing and meds are really very low. I’m going to be 38 in December 28th and this by itself is very bad. I’m old and my body is already too tired... No matter how bad you want something, God sometimes has different plans for you and that is totally acceptable.. Only time will show!

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3 years ago • Post starter

Southern, I’m really hoping that you get your BFP today!
Alex, thank you! Today it was back to being negative, which was a little discouraging but I’m still happy I got a positive result. My partner ended up working late last night and we weren’t able to get in a BD, so I’m hoping tonight is still a good time. As much as I told myself this was just for information so I can start getting in turn with my body again, it’s really difficult to not want to act immediately on the information I’m getting. My plan was to figure things out so by January I’d have a pretty good idea of timing. It wouldn’t be a bad thing, considering how things are going in the US right now, but.... hard to stop yourself from wanting everything to happen as quickly as possible.

3 years ago

Alex- I will be busy with working to keep me busy. Yesterday was horrible as I couldn't keep anything down until right before bed. I felt super warm all day but when I took my temp I wasn't running a fever at all. Today I still feel warm but I don't feel sick at all. Last time I felt as sick as I did was when I was pregnant with my soon to be 9 yr old son.

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3 years ago • Edited

Vintage: I tested and I swore for a split second I saw something. But you can't see it in the photo I don't think. I've never before had an indent, not even when I tried for my daughter. Not on any test. Never got lines on cheap blue dye ones everyone complains about either. Ever. None of my tests this week have shown anything. I feel like I'm going crazy lol! I added my photo and it's also uploaded to the site to see if tools can show it.

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3 years ago

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