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2017 IUI/IVF

Hey ladies! I have an 18 month old daughter from my 6th round of IVF back in 2014 and we have started the process of trying for baby #2 in 2017. We may do a couple IUI rounds before using our frozen embryos from 2014. Any ladies who will be doing IUI or IVF in the new year?

413 Replies • 7 years ago



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A friend of mine is undergoing her ivf with PGS NGS at Polish ivf clinic. As she has had 2 cycles failed, her doc recommended her doing PGS NGS to increase her chances. I do hope she will get pregnant soon.

7 years ago

i have been going through ivf and had a transfer of 2 blastocysts dec5. good luck and prayers your way by the way! really hoping ill be pregnant insurance is paying and i only have a limited amount of funds through insurance had Icsi done and assisted hatching

7 years ago

Xenianew- I hope it works for them too!

Annaliz- Sending sticky thoughts your way! You are very lucky that insurance is covering it! Most do not. In 2014 we dropped about 30k out of pocket on our 6 ivf rounds. Our daughter was worth every penny though :) My insurance does cover iui though so that's why we may try that a couple times again before shelling out $2,500 per frozen transfer plus meds. We tried iui 4 times in 2012 but it didn't work. You never know though maybe it will work this time? I'll be asking my RE in January if it's even worth a shot.

7 years ago • Post starter

mnor0406- good luck, I keep my fingers crossed xx

7 years ago

My husband and I are starting our first IVF cycle in a couple weeks. We're doing ICSI, since it's low motility we're dealing with. I'm 33, so we're skipping PGS since our insurance won't cover it and we can't afford it. Good luck with baby #2!! Depending on what your infertility factors were, IUI may work this time around. Some things can change.

Annaliz-- were you successful with your transfer? Best wishes to you too!

We're excited but also a bit stressed and nervous. I'm finding myself wishing I had people to talk to who are in the same boat, so my husband and I started a blog community to share our IVF story and others can share theirs on the site as well. (It's if anyone would like to check it out or join).

TTC baby #1 via IVF! We're blogging our experience at

7 years ago

Hi all!

I am in the middle of our first IVF cycle - currently finishing up day 8 of stimming drugs. Retrieval set for Saturday or Sunday - I currently have 12 follicles of decent size. We'll see how it goes. I'm cautiously optimistic but recognize there are so many factors in this I can't control.

7 years ago

Hi all,

Just an update - we had our retrieval on Sunday morning - nine eggs and 6 fertilized as of yesterday. We go in Friday the 10th for a transfer of two blasts. How is everyone else doing??

7 years ago

Hello.. been a member of this site for a few years but new to this thread. Going to do our first IVF with hopefully a fresh transfer soon! Egg retrieval should be the week of February 26th. I am trying to remain calm but all this waiting is killing me!

Violet123, how did your transfer go?

Brandy257 TTC#1, 2 years and 4 months

7 years ago

Hi Brandy257,

Exciting that you are in the process and retrieval won't be far away! What meds are you on? The transfer went well - they transferred two, but I had four left and they didn't make it to freeze so this is our one and only shot. I am 6dp5dt today and trying to stay positive along with managing expectations. My beta is on Monday.

7 years ago

Oh you are so close to knowing! I'm sending you good vibes!! Are you home testing at all? I'm not sure if I'll be able to help myself when the time comes! I'm sorry the other four didn't make it to freeze.. is insurance helping with your costs so that you can do it again in the future?

Right now I'm just on the luprolide acetate shots, tomorrow I start gonal f. Went for my baseline today and everything is looking good so far so fingers crossed!! 10-12 follicles on each side... but I'm guessing that doesn't mean much at this point.

Brandy257 TTC#1, 2 years and 4 months

7 years ago

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