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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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@Alex. Yes, i think you may be right about the sperm and not ovulating. Don't give up for your 2020 bday baby. I didn't have very many symptoms with my first pregnancy. When do you plan on testing?

AFM. We BD last night and sadly, he pulled out. I'm not feeling so lucky this cycle as it would just be over the 5 day mark for the chance of sperm survival (BD- CD10; O- CD16), and don't want to start the cream process if I'm not pregnant and just let nature take it's course. I take prenatal vitamines, and this morning I threw it up. Could be because I haven't eaten yet. When I did finally eat, my stomach hurt and the sense of feeling ful and tingly a bit, plus I have aches on the sides of my breasts leading into the back. I just don't know what to do in this tww or what dpo I am on.

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4 years ago • Edited

Dragonfly I don’t plan testing unless I’m late for AF. I had too many heartaches in the past and I can be really obsessive when I’m testing early so I decided to stop buying tests.
I know this tww is killing you as it does for all of us but you got this girl! Don’t over analyze it and just try to keep yourself busy! Hopefully you’ll get a surprise this cycle

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4 years ago • Post starter

@Alex. Thank you. My husband surprised me last night when he told me, no more pulling out. Let's make a baby or babies. His reason behind it as his hip is acting out again and that this COVID-19 isn't going to go away any time soon and the older you (me) get, the risk or complications is higher. I will be 36 in September and he will be 63.

AFM. Not much to report. Slight headache the last two days, nipples are itchy and they feel full. Breasts ache a bit but not as bad today. I could symptom spot all day and it could mean anything.

Good luck to anyone testing soon.

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4 years ago

Dragonfly so glad to see that your husband is now on the same page as you! I’m pretty positive that we’ll congratulate you soon

AFM 12DPO today. One more day till AF is due. Breast pain has now soften a bit and I don’t have my normal pre AF cramps atm.. maybe tonight it will start.
Last night I had a bit of nausea but I’m sure it was because I ate so much lol this morning woke up with toothache in the lower front row of my teeth.. that’s not very usual for me. Temps are still high and at this point I want to test so bad... I keep reminding my self how stupid I felt each and every cycle when I was testing just hours before af saw me her ugly face.. Let’s wait! I’m sure she’s around the corner!

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4 years ago • Post starter

As I predicted my pre af cramping started slightly last night and I’m now waiting for her soon. For sure tomorrow morning. My teeth still slightly hurt and my temps went down a bit. My my mood is very low and at this point I just wanna cry... Today I will talk to hubby again.. maybe we need to consider at least IUI even tho the financial timing Is the worst at this point...

Edit: 1hr later and she just arrived... spotting just began!

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4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

@Alex.i'm so truely sorry for the witch showing up. Trying IUI might be what the body needs. Like when I was trying for our second and I kept spotting before my period. I got progesterone cream and it worked. Maybe it (IUI) will work for you. I have no idea what it costs there, but I remember my aunt here who did 3 rounds at $7K a shot and never got pregnant. I hope next cycle is the one.

AFM. Was pretty emotional yesterday; just everything would set me off crying or very moody. Today's temp dropped down to 97.9 and I am 6 days before AF and my cervix is still open. I'm not a avid checker on that so I am going based from my temps that AF will show her ugly head in a couple days. Last two pregnancies I had, i stopped temping shortly after the tww because of my anxiety watching the number drop not knowing if it will rise the next day. Breasts are still slightly sore and I got aches in my back near the breasts. Also having some minor cramping. Was sitting on the bus going to work and I had sharp stabbing pain in my right lower in the hip area. See what tomorrow's temps are like. If it is implantation then it should shoot right back up; right? Trying to remain hopeful that this is it for us. I am not bloated or constpated. Just a full feeling in my stomach; like when your really and have a rough time breathing.

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4 years ago • Edited

@alex I wish could give you a hug girl, I am so sorry for af arriving for you. :( Have you ever thought of starting a gofundme for fertility treatment? Some investigation could find that you have blocked tubes, and a procedure to flush them could be all that's standing between you and a baby, who knows?! I'd donate.

@dragon I am so thrilled that DH is on the same page as you now! Beat of luck for this tww and if not this cycle, hopefully the next one will be your turn for a bfp!

AFM: We got busy over the weekend and now I'm 1dpo, so our timing was great this cycle. Had the most horrendous ovulation though, with terrible pain caused by trapped gas etc. I was *THIS* close from going to the hospital at one point! This morning (tmi incoming) I had a big glob of sticky cm with some pink in it when I wiped, which is odd for me at 1dpo. I think I may have ovulated twice, so if I do conceive this cycle I wouldn't be surprised if it was twins! TWW here I come. We are making some home improvements this week which will help pass the time, I'll share pics!

4 years ago

@E. Maybe what you wiped is left over from ovulation and it took awhile for it to leave the body. I'm remaining hopeful for you and that you caught the egg in time.

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4 years ago • Edited

Alex- I’m so sorry AF got you! I’m praying for you! Maybe iui will be the magic you need.
Dragonfly- I’m so glad hubby is on board now! It’s so hard when you’re not at the same place! It took a while for my husband to agree to a third, and I was heartbroken when he said no more kids. When he changed his mind- it made me feel like my life would finally have an opportunity to feel complete!
E- Twins would be so amazing! I hope you catch that egg/s!

AFM- Looks like today is going to be O day! Got my positive OPK yesterday, and I usually ovulate the next day! I’m feeling a touch bloated and mildly crampy, so I think today is it! 21 days since my miscarriage, and I’m really hoping to catch this egg! I’m not initiating anything this cycle, though- so it’s up to hubby! (that was my compromise with myself since I was conflicted- my dr. told me to wait for 1 period, the dr. I was seeing at the beginning when I first found out baby had no heartbeat told me I could try right away). Here come my TWW- the hardest two weeks of every month when TTC!

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4 years ago

Hello everyone,

@Alex I would say the actual testing ultrasound and blood work are really what make the iui a bit pricey. We got insurance here but my total was less than 5K. Also there is that uterus tests that is supposed to help too. I did that. They flush your tubes and the 1st 3montgs you are the most fertile. So maybe you won t even need to do iui. Another option is if your doctor can just prescribed you fertility meds while you used opks and monitor yourself at home could also be a good option. I am here for support .

@Dragonfly I'm so glad that your DH and you are on the same path now about ttc. Have fun!¡!!!

@E fingers crossed mama.

AFM I saw baby today. 7w . Little heart beating. I'm so happy. It makes it so real. I have been very nauseous but it is all worth it. I have been resting as much as I can too. I'm praying for you all ladies.

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4 years ago

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