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FM2B TTC#1 Take 3 from Old Year to New Year

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Are you TTC #1? Do you often feel like there isn't a place you can go to where you feel comfortable enough to talk about whatever it is your going through without Mommies TTC #2+ is breathing down the forum boards with the woes of motherhood and TTC? Well, we ladies feel this way. That's why we want you to share with us and join our team! We share our TTC emotions, problems, joys, hopes, fears, it, we share it. We have all kinds of mommies2Be, just starting TTC, making their one year mark, over the one year mark, etc. We are very open and welcome ALL Future Mommies2Be. We have had a lot of our ladies move onto being pregnant and we would love for them to keep in touch with us.

We, Future Mommies-2-Be, do not know what its like to be pregnant/carry full term, or to have a baby in our arms. Therefore our journey is completely different by that one aspect and its a big difference.

If this is the place for you please do join us and share along in the TTC Journey to becoming a MOMMY!
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186 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hello ladies and happy new year.. almost! Welcome Amy and kyle!!!

So.. today is 7dpo for me ... and I have been sooooooo freaking moody its even pissing ME off! lol.. its been awful though. One minute I am in tears the next i am pissed off and dont even know why and than THAT frustrates me! really ?! I mean i never even get PMS this bad ! ...

Wishing everyone a happy new year! i am about to head out the door to spend a wonderful end of 2011 evening with the hubby. :)

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12 years ago

Connie, I'm super excited to hear about your wonderful news. I hope that you are one of those on the first month who get pregnant right away.

Kyle, and Amy, welcome!!!

L, Hugs to you dear!

Woozle, Sorry to hear about your trip to the hospital and being so sick. I pray I'm joining you ladies soon too. Thanks for checking in on us.

Kristin, Sorry your so moody. Hugs to you dear.

Happy New Year Ladies! Not much to say on my end. Trying to not think about TTC this cycle. I just wanted to check in on you ladies to see how things were going.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Happy new year everyone!!

sadly back at work today! Major bummer, but having just bought a new house, we need the money!

other than that, nothing to report with me. back to using OPKs so i can understand where my cycle is at now and will start temping when i get my new thermometer (gave mine to my sister in law)

fingers crossed for a BFP very soon!!

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

Hey Ladies it's been a while!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas & New Years. Mine was great, went by way too fast though and back to work all ready. Now I'm thinking about Mexico in a few weeks- can't wait!

AF came New Years Eve- what a bummer that was. I have the oddest cycle pattern, the last four have been: 28, 31, 28, 31. Would this be considered regular?

So, last month's attempt of not trying failed, so this month I am going to try and do everything right. I'm completely cutting out alcohol and caffeine, drinking lots of green tea, taking baby asprin, robitussion a week before O, using OPKs, preseed, DH and I are both taking fertilaid, and for the first time ever I am temping.

So, given my weird 28/31 day cycles, AF is due the day before we leave for Mexico. Which really sucks but fortunately usually only lasts about 3 days, so I'll only have the first 2 days of the trip that will be a little uncomfortable. So at the end of this crazy month my reward will either be to take advantage of the open bar, or have the best reward of all and maybe finally, just maybe it'll happen.

to everyone!

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12 years ago

Katie, Hey, Girlie! Glad to see your back around. Yay, for a new house bummer your back at work. Good luck getting that BFP!!!

KatieMay, I'm sorry Af showed up on News Years Eve night. Yes, that would be considered regular. I have the same thing every cycle will be a couple of days difference. The longer the cycle the later you O. Cause it all depends on your LP length. If you have a 14 day LP and you O'd on CD 19 your period will always be 14 days from then but if you O'd on Cd 14 it will come 14 days after that. So, your length of cycles ALL depends on your O date and LP length. I have a 12 or 11 LP and when I O on CD 20 I have a 33 day cycle or if I O on CD 18 I can have a 30 day cycle. Mine have been 30 32 31 30 33 something like that. Good Luck with tempting it will tell you for sure what your LP is then. I pray that it finally happens for you.

Since, I'm not tempting or tracking anything this cycle. I'm not sure when I'm going to O or if I have O'd already. I did have cramp like pains on CD 11 and some minor spotting on CD 13. So, I'm not sure what is going on just hoping for the best thing ever at the end of this cycle.

Doctors appointment is January 17th and that is the week I'm expecting my AF to show up but of course I REALLY HOPE SHE DOESN'T"T and my appointment turns into finding out I'm preggo.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Happy New Years to all my FM2B!!!

Sorry I havent been on, between Christmas and New Years I have only been able to creep and not really reply...

Katie- I can only imagine how hard it was not to think about TTC... The month I got PG I wanted to do all these things like use OPK's but the only thing I could keep up with was temping and since I couldnt tell when I O'd I gave up...always had TTC in the back of my mind. It was the month I least expected to get PG and it happened so keep your head up and it may surprise you when it happens!!

Bug - Im sorry that things have been so difficult for you. If your hubby is supportive and wants this as much as you do then you will both find a way to make it happen. Perhaps try pre-seed. I heard a lot of people have used it and it worked the first or second month. Maybe there is something medically wrong with one or both of you but that doesnt mean its not fixable. I hate to hear that its not going your way. But still try to keep you head held high and your spirits up. All the women here are ready to support you and act as a shoulder to cry on any time you need... dont forget to take advantage of that!

WE love you buggy!! Remember that.

Krunchie- I know how you feel about having to go back to work...Its the same for me...and lately the nausea has hit me big time and I really hate going to work feeling like this.

Knicole - Sounds like a pretty significant symptom to me! I got sever irritability before I found out I was Pg...and its still here... I snap at everything and everyone...Its terrible. Hubby has been trying his hardest not to get upset with me but I feel for him when he does... I know it must be difficult to know your being a biatch and almost feel like there is nothing you can do about it...hahah I am like that 24/7 lately.

Welcome Amy! - As far as I know...Implantation Dip can occur as early as 2DPO... but everyone is different and it depends on your body...the average is from 6-12DPO but I have heard of it happening earlier...

Connie - So excited you get to start trying again soon!!! Hopefully you wont have any complications because of the cyst and you will have a healthy baby growing inside you soon!

Happy New Year to all!!!

AFM - Nausea has hit...still no morning sickness but the waves of nausea start from the moment I open my eyes... The doctor gave me Diclectin to help with the nausea and it works wonders but makes me really sleepy so its hard to take while at I sip on Ginger-ale all day and make sure I am constantly snacking...seems to help keep the worst of the nausea at bay. We went last week for our first U/S and measurement... I thought I was 6wks 3days but turns out I was measure at 6wks 6days and EDD of Aug 16th instead of the 21st.... We saw our little bean all snuggled in tight and heard a very strong heart beat...I am very happy everything looks good so far but its still pretty early and anything could happen... so just trying to stay calm...Sleep is all i ever seem to do or want to do...which i dont mind except when I have to work...I wish I could just stay home from now...hahaha

-Bec- June to November 2011 December 2011...!!!! User Image

12 years ago

Beca, I have been using preseed for 6 months now. So, I really think something is wrong with me and him. Both to be exact. My hubby chews dip and I have been doing a lot of research on that and it can basically decrease sperm count and he dips constantly and wont give it up. Another thing is I must have a bad hormonal imbalance. I'm just hoping that this cycle of not really trying ends up being the cycle we get that BFP but I'm going to not get my hopes up. My head is trying to stay up but its difficult. My hubby went back to work and now I'm getting back into that funk before he was off where all I do is research TTC and look at baby stuff. I need to quit and just forget it but its so hard to do. I love you too! Thank you for being there for me.

Sorry you have been very sick but yay on seeing a healthy lil bean.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hey Bug- Thanks very much for the info :) The 2 cycles that I tracked O were the two 28 day cycles. One I used OPK's and the other one I had definite ewcm that was stretchy with cramps. Both times were on cd 15, so I guess my luteal phase would be 13 days then.

I'm glad I've finally decided to temp this cycle, I've been holding off doing it but I think that will be a sure fire way to confirm everything, plus using OPk's this time again too.

Thinking of you and hoping that you get some good news at your doc appt :)

Greekmum- Nice to hear from you :) I'm happy to hear you're doing well. I hope you feel better soon and the nausea doesn't hang around too long :) And ya, trying not to think about it is definitely a challenge!

Woozle- Same for you too! Hope you're feeling much better soon!

elizabethwig- Congrats!!! That is great :)

And for everyone else I'm thinking of you all and wishing you the best of luck :)

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12 years ago

Morning Ladies

katiemay - i usually temp and OPKs and I think it gives you a fairly accurate understanding of what is going on in your bits!

Bug - did u get my email? What on earth is dip??!! remember i'm english/australian so dont understand yout other continent ways!! good luck for your appointment. if u do happen to find out you are preg before it (fingers crossed!!) still go. I cancelled my appointment with the specialist and turns out i could have done with it still! but even if its just a normal doctor, it will still be good to go, get confirmation from them and maybe ask for blood tests so you know your hormones are increasing correctly.

greekmum - sounds great to be able to see your bean!

AFM - still no change! no surprise there! Joined weight watchers again last night to help shift some of the weight i've put on over the last few months. have lost a lot with them before and am excited to get started again. just wasnt in the right frame of mind last year then slightly *ehem* over indulged when i was in the UK and now and struggling to fit into half my wardrobe! at least I can pretend that I have packed half my wardrobe ready to move which is why i'm wearing the same clothes all the time, but seriously, most of the guys at work wouldnt even notice!

anyone any new years resolutions? getting a BFP cant be one as we dont have much control over that!! mine are...

1) no energy drinks (or only very rarely)
2) cutting right back on junk food, having it only as a treat if i can fit it in my propoints allowance
3) increasing exercise
4) cut back on spending on crap I dont need

so really, just the usual ones everyone makes! but the energy drink thing is for a pregnancy reason, cutting back on junk food is a health and wardrobe reason as is increasing exercise and cutting back on spending is becuase we have just used all our savings on buyng a new house and need to save again to afford a baby!!

anyone any original ideas for NYRs?

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

Amy- yeah dh has been active duty for almost 6 years and it has been hard but he does it for my freedom and I am greatful for him, an he does it so you and i dont have to. He is leaving for afghistan end of feb for 7 months do that makes our approx 2 year ttc game so much fun! (I'm thrilled ----not!) but I have met some amazing women who are like my family and who are married to his best friends. Makes it even harder when all of them can easily get pregnant and some even on their second child BUT not us . Not even one :(

Afm- don't feel anything might as well count me out for this cycle which is prob the last one for 7 months :/ af should be here In a week

Proud USMC Wife to Joshua TTC #1 since Feb 2010 User Image

12 years ago

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