Community post
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by informative)
Hey ladies. I did get a second blood draw on Wednesday. Monday my levels were 5, Wednesday they were 14, but at a different doctor's office. So doctor said the difference could be the equipment in the different labs?? So I plan on going back to the same doctor for another blood draw to see for sure... I hate this back and forth, it's been complete torture... Ultrasound he did showed nothing, but he did say it could just still be early, but in his opinion it just looks like a miscarriage and doesn't believe it to be an ectopic... I'm still not comfortable moving on without knowing for sure my levels are going up or down!
5 years ago
ALSO, since I'm still getting positive HPTs, should I have started a new cycle when I started bleeding Saturday?? Or should I keep all this the same cycle?? My body is messed up right now... So I don't know what to do to ensure I start tracking correctly again if hubby and I decide to still TTC after all this...
5 years ago
Hey Crystal! Hopefully you’ll have all the answers soon and I wish it will be good news!! If I were you I would start a new cycle just in case and if you end up being pregnant it will be also great!!! Wish you the best!
Sbaby I can see those lines Good luck! Hopefully you’ll be getting some darker ones the next few days!
5 years ago • Edited
@crystal I dont think the equipment thing is real seeing as it's supposed to be sterilized etc... If you are pregnant do you think there's a possibility that you ovulated close to your period or just after it again? That it's new hcg its picking up
@sbaby I see lines girl congrats !!
Okay so I am kind of freaking out... doctor prescribed me Cyclogest which is a progesterone vaginal suppository right... I did some research on it and it is advised not to drink it during pregnancy as it can cause spontaneous abortions or deformities which is concerning... I don't know if I should keep taking it or leave it...
5 years ago • Post starter
Well still waiting for AF to fully show. Just had a bit of spotting. Hoping she just finally comes all the way and we can start trying again this next month. I do usually have a couple days of spotting anyways so it isn't new just annoying. Keeping my fingers crossed for those still waiting for the bfp!!!
5 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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