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TTC #1 TWW, anyone else?

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Hi everyone.. I'm new on here. My husband and I have been actively trying to conceive for 13 cycles, no contraception for 18 cycles. He works away so in the 13 cycles we have only BD on ovulation day once.. Twice including this cycle.. This is why the 2 week wait is so much worse this time, who knows when the next time could be as my cycle keeps changing.
I got positive OPKs on 05/07 and 06/07, we BD both days.
I'm currently trying pineapple core, can't hurt to give it a go!
Anyone else in TWW?

496 Replies • 8 years ago



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Wow Scotty I have had a whole new cycle in that time! I got my period late last night (at 12 dpo, not 13, but well, stress). This is insane.

I'm really happy for you you at least know whats going on right now. How horrible those cramps you should probably comfort yourself with lots of tea on the couch :)
Hoe exciting to have an appointment next Monday! I hope they can help you get pregnant fast!

The house is great but I have sore muscles and I am so tired from all the hard work! I'm lying in my tub right now to ease the pain in my legs haha.

Mom to crazy, happy, incredible Oliver Due with baby 2 this Oct

8 years ago

Hey Scotty! Your appointment is tomorrow right?! Good luck, I hope they'll be able to help you!

And Coops: how was the ultrasound?

I'm doing great. The new home is really nice and we're finally kind of settled in. All the furniture has arrived and we have floors, curtains and lamps, everything has been painted and cleaned, so that's great! But now of course we'll have to start accessorizing, otherwise it's still a little 'naked'.

As far as pregnancy goes: I'm feeling pretty awful about it all again. Had a lot of pregnancy announcements again and I just want to announce mine!!! I even know someone with PCOS who knew before she started TTC and she got pregnant in the first month she ovulated (second month on clomid). I'm so jealous! I mean I understand how hard it was for her to not have a cycle and not knowing how long it would take and I'm really happy for her. But it happened so fast for her, even when she didn't have a cycle! And for me, nothing!

I just want it to happen to me as well

If I get my period this month we're going to make a doctor's appointment.

Mom to crazy, happy, incredible Oliver Due with baby 2 this Oct

8 years ago

Hi both

The ultrasound was great thank you, everything appears fine and I'm 12+1 today.

Great news about you settling in to your home more now. I love the accessories, they really do make a home much cosier.

Are you using the opks still Luna so you know exactly when you're ovulating? Have you or hubby had any tests done yet? My friends were trying for 14 months and the one month they tried more frequently, and not just following the predictor app they had, they conceived.

It will happen Luna, it just takes more time for some people and I know how frustrating it can be. Stay positive.

Yes, best of luck at your appointment tomorrow Scotty, hope they give you the positive boost you need too x

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi these little updates!!!!

Coops!! Your pregnancy is going to fly in already 12weeks woohoo!! Hope you are keeping well!!

Luna glad your settling in to your new home...that's a good distraction...I completely understand how you feel about the announcements they get me down too. It's hard as you want to feel happy for others.

My appointment it tomorrow morning...I am hoping to get all the answers I need including why my LP is so crazy mental and when my surgery is!!

My husband and I have actually started to tell people about our TTC issues and possible treatment mostly due to the fact that I am 100% a baby person and any1 who knows me knows I want a baby! lol and because the people I have told will provide support and a shoulder to cry on

I actually worry about going on to Facebook because I hate seeing announcments

Luna I think there is no harm in getting a dr's opinion - DH will get tested and take it from there

Scotty x x

8 years ago

Hi ladies..appointment went well have lost more weight and bmi is lower again

I have been given a provisional surgery appointment for get this...24h of DECEMBER!!!! Haha Christmas Eve lol

The dr dis say it should be before this date however that's that.

I have possibly have the hardest day in a while because after my appointment I found out not 1 but 2 of my closest friends are pregnant. I am not having a good day ladies

Scotty x x

8 years ago

Oh dear dear Scotty! You are having the same day as I had yesterday I think. That's really tough isn't it? It's like you said: you are so happy for them but you just want the same thing for yourself.

Big and lots more for you. Our time will come, we just háve to hold onto that! And I'm sure all your hard work on the amazing weight loss will help too! That baby will know how hard it's Momma worked!

However, on your appointment: how weird that it's on the 24th of December?! What a weird date for a fertility surgery. If you conceive that month it'll be your christmas gift! Haha!

What exactly are they going to do? Check your ovaries for adhesions?
I hope they will move up the surgery for you!

I think that it's good that you started telling people by the way, that might make some of the announcements a little more bearable and make some people hold their tongue

Coops I'm so happy that everything is going so well for you! In only for weeks you will be able to know whether it's a boy or a girl! Do you wanna know?

For me, I've noticed that sometimes I have an off day and then I really like to post here because you guys are so sweet and then the next day I feel okay again for a while. So thank you for helping me through it all!
We're going to see a doctor the week after my birthday (my birthday is in 3 weeks).

Mom to crazy, happy, incredible Oliver Due with baby 2 this Oct

8 years ago

Oh and I was wondering, Scotty, did they say anything about your LP?

Mom to crazy, happy, incredible Oliver Due with baby 2 this Oct

8 years ago

Thanks Luna!!!

I know what you mean...coming on here helps me to cope!!!

The people I hve told have been so supportive and happy that we at TTC some understand more than others but I have enjoyed being able to talk about it when I want to. Even DH has been able to chat a little with his close friends although it's not really a topic men will openly discuss lol

I am having adhesions removed and if I have a blocked tube(s) they use dye to check...after I will find out if I am having IUI(6) or IVF (2)

I am having a bad day today...I thought my friend was pregnant and even asked her (eventually) and she said no. I then found out she was infact pregnant and she had kept it from me!!! I was so annoyed and fed up. I really understand she wanted to save me being upset but instead she made it worse.

My other friend is 13 weeks today and let me find out on Facebook

I have cried all the tears I have today...tomorrow should be better

Let's hope our day comes soon

8 years ago

Oh also Luna I am glad you have an appointment soon hopefully you don't need it hehe

Scotty x x

8 years ago

Hi Scotty,

I'm so sorry I didn't reply! First week of November is a really horrible week for DH and I, because I lost my Dad and he lost his Mum in the first week of November. So I've been really out of it and feeling sad this week. We went visiting the graves and DH's Dad (my parents had been divorced way before my Dad died). They both had cancer and it's really hard for us every year, because especially in a week like that you remember how much you miss them.

That's horrible the way your friends let you in on their pregnancies. Although I do feel like everyone can tell their own way and when they're ready, I wouldn't like that they kept it when I guessed. And telling on facebook.. I dunno, it's news you'd wánt to tell in person right?

I hope you can do the IUI, that sounds much less invasive to me than the IVF! Oh and do have lots of sex after the surgery because you're supposed to be extra fertile then!!

My fertile days have been on wed-fri I think, but we didn't really BD much due to grief. We BD'ed Saturday, Monday, Wednesday and then this morning again, so I think there is still a chance, even if it's minor.

Mom to crazy, happy, incredible Oliver Due with baby 2 this Oct

8 years ago

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