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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Jessica so sorry as well. Brush it off and try again
@Alex that rise is fantastic
@Scuba how are you?
I received a result for one of my exams and my scores did not meet the expectations. I am so bummed. I put so much effort into it and now this. But I have come too far to let go now. SO I have to keep going and hopeful I will do better next time. I am still waiting on the other exam which should come some times in the 1-2 weeks.
Happy Easter everyone!

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5 years ago

Well looking like I’m definitely out. Spotting started today AF due tomorrow, weird part is spotting only there when I wipe and when I checked my CP it was still super high but firm. Also I always have intense cramps with AF and no cramps what so ever right now. Guess I’ll see if this spotting turns into full AF huge temp drop this morning tho so I’m thinking it’s just AF starting

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5 years ago

Negative test this morning again, will test again when I get back from holiday

5 years ago

So, I just started bleeding. A day earlier that expected, but oh well.. Changing my plan a bit this time. Going to try Borage oil up until ovulation, and then progesterone cream and baby aspirin. Will try to stick it out with the cream for a few months, if I have to. I tried it multiple times before, but only a cycle or two before I stopped. Didn't do anything to my spottings at all. But maybe my body needs a few more months of using it for it to work?

5 years ago

Hey ladies,

Just updating from the other day. Kept getting faint lines on pink dyes. Woke up this morning to a different type of cramping and went to the bathroom and of course blood. Just going to monitor bleeding and if the bleeding stops I’ll go to the doctor Monday, if not we’re pretty sure it’s a chemical. I cried so hard when I saw blood.

5 years ago

@mama and @NASA so sorry to hear that.
@Emma fingers crossed
@Pandorica that witch. sorry! about the progesterone cream , was it prescribed to you or did you just decided on your own to start using it? I am asking bc my progesterone levels are very low and I am considering using it maybe starting next cycle. I am still waiting for AF to show. Only 1 week to go. I am planning on testing next week just because I have to not necessarily because I believe to be pregnant because I do not; and to go pick u my provera prescription that I will start taking next weekend.

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5 years ago

Hey ladies! So sorry for everyone who’s having AF and for anyone who’s feeling out! I feel kinda out too! No particular reason but I have nothing weird to report. At this point after all this years, I feel I can be able to tell if something different is happening on my body even tho I never got pregnant, not even once but I believe I could tell and now I don’t feel anything at all....
8 dpo and my temp is the same today as yesterday. I’m not getting to excited about my temps cuz they’re usually pretty high even on the first day of my cycle and they drop around day 2-3... I don’t know what is with me and my temps but they’re always pretty high to the point where I’m going to FF to compare my chart with others and is very usually comparing mostly with pregnancy charts I hope one day my chart will be one of them too...

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5 years ago

Happy Easter ????
Ladies I think my body is playing tricks on me, yesterday but I kept running toilet yesterday thinking af was here for it to be lots of watery Cm, then today I have again watery and ewcm I’m on cd33, have brought no tests or thermometer with us in holiday as I what will be will be but this is confusing haha I thought I should be all dried up now as af should be here any day

5 years ago

Well it’s on to a new cycle for me. AF showed up yesterday. I’m going to track temps and opks this month and see where it goes. Good luck everyone!

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5 years ago

@Lalou - I decided to use it on my own, can't get any help from our health care on the ttc part. A friend also sent me some progesterone to, but suppositorys, and they made my spottings go away. The cream haven't made my spottings disappear the last times I used it, probably since it's a smaller dose.

@Emma - How confusing. Hopefully you'll get some answers soon.

@Mama - Sorry af got you. Hope this next cycle brings you more luck!

5 years ago • Edited

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