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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Kait I am sorry that your line wasn't a line. I hate when that happens.

@Pando I am sorry it is so complicated in your country. That is just mind boggling to me. I hope you are able to get some answers soon.

@Alex I am sorry AF seems to be on the way. I hope this next cycle will be the one for you guys. Especially now that you know what is going on with everything.

AFM: I am a little confused. Looks like my temps are on the rise some today, so we will see with that. I have had a good amount of cramping today which is pretty common for me during O. Plus this morning I noticed a light brown tinge when I was checking my cervix and cm. Wondering if spotting comes before or after O? Not really sure and can't seem to find any straight answers online of course. Figure I will just make sure we bd today to cover our bases. We did skip yesterday since I was getting ready to go back into my classroom after spring break. Really hoping this is it. In May it will officially be a year of trying for us. Hubby has only just started really asking questions and wanting to try harder on his part. I have of course been keeping track and everything for a year now. It just isn't the same for guys. Good luck ladies!! I am really hoping we start to see some positives here soon!! We are due for some good news here!!

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5 years ago

Kait Ghost lines are the worst. It must have been so hard girl... Hugs Hopefully your DH will go for his SA since I know how important this is and how it will give you a peace of mind somehow. I can’t wait to see your BFP! You have to be next

Shay Thanks girl! I’m so numb from this whole thing it doesn’t even hurt anymore...
My logic says that if you have spotting around O then you must have already Oed and some blood released while the egg was coming. But of course this logic of mine could be totally bullshit lol Keep BD just to be sure and hopefully we will celebrate in 2 weeks

AFM last night my cramps started to feel like they are when AF is about to come at any minute. I’m expecting her on Saturday though. This morning I have the same feeling making me believe that she will come earlier or hopeful thinking that I have a miraculous late implantation lol and that’s why I’m cramping.. I know. I know.. hope dies last ladies!! My temp went up today but of course this happened before without success.. Atm I can only hope....

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5 years ago • Edited

Alex I am still holding out hope for you too!!

AFM: I am thinking this cycle is anovulatory. Still no positive OPKs and no temp rise. I am out of OPKs so I am not going to bother with them the rest of this cycle. I am on cd27 with no O yet. I know there is still a slight chance but I am losing hope at this point. Going to schedule an appointment to get my thyroid checked and to see what else might be an issue. My cycles are very irregular and range from 35-45 days usually though I have gone over 100 days which needed medication to start cycles again. Definitely feeling out and down today.

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5 years ago

All my tests were negative on 4/22/19 ????????????

5 years ago

Hi ladies,

Sorry I haven’t been around as much. I’ve been following what is going on with all of you though. My kids took turns with a stomach virus the past couple of weeks so i’ve been trying to manage my nausea while cleaning up the results of them getting sick all over the house
I guess waiting so long to get my first ultrasound wasn’t such a good idea after all. I just had my 10 weeks appointment and they couldn’t find a heartbeat so they did a sono but couldn’t confirm there was a heartbeat either so they are sending me to do an actual ultrasound at another office this afternoon. They said it is possible everything is fine but right now they can’t confirm the pretties viable. I’m a little freaked out right now but hoping for the best!

5 years ago

@agatch I'm praying everything is OK this afternoon xxx please keep us updated xxx

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5 years ago

Thank you Scuba! I will.

5 years ago

@shay iam right there with you girl. I am 100% sure I did not ovulated neither and I am almost 60 days now. So I am feeling cramping with back pain and I will wait until Sunday for AF to show on its own before ordering Provera. It really sucks but do not loose hope. I am also planning on asking for Clomid.
@Kait i feel so bad for you. that hurts a lot. Sorry to hear that. But do not lose hope.
@Agatch please also take care of yourself. stomach viruses suck those. I hope your kid will feel better soon.
@scuba that chart girl............
@agatch please keep us update like scuba said. I am also sending you all positive vibes. Very scary situation.
AFM BFN of course. I have gained another 3 pounds. I do not know why I am still stressing so much. Maybe because I am still waiting on the other exam result to come and figure out the next steps. Adulting is baby is also battling a mild cold. He is starting to feel slightly better too.
@Ana how are you?

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5 years ago

Ugh my cycle is all over the place! I should be cycle day 6 now, I only bled full AF for 2 days. Day 1 was spotting day 2 was full AF day 3 was spotting with some AF flow. Day 4 spotting. Day 5 nothing not even spotting. DTD cycle day 5 at night since I assumed AF was finished. Cycle day 6 (today) random spot of bright red blood....we shall see if it continues. Strange AF this cycle. ZERO cramps, I normally have very painful HEAVY cycles to wear I need a tampon and pad all day as I bleed so much (TMI sorry) been temping since cycle day 17 last cycle and so far temps from day 1 have been up and down. Not feeling strange. Thinking about taking a break from TTC and see what happens with my cycles.
@Agatch keep us posted!! Hope its good news for you!

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5 years ago

@lalou I know! How good am I! Trying not to check what DPO I am but I have noticed my breasts are killing me especially my nipples. And much earlier than I've tracked before. I'm trying not to test at all. It's been quite liberating not temping too. I feel relaxed xx

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5 years ago

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