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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



Pregnancy test calculator

Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.

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Sorry, black screen on last post.

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5 years ago

So today I am 12dpo. AF due in 2 days. This morning had light pink watery like. Thought for sure AF was here. NOTHING. Not even when wiping.... very comfused.. could it be implantation this late? Confused....

UPDATE Now just brown on panty liner..... I'm so confused. Been so long since my last pregnancy (2011) I dont remember

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5 years ago

So I took this tonight before I took a shower. I've never had a positive on a digital test, even when I turned out to be pregnant. What is giving me pause is that little clock. Do you think that just means it's a faulty test? I'm trying not to get my hopes up!

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5 years ago

What do guys think of my chart?

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5 years ago

So, I had 2 tests left and took one with evening urine to see if it would be negative or not. It was definitely a faint line, without that funky looking rektangular too! The line's still there now that it's dried. Really hoping it'll still be a line today too!

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5 years ago

Yesterday's test all dried up and it's still there and not looking funky. Really hard not to get my hopes up. But I need to see the line on another brand and to see it progress, before I can believe it.

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5 years ago

@pandorica I've just looked at your test this morning and that looks like a great pink line! Fingers crossed it gets darker over the next few days xx

@alex that's great you have some answers finally. I'm sure your hubby will start talking soon just take the supplements and take each day as it comes xx

@mama chart looks great!

Everyone else in the window good luck! @emma nice to see your temp rise up again

I'm waiting for my peak opk. We are BDing every day now until Thursday. Friday we are up at 4am to go away for Easter staying with relatives so no BDing at all. So hopefully what we put in this week will be enough xx

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5 years ago

Morning ladies, update from me is my temp is up again, I only have ic tests which really don’t pick anything up till you late, I’m currently 11dpo or 13 dpo , good luck all x

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5 years ago

Would you say this is positive or nearly positive? xx

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5 years ago

Thank you all for your supportive words! Means a lot!!

Jessica and pandorica I really hope this is your true bfp! You both should try with another brand tho just to be sure

Scuba that opk seems positive to me!! Good luck girl!

Mama I’m not familiar with this app. Which line is your temp?grey or blue? If blue looks like it’s going up which is always a good sign even though my temps are pretty up till CD 2-3. Have you tested again?

Emma let’s hope AF will stay away!

AFM I’m 4dpo today and I really have mixed feelings! I’ve been cramping since yesterday which is odd for me this early and I have no sore boobs which is second cycle this happens to me. Other than this everything is normal. My doctor said to wait till my period comes since I ovulated on my good side, I might be pregnant and I won’t need the supplements for hubby. He said not to order it till then since it’s too expensive to waste but I’m really not sure if there’s is a true chance for me to be pregnant. I mean it’s been so many years... why to be pregnant now? You know what I mean? Do you guys believe that I could be pregnant? Give me your honest opinions, I really won’t be hurt. I just want a second opinion because I’m about to order the supplements today...

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5 years ago

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