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It's a long TTC road!! Come and stay awhile! :)

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I'm starting this thread for the women who have been TTC for a while....and either not having success or are having multiple frustrating losses. There is no judging....and it's a group for support (and virtual hugs!) whenever we need it.

So, come....stay awhile....grab a hot cup of tea (or coffee!) and type away!

Me...33 Hubby...34 Nov 2002...high risk pregnancy, preterm labor @ 31wks, held in our son until 37wks, born 7lbs, 20in October 2007...blighted ovum @ 6w4d, D&C October 2012...fetal death @7w4d subchorionic hematoma, D&C, 46 chromosomes, normal female Waiting to TTC until June!

300 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi girls!

@Dolphin- So funny you ask the tea/coffee question because here I sit with a cup of hot "calm chamomile" tea. LOL! I'm not a coffee drinker at all, but enjoy tea VERY much. Mostly loose leaf herbal teas without caffeine. Starbucks sells a Tazo line of tea in their stores that has satchels of loose leaf tea instead of the flat teabags of crushed tea leaves. I can actually see the little flowers in my tea satchel...stem and all! The taste is DIVINE....and so much more flavorful than the flat tea bags. Anyways...where was I going with that? Haha! since I'm not a coffee drinker....or a huge soda drinker....I'm not having to make huge changes in my drinking habits.

As far as TTC, I'm thinking huge amounts of coffee might be bad? Someone who drinks over 400mg a day? They say 200mg is the limit for a pregnant I'm assuming while you're TTC anything past 200-400mg might be a no-no?

Sugary drinks? Hmm...unsure how they would relate to TTC but they're just bad for you as a whole. Water all the way.....if you can.

Buy a Brita water bottle with the little filters in them....I did and it's amazing how much I upped my water intake throughout the day. The taste of the water is pretty good....refreshing. Plus to know it's filtered, a bonus.

Me...33 Hubby...34 Nov 2002...high risk pregnancy, preterm labor @ 31wks, held in our son until 37wks, born 7lbs, 20in October 2007...blighted ovum @ 6w4d, D&C October 2012...fetal death @7w4d subchorionic hematoma, D&C, 46 chromosomes, normal female Waiting to TTC until June!

11 years ago • Post starter

I didn't swear it off completely. I still faithfully drink my ONE cup in the mornings and that is it. If I am having a Starbucks craving I just get decaf! As far as sugary drinks, I have never been a fan. I stick to water or unsweetened tea with lemon if we go out to dinner.

11 years ago

I have all but sworn off of caffeine drinks. I have a regular small cup of coffee probably about 2-3 times a month in the "non" key times. Like during AF. Otheriwse I drink decaf which has a bit of caffeine but not at alot. I like carbonated drinks but choose sparkling water instead of pop.

I also drink tea and pick decaf tea options. I love coffee too but am thankful that I also love tea and can switch back and worth. I used to have a big mug of coffee every morning but I have changed my ways. At first I couldn't imagine how I would change but it was easier then I thought!

Sugar actually is supposed to effect TTC more than you think. In general, sugar negatively affects blood sugar levels, leading to hormonal imbalance, which we don't want while TTC. I have mild PCOS which usually comes with insulin based problems. Thats why I try to cut back the amount of sugar I consume.

And I don't drink enough water.... I have a small bladder HAHA and if I drink a lot I am running to the bathroom constantly! I try to some days but don't drink enough of it!

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11 years ago

Well I only have 1 kidney so it works its but off Lol! I pee more frequently than i did when I had two. My doctor said drink tons of water so I drink tons of water. I try to drink at least 2.5 liters of water a day. That is a lot for me! :-) Some woman can drink a gallon a day, that is CRAZY! there is no way I could do that.

11 years ago

showed up right on time on Sunday... I also dropped my hubby off at the airport a few hours after she arrived.. So needless to say yesterday was a down day for me. I called and made an appt this am to see my Dr. tomorrow. The receptionist asked what I was planning on doing as far as treatment this time as she said they don't normally do this many of the same treatments in a row with a patient... I knew that in my mind but it hurt more hearing it said outloud... So I guess I am going to have a serious talk with my Dr. tomorrow and try to figure this whole thing out... DH and I also decided that we were going to have to talk with our famlies soon about moving on to IVF or adoption. My family will be easy it is DH's that I am worried about. They are much more opionionated. So any way.. Any one else have good news?

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11 years ago


That stinks. I'm excited to hear what you move on to. Dh and I decided to move to adoption this winter if nothing happens before that and I am really excited about it!

I'm having a bummer month... Dh is on a business trip during my entire fertile time. Sometimes you just can't win. On a happy note my nephew called yesterday and was so stinking cute. I can't wait to be a mom!

11 years ago

WooHoo! Dr called and we have a GAME PLAN! :-) Got my slip for blood work on CD3 and when the witch makes her grand entrance in the next couple days I will set up my appointment for my ultrasound to make sure my follicles are nice and pretty! AND my lovely husband has agreed to go ahead and get his blood work done and get a semen analysis just to make sure his stuff is nice and pretty too..

I don't think I have ever been so excited to get my cycle. Maybe I am crazy! My Dr said, I have never met anyone has organized as you are. Lol I sent her pages of BBT charts and OPK results along with a list of tests I want done and what days i want them done on.
(Like they don't know what they are doing)

11 years ago

I am the same way on being organized! Nothing wrong with being assertive either! Thats how you get results!

Bummer on DH being on a business trip. Luckily my hubby is coming back right before the fertile period starts and is gone while AF is here! Ha we lucked out on that part!

Had my appt yesterday my Dr. wants to meet with us about what we are moving onto after this cycle as he agrees we are getting no where with what we are doing. So we meet next week. He did change me back to clomid for one cycle at a double dose but also will add an estrogen pill to combat the symptoms that clomid brings. So tonight I start the dreaded clomid again! I am not looknig forward to it but DH is pushing for us to try clomid again as we did have results twice with it last year.

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11 years ago

WOOHOO! My temp dropped this morning! Never thought I would be so excited :-) So my thoughts behind this is maybe I didn't ovulate till CD20 like Fertility Friend says cause that would put me 13DPO today and my temp ALWAYS drops 13DPO cause I only have a 13 day LF and I start the next day.. I should start tomorrow and then I can start my tests on Monday!!!!! either way, regardless what day I ovulated on I am just ecstatic that I can move on now!

11 years ago

YEAH!?!? I think Good luck this cycle!

Clomid headache is coming! UGH! But hopefully DH will be home tonight providing all his flights are on time!

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11 years ago

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