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FM2B TTC#1 Take 3 from Old Year to New Year

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Are you TTC #1? Do you often feel like there isn't a place you can go to where you feel comfortable enough to talk about whatever it is your going through without Mommies TTC #2+ is breathing down the forum boards with the woes of motherhood and TTC? Well, we ladies feel this way. That's why we want you to share with us and join our team! We share our TTC emotions, problems, joys, hopes, fears, it, we share it. We have all kinds of mommies2Be, just starting TTC, making their one year mark, over the one year mark, etc. We are very open and welcome ALL Future Mommies2Be. We have had a lot of our ladies move onto being pregnant and we would love for them to keep in touch with us.

We, Future Mommies-2-Be, do not know what its like to be pregnant/carry full term, or to have a baby in our arms. Therefore our journey is completely different by that one aspect and its a big difference.

If this is the place for you please do join us and share along in the TTC Journey to becoming a MOMMY!
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186 Replies • 12 years ago



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Enjoy ladies :) some of it is GOOD read and say out loud. Def madey night better . Bought some soy isoflavones but going to talk to my dr first :) hope u all had a good night


Proud USMC Wife to Joshua TTC #1 since Feb 2010 User Image

12 years ago

Just a little something you all have to look forward to. This is something that also 'came up'.


It sits in your stomach
not wanting to settle
The feeling of motion
From the depths come up
Climbing to your throat
Oh so slowwly

You know that its coming
And you want it to be over
You race for your porceiln
Your hand covers your mouth
And your knees hit the floor
Oh so quickly

It's up and out
You can't hold it in
Maybe you should have
Cleaned to toilet better
As you empty your stomach
Oh the relief

Now.....for it to happen all over again.
The joys of pregnancy

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12 years ago

Hi to ALL!! Im reading all your post since day1 bug posts..i cant stop myself to comment on L's link gave..

L. I cried a lot during reading the letter...most of them are very rery true..."That you feel useless as a female", this is the most....

to all..

12 years ago

KatieMay, Hugs to you dear! I know TTC can be a big "B" sometimes and we have our ups and downs in every department. I have felt like my hubby was attracted to me anymore because when I would try to seduce him it didn't work.

Tanya, Thanks!

Kristin, If you take them before bed you will not have a headache. Fx'd that this is your cycle to catch that eggie.

Elizabeth, Baby aspirin is only 80 or 81 mg and if you take it in higher doses I can see it being an issues. But like you said ask the specialist. Hoping the pink spotting is just O spotting.

L, thanks for sharing the article.

Cleo, hi dear!

Yesterday, I discover that I can longer keep my tears in when I see a pregnant woman or a family with young kids especially close in my age range. I get envy. I hate that it has came to that but its so hard not to seat there and think something might be wrong with me or my hubby and why don't we deserve a child. I don't even have a child yet turning 28 has really put a damper on my moods about TTC. I just want to give up but I know I could never give up because that is my dream ever since I was 5 years old. 23 years later and I'm still CHILDLESS.

On another note: I tested this morning *tears* but my temp rose again this morning which is odd for 10dpo. So, I'm trying to stay positive and think that its just to early to test. I will be testing again tomorrow cause I really wanted to share news tomorrow if its possible that I'm PG right now. The worse case is I O'd 2 days later than I thought and I'm only 8dpo. If thats the case then It's still to early to test and my temps still have 2 days to drop. I'm so tired of getting AF. I don't want to be childless any longer. I want to know that I will be a MOM someday soon. I pray to God, I scream at God, and try to be patient for him and let him do his thing but you know what its HARD.

On a second note: We are officially buying a business. My hubby signed a purchase agreement and we have 10 days to go over everything with the owner and check out the place before we make are finally decision. But we are pretty sure this is the business we want. It's a lot cheaper and we are getting it for half the price the seller originally wanted it for. I'm super excited about that but sometimes the TTC blues get in the way of the excitement.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Glad to see the thread back up and running!!!

Hannah Looks so promising! I hope this is it hun!! sending all my baby dust your way!!!!

Good to see everyone agian..even those other new mommies who are being cheer leaders wit me now!

Cant wait for the results bug...the lack of symptoms might actually be a good thing!!

Katiemay and Praying I hope all works out for you guys and you can get BFP soon too!!!

-Bec- June to November 2011 December 2011...!!!! User Image

12 years ago

Bug, There's still hope. I really hope and pray that you get your bfp. Here's a prayer...

.Lord, I pray that you can give hannah a baby this month. We trust in you, even though it's hard. Please give her patience and hope, don't let her believe the lie's from the know your daughter and you love her, so Lord we come to you and ask for your forgiveness and the blessing of a beautiful baby. Amen.

I hope that helps.

afm, Well I know that I "O" either yesterday or today, but I haven't been getting that crazy cm that I usually do. I only had some yesterday...I'm (of coarse) worried, but who knows. I'm trying to refrain from taking an ovulation test but I might have to. What do you ladies think? I believe that my cervix feels soft, but then again I could be wrong. Please help. I feel like I've been on a roller coaster..Happy one day I got my bfp and then the next day extremely sad that I lost my baby. Now I try and refrain from thinking about pregnancy because it just makes me sad, but it's so hard to forget about it when there are pregnant women everywhere. My husband told me that those are all lies from the devil, that he feels in his spirit that we will get pregnant soon. I know he's right, it's just so hard to fathom now, especially after my miscarriage.

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12 years ago

MaxCT- I would gladly puke my guts out every day if it meant I was pregnant!

Greekmum- So nice to hear from you again :) Glad to hear you're doing well :)

Bradsummer- Glad to hear you're staying positive and doing well. Really hope it happens for you soon :)

Bug- Thinking about you every day :) Keep your hopes ups :) 10 dpo was proably too early any way. I really hope you get a wonderful Christmas surprise!

Prayin- I've read that article before and loved it! So true and so heart breaking.

elizabethwig- Ya, I dunno, we do go through phases were we bd like crazy, and then hardly at all. I think just with it being the time of year and so many places to be and people to see it makes it hard. I find being so tired really makes my sex drive go down to 0. The only time that may have been remotely close is we bd on CD 12. I have a 28 day cycle and usually O on day CD 15, but I really don't think I O'd at all this month. No pains and no cm increase. Congrats on your positive opk! I've read that some women can have spotting when they ovulate, and i think cramping is normal, I always get it when I O. Is it unusual for you to spot during O?

knicole- Are isoflavones to help you ovulate?

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12 years ago

Thank you for that suggestion hannah I will do that only a few days left of taking the isoflavones anyways . And just some hope for you too ...I think its just.still too early for testing im keeping the faith for you ! And I know how you feel im a major minority here on the military base I live on ...31 yrs old and zero kids . :( and it stings whenever I'm asked if I have kids because everyone else around me does .... On another note ...I tried today to start checking my cm and cp im on cd 6 I think ...anyways I cant even reach my cervix today at allllll! I'm kind of confused by this and my irregular as are my temps allllll over the freaking place that I dont even know anymore !!! Dh and I just end up bding like every other day.all month because I dont even know anymore . Hes def not complaining lol but I dont even know if im ovulating!! Ahhhhhhh ! It maybe time to invest in opks ...*sigh *

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12 years ago

Katiemay -yes I have not had a "normal cycle" since march :(

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12 years ago

Hi Ladies, I just noticed a bit more cm after peeing a bit ago. it was very watery and stretchy (tmi), I hope that's a good sign. will definetly be bding! have been doing so about everyday, for the past few days. I am officially in the tww!! The worst part ever! I really pray that this is my month and my little baby sticks.

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12 years ago

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