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TTC December 2019/January 2020 babies

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Good luck ladies I have everything crossed for you !!

431 Replies • 5 years ago



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Shay I don’t want to keep any hope just for AF to come in 4 days. I’m not naive.. I may O on my good side but my hubbys sperm motility is low and I’m 36 years old which is an issue by itself. At this point idek if the supplements will do anything in our case. Sorry for the self pity party but I’m so tired of all of this.....

Based on what I see on your chart I believe that you might be Oing these days. Your BDing is also good so I wouldn’t worry if I caught the egg! I know it can be frustrating though not to know if you Oed for sure!! I hope you’ll have a pos opk tonight!!

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5 years ago • Edited

@Alex - I have tried it a few cycles, but not more than 2 cycles in a row. Didn't help with my spotting at all. But I'm still going to try it again this cycle. Only thing that stopped my spottings were when a friend sent me progesterone suppositorys. Then the spotting was completely gone. I'm also taking borage oil from today and up to ovulation.

5 years ago

@Shay Your Chart does look like you might be ovulating but then again I am right there with you with high temps and even a smile but again you can have a LH surge without ovulation and that is what is happening to me. It seriously sucks especially when Drs always think that they now better. I had told them that I wanted to try with Clomid again this cycle but of course they asked me to wait. I hope that it is not the case for you though.
@Alex i completely feel you 100%. Can you ask Dr. To give you clomid or other fertility meds. Can you afford iui or ivf? Keep fighting.
@Pandorica The spotting definitely is annoying. But im glad that you are taking things in your own hands. Bravo

AFM just trying to finish my semester with good grades. My baby and I have the beginning of a cold symptoms. Will Frer again on Thursday then geting my Provera on Friday.

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5 years ago

Pandorica seems like you should keep taking what your friend send you if it makes spotting stop! Really hope the borage oil also helps.

Lalou I don’t want to do IVF or IUI to be honest. Not the path I would like to take. It will take a lot of me and my relationship with hubby and I don’t wanna do it. If it’s not written for me to be a mom then let it be.... I’ll try for the next 6 months as the doctor suggested with hubby taking the supplements and then I’ll live it to the universe....
Good luck for the end of your semester and I hope the cold symptoms to go away soon!!!!

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5 years ago

@Alex - I would keep using it, if I had any. She could only send me so that it lasted for a cycle. It's usually prescribed by doctors, unfortunately. So I'll have to settle for the cream.

5 years ago

@Alex thank you and I completely understand.
@Pandorica hopefully your tests will finally provide all the answers that you need.
I am praying for all of us ladies. Let s keep up the faith.

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5 years ago

Pandorica oh I didn’t knew it is usually prescribed. Maybe a private doctor could write you the prescription? I don’t know how things work there sorry...

AFM I’m having all signs that AF is around the corner. My cramping became more prominent, my boobs hurt a lot more and my temp drop .2 degrees (Celsius) this morning I’m very grumpy and I wish I could fast forward time a bit where my hubbys supplements will kick in, so his little fellas could swim a bit faster to meet my egg!! Of course I cannot even be sure about that so yea.. it’s such a pleasure to know that I’m almost 40 YO without even knowing if I ever will have a child of my own...

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5 years ago

@Alex - Don't worry, it's not easy knowing how other contries work. Hell, I don't even know how my own country works sometimes. Private doctors are not common, especially not ones that aids with fertility issues. And before they help you, they almost always wants you to do a fertility check first.That's why I'm planning on ordering some bloodwork myself, because if I already have a low number on paper, it'll probably be a lot easier to get something prescribed.

5 years ago

Pandorica I still cannot believe that you cannot get help whenever you want. To me this is so strange and frustrating. I really wish you’ll have some help soon by going for bloodwork! Even better to get pregnant before that!!

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5 years ago

Hi all, just an update from me. My faint line was not a line. AF showed a couple of days later. I go for my HSG tomorrow and am still working on getting DH in for his SA. I found out that my boss did clomid and IUI to conceive and went through miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. she has two teenagers now. It's nice having someone at work who understands that it's hard. I am going to go back to tracking and trying a little harder now that I'm past holiday due dates too.

Stay positive ladies! I hope to see everyone with their BFPs soon.

5 years ago

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