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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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I will be jumping back on the ttc train soon! Praying for all you lovely ladies in you TWW!

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4 years ago

Omg lalou I see it I knew it!!! I can’t wait to see it getting darker! I’m having all my faith in you!

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4 years ago • Post starter

Thank you so much Alex. I told DH and I guess he want to see progression and blood test before getting excited. I also just took Frer. See pic below

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4 years ago

Aw Lalou!!! That’s a beautiful positive mama! I’m almost in tears! You so much deserve it after all this time trying! Stick baby stick
How do you feel symptom wise?

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4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Alex thank you! I am trying my best to relax and not stress. I know things will be fine. I really pray everything will start calming down for you guys so you can start getting back to work and life! I am still holding on to hope for you! You deserve that positive more than anyone!!

Lalou yay!!! I am so excited for you!!! Praying you have a sticky little bean!! I can’t wait to see that line get darker!!

AFM: my appointment went well today. Was only about 15 minutes long. No ultrasound just the Doppler to hear the heart beat. It was my first time hearing the heartbeat!! I was so sad my hubby couldn’t be there to hear it too! And of course I forgot to record it until after we were done. They are scheduling the 20 week anatomy scan though for early to middle of May. Can’t wait till then!! Just have to stay calm and breath to get through everything right now. Thankful for family and friends that keep us sane! Been going for walks with my mom since we have a lot of forest areas we can go to where no one else is at. Still not the same but I will take any chance to get out of the house!

Good luck ladies I am still praying for all of you!!

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4 years ago

Lalou sending prayers that every Will go perfect!!

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4 years ago • Post starter

K+Nmomma My thoughts are with you hun. Words are pointless at this point. I pray from the bottom of my heart that time will past fast and will heal all the pain.. sending hugs your way

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4 years ago • Post starter

@alex so sorry to hear thta af came. Ugh. FWIW my chiropractor says that having a messed up pelvis can cause things like blocked tubes and generally restrict blood flow around there, have you every tried chiro?

@lalou I have one cb visual test and 1 cb digi. Not testing until the evening of 15dpo - the day AF is due - I always start in the morning so if I haven't started by dinnertime I will test. I just don't want to waste any more money on tests!

Afm.... My husband's company is having a big meeting today to discuss where things have to go during this crisis. He works in electronic security (alarm systems) and is the Head Technician in the company - it's a small business, only a few years old. Things are looking grim with only a few service calls booked for the week so far. If he gets laid off we will be able to get gov't help, but it won't be enough to pay the bills. There is talk of banks/power companies etc. Deferring all payments for 6 months, but of course our bank just so happens to be the only one who hasn't made any promises in that regard. Typical lol.

We are putting all our faith and trust in God. He led the Hebrews out of Egypt and through the red sea, and He will lead us through our times as well. We were born in is time for a reason! We can merit much if we bear our trials with grace and trust. I truly believe that things like this are a chastisement from the Lord as a result of all the evil in the world, and Lord knows there is evil in high places - even in the Church! We are praying very fervently about it all, and praying especially to make reparation for the evils that have brought this down on us all. Not trying to push my religion here, just sharing where we are at spiritually! We are all in this together. Pray, hope, and trust in Divine Providence. We will make it through somehow!

4 years ago

@Lalou Yaaaayyyy!!!!!!! Congrats!!! so happy for you! Praying for a healthy and happy pregnancy and baby.

@Alex thinking of you and I know that there are better days ahead for you! Sending lots of positive energy your way

4 years ago

@Lalou I'm looking forward to seeing your betas double! Stay safe out there. We have over 600 cases here in QLD, but the spread is slowing considerably thanks to the strong measures out in place by the gov't here.

Well so far my DH still has his job - they had to let two other guys go, and my DH took a 20% pay cut. This left us with only 50/wk for groceries etc after paying our bills! My parents have sent me some money though and hopefully that'll see us through, if my silly PayPal account ever has it's limits removed and I can access those funds. (they locked it because they need to verify your identity if you receive a payment over a certain amount from out of the country.)

10 dpo today. Nothing out of the ordinary, temps still above the coverline and fairly stable. Had a slow temp rise this cycle. Honestly my chart looks so pretty - my temps are usually a little more erratic and make for a more irregular chart! I have totally forgotten to take my maca, so this whole cycle is with zero hormonal support from herbs. Symptoms are nothing special: sore breasts, bloated, gassy (tmi but defs a luteal phase thing for me) erratic hunger, some nausea and headaches (could be all the comfort eating... Cookies in the house + self isolation is just not a great combo!) The only really odd thing is vivid crazy dreams! DH says I was cowering under the blankets because I thought I saw something over our bed.

My back is also killing me today. Probably because my giant almost 3 year old boy is going through a scaredey cat phase and wanted to be HELD AND WALKED AROUND like a baby yesterday. I actually loved all the snuggles at the time but I'm paying for it today. Oy.

That's all from my corner of the world! Thank you guys so much for thinking of me and hoping for our success. It's so comforting to know that we're all here cheering each other on, through crisis, through ttc, through pregnancy, and through loss. What a beautiful community!

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4 years ago

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