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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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Good luck Alex! And Shay I know the feeling! I’m having so my pretty strong pulling feeling and some cramps on and off today....period should be here somewhere between Tuesday and Friday so I guess we will see

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5 years ago

Is it a good sign my temps is still going up ? I know not everyone gets a implant dip but I was kinda hoping for one to give me some hope haha

5 years ago

Good afternoon.. just joined. Im currently on 4DPO and anxiously awaiting.
TTC # 2

5 years ago

Hello all,

Welcome to the newbies.
@Emma a temp going up is always a good thing.
@Alex your atitude is everything
@Shay don t despair. Keep bd you just never know.
Congrats to all the BFP and to the mamas waiting stay strong
@Ana how are u my dear?

So for the past week i have been fighting a cold without fever and the biggest cold sore that I ever had. For the past couples days i have been having massive tmi!!!!!!! Running #2 . I have been going almost. Every 4-5 h. But the weirdest thing is that i had a yellow tinge stretchy cm which has never happened to me. I researched but it seems to happen just before AF. To confirm that it was probably AF i have been having crams very strong ones. And feeling extra wet. So i wore a pad today because i was like yep AF is probably on her way now. Although i just came to shower and my heart was like just opk once. So i used my clearblue pink digital opk i took my shower and lo and behold i got a smiley. So ladies it seems like I am having a very very late ovulation. Hopefully it is not too late and we can still catch it. But even though i am not 100% well. Dh and i will bd today.

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5 years ago

Welcome Sierra! Happy to have you!!

Emma higher temps is always a good sign!! I am crossing my fingers this is it for you!!!

AFM: well the OPKs are finally showing a little darker. Definitely think I have not O’ed yet but will be soon. Luckily I am on spring break so the DH and I can bd a good amount with no pressure. A week of relaxing is what I need anyways!! Good luck ladies!! Hopefully this is all of our month!!

5 years ago

Good luck all to the ladies waiting to ovulate and you ladies in the 2ww hang in there, I’m here with you too

5 years ago

14dpo today. My LP has been 10-12 days the last few months. It was 8/9 days before that, so this is my longest LP since the birth of my 20 month old. If AF doesn't arrive today, I will buy a test Monday I think

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5 years ago

Curious do any of you guys check cervical positions thru out your cycle? I’ve been checking mine for a few months now. Just curious if any of you have and noticed anything different when getting your BFP or BFN

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5 years ago

I have been checking my cervical position but don’t have any insight. Still waiting for my first positive lol I haven’t been checking long enough to notice a pattern just yet.

5 years ago

Darn it me either but I noticed this month is a little different then last month. Last month it stayed high until after AF showed already and this month only being 5-6 dpo (according to opks) it’s already low and firm.

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5 years ago

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