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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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Alright had to test again just to see and it keeps going up and down so confused as to what’s going on. I had some sharp stabbing pains on my left side ovary area and boobs are still hurting.

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5 years ago

Also my cervical mucus is pretty much dried up... sorry if I’m posting to much just confused.

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5 years ago

@kait thanks babe really trying lol !!

@Alex girl feed is a no go right now but not eating makes it worse

@Lawrence omg congratulations girl I'm so happy for you !!

Okay so third morning in a row that I tried to throw up... I woke up with a super upset stomach mixed with nausea so I'm feeling great !! Only reason I couldn't throw up this morning was because nausea started before I even ate... I'm eating some cucumber with salt and vinegar right now as I'm testing theories regarding lemons and morning sickness so we'll see how that goes... I have officially been pregnant the longest I have ever been in my life !!

Also just so you guys know spontaneous morning sex doesnt work if you feel like shit lol

5 years ago • Post starter

I can also add that yesterday's nausea wasnt so bad... I woke up and ate immediately and had a coke thinking I beat the nausea but ended up throwing up anyways... But the rest of the day I was able to cope it wasn't so bad !! But I ate crackers the entire day as well

5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna glad the nausea is easing xx
I'm 14DPO no spotting yet! Massive temp drop. Cramps and a headache. Didn't test. I think it will be here later today or tomorrow xx

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5 years ago

FINALLY !! Cd17 and I’ve got a peak, think it will get darker later as I only did this this morning , that’s a early peak for me so fingers crossed

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5 years ago

Mama and Emma I hope you both girls will catch that egg and maybe we see your bfps in a few days!!!!

Anna I wish I had a remedy to suggest so you could feel better but it’s all for a good reason! Hung in there girl! Your little miracle is on the way!!!!!!!!!

Scuba I hope Af stays away!!!!!

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5 years ago • Edited

Update: got a positive opk today
And can see a faint line on the pregnancy test.

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5 years ago

Another brand

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5 years ago

@sam I can definitely see it! How many DPO are you? xxx

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5 years ago

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