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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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@E thank you yes I will be careful. Maybe your baby snuggly is an early pregnancy sign too. Baby boy snuggles a lot on me these days and my mum told me that siblings do that sometimes. It s almost like they can sense (intuition?) That there is rivalry on the way. Anyway whether it is truth or not, I am crossing toes and fingers for you.

@Dragonfly I am so sad to hear that but I like your positive attitude. None of my business but why is your DH pulling out? Are you not actively ttc? Or does he not want another right away?

AFM I am more and more exhausted. Yawning at 2PM. Busy being a teacher and student for my Master classes. It is tough but I have to do this. If I feel like it is too much, I will take a break from classes. We will see next Fall how things will go. Tomorrow 2nd beta. I am a bit worried but I will be extra careful. Mask and gloves and not touching anything. Continue hand washed and /or sanitize. Will report tomorrow. Until then, stay safe and please pray. I saw a video of italians yesterday kneeling , praying for God s forgiveness so that he can save us from this disease. I think e should all do like them.

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4 years ago

@lalou. It's alright as I don't mind sharing a bit of me. We are not actively trying because my husband wants to wait a few years until his OAP (Old Age Pension) kicks in. However, we are also "if it happens; it happens" as I will be done after that; 3 tops it. That's why I was shocked when we DTD so close to ovulation and didn't pull out. I thought to myself, even sitting on the fence that my husband did his part and I did my part. The rest is up to God. If I conceived this time; my EDD would be December 10; one day before my daddys birthday. On to the next cycle and see what happens.

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4 years ago

E Hopefully your symptoms are pregnancy related and we’ll see your bfp in a few days! I’m sorry to see that people are getting fired at this times but happy at the same time that your DH still has his job! Here in Greece business owners cannot fire any of employees during the pandemic. The government is promising that they will help owners and employees as well. We shall see

Dragonfly so sorry AF came especially for you that your ttc journey this time is not constant from both of you! Hopefully this cycle will give you a beautiful surprise!
Did you experience difficulties in getting pregnant previously? Sorry for asking but I wasn’t following you before!

Lalou take it slow mama and please please be careful when you goin out!! I know it’s necessary for you but it’s such a difficult time right now!!

AFM Today is our 9year anniversary with hubby and even though we cannot go somewhere to celebrate I’m so grateful I have him especially at this times! I really thought we would have a baby by now but I guess it wasn’t mean to be... This cycle is the last one that we could possibly have a 2020 baby and hubby wanted this so much...
CD5 today and last one for AF. I ovulate quite early usually so in 2 days from now I’ll be jumping on the BDing train! Hubby said we will make a lot of babies this month now we are well rested lol yeah right... I wish

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4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

@Alex. No worries. I don't mind sharing my story. Just wanted to say Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. When my husband and I started trying for our first, I was brand new to the TTC board so I went online and purchased "Conceive Easy" as we tried for a few months and were not successful. I started taking the vitamines and on the third month I got pregnant as I remember that as I just opened the third bottle. I knew something was different as i couldn't lay down on my stomach and cramping lots. March 29/16 our daughter was born. Fast forward to a couple years when we started trying for our second, my cycles were all over the place. Was spotting before my period, which I never did my whole life. Did some Googling and that it was a possible sign of having a short luteal phase so I thought why not; worst can happen is that it doesn't work. I took Maca for the first time to see if that will help balance it out and then got projesterone cream and got pregnant that month. This time, I knew as i had heartburn and I could smell when our daughter pooped even being in the kitchen. This pregnancy took a toll on me as certain things happened that didn't happen in my first pregnancy so my anxiety was always high. Our son was born on my brother's birthday (Oct 19/18). I would like to have 3 kids and then be done but I will settle for one of each should things don't work out.

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4 years ago • Edited

Lalou Sending belated birthday wishes for your mom! You’re so blessed indeed having both your parents and be able to give them the present of being grandparents!! Here is the 26th day of our lockdown and yesterday I read that it will be till the 27th (for now). I’m very worried that I won’t be able to keep my business expenses are running and we’re not receiving..Personally I don’t feel blessed at all to witness this pandemic. I feel terrified. I live in a country that we had the worst economic crisis the last 10 years and we just got slightly better and now that....

Dragonfly I hope too that your hubby will surprise you earlier than August! But till then enjoy your beautiful family! Time flies fast and you both will be on the same page soon! Till then, you never know!!!! Hoping for your bfp sooner!!!
Don’t worry your mind if you had a CP.. you will never know anyways! Focus on now and on the future. It won’t bring you any results, just more stress and we don’t need that!

Nasa welcome back hun! Having my fingers crossed that your spotting was pregnancy related! I was locked in due to the pandemic on my last cycles tww and I will be in this cycle too. I found it easier to occupy my self trying to build a schedule for everyday chores inside the house and of course a daily workout. It really worked for me. Now my house in neat and even though my diet is a mess since I’m bored eating, I feel good that I’m still keeping in shape and active!

E I’m so sorry AF got you! Hopefully you’re entering a successful cycle! Really hope your chiropractic adjustment to help this time! Take it easy on yourself.. It only needs one time!!

Punk welcome back again! I’m not in the tww yet but I was in quarantine in my latest.. I think we all gonna be here for a while! Try to stay occupied and hopefully in few days we will see your bfp. Are you planning to test before af is due?

Mill having everything crossed for you babe! It’s about time to celebrate for you!! I have a feeling that you’re not far from your miracle!!!

AFM Not much. Mostly what I already said above.. I’m on my fertile days waiting for O and we are already started the BDing.. It’s easy being at home all day lol
My mood and my anxiety though is not on its best and I know that’s not good. I try to meditate after my daily workout but it’s not always workI got.. This cycle it’s our last try to have a 2020 baby. Hubby really wanted that... I don’t think is happening though..

Hopefully everyone is safe and calm! Sending all my love

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4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Lalou yes the government made some plans but tbh is not enough to help some business owners to keep going. Living during an economic crisis was already hard enough just to keep paying the necessary expenses so taking a loan after the quarantine, when ppl won’t have money to spent on dance lessons it won’t help at all... it will add to the depts.. I really don’t know what to do and what decisions to take.
It’s so difficult for everyone and there are already people that cannot feed their families.
I’m praying everyday for everyone to be healthy and safe!

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4 years ago • Post starter

Emma so glad to see you! How are you? How’s the family and the new baby girl? Hope you all are safe and healthy! I’m happy to see that you’re not forgetting us sending my best wishes

Dragonfly hopefully you’ll ovulate sooner than expected and maybe your hubby’s swimmers will be there when the diva (the egg lol) arrives!!
I have one blocked Fallopian tube so I’m more hopeful when I’m ovulating on my left side, the “good” one. This cycle I feel the o pain on blocked side the “wrong” one so yea... not very hopeful!

Nasa I really hope this is IB and we’ll see a squinter from you tomorrow!! Crossing fingers

Punk that would be actually pretty amazing... I’m always thinking wth? We’re in 2020 and they cannot find a way for us to know sooner? This is so exhausting truly! Hopefully time will pass quickly!

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4 years ago • Post starter

@ alex I really think some cycles we have a stronger ovulation with better hormonal levels etc. Some months I am so much warmer than others. Thats a huge sign of good ovulation for me. Also pregnancy. When I got preggo with my daughter, I wasnt even teying or tracking. The only thing I remember is working and taking my temp wandering why I was running low fever and I wasn't feeling sick, just hot. So after O and I start getting super warm i know my progesterone levels are higher.


4 years ago

Punk aw girl thank you but unfortunately being strong and positive is the only thing I can do. I’m not of course always this strong.. I have my days but I strongly believe in the good energy that we give and receive in return. I know that giving all my love to ppl that are going through what I am dealing with is what I can do at this moment. No one deserves to struggle to have a family and letting my disappointment make me bitter isn’t gonna do me any good. I’ve received so much support in here and all the good energy I’m getting from you all gives me strength to keep going. I don’t have anything else left!
With that said I have a strong feeling that your bfp is around the corner. Metallic taste in mouth is one symptom that many pregnant ladies had at the beginning and I never heard anyone not pregnant to experience this except for the times it was a placebo symptom. Have you heard before having it that this is a pregnancy symptom?

Dragonfly go catch that egg girl! I really hope your hubby will give you a pleasant surprise

AFM I’m 5dpo and I know that I said it before but my boobs are really killing me. I’m not very sure if I had them ever hurt so much and I’m also getting very often shooting pains around my nipples without touching them. I also got up this morning with my normal dull cramps and really nothing else. I cannot describe how badly I want to be pregnant this cycle.. I don’t know why but I really wanted a 2020 baby and with the possibility to have it on my bday is such a good vibe for me. It’s like the present I was waiting for all those years.
I’m not hyping up my self though... I cannot really be delusional and I know where I’m standing at.. I know that at this point is almost impossible for me to have a baby but I said it before.. I don’t have anything else to hope for so.....

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4 years ago • Post starter

Dragonfly I would use the cream anyways! You just never know. Unplanned and surprise pregnancies also happen to ppl who used the pulled out method I know that this don’t sound fair for your hubby but I’m on your side here! I know how it feels to want a baby... you just cannot miss a cycle! Fingers crossed hun

Bug so glad to see you love! You know that I’m rooting so hard for you! You totally deserve this baby and I really hope this will be your time

Punk can’t wait to see what is gonna happen! I have such a strong feeling that you might be pregnant! I have everything crossed

AFM I’m still feeling the same. Extreme boob pain, mild cramps and that’s about it. 7dpo today and my temps never been this high before! I’m praying this is a good sign even though I know ovulating from my bad side isn’t something good to start with.. as I always say anyways, hope dies last

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4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

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