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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Shay looking at your chart? I really think you did ovulate. Did you get a positive opk? My temp has been increasing only slightly after O too with some odd ups and downs or staying super flat in the 2WW. But I know I obviously ovulated. Plus if you ovulated when your chart says you did your symptoms are consistent (whether AF is coming in a few days or a late BFP)
@Lalou praying this new cycle will bring you some good news!
@kait I know I definitely get low vitamin D in the winter even if I take supplements (your body doesn’t necessarily absorbs the vitamins the way it would if it was getting them through food, sun...etc.). But exercise can also play a big role. Glad your getting more consistent cycles. Hopefully that leads to a BFP this summer!
@Alices welcome and good luck! It sounds like if you start testing at 9 dpo you have about 50 % to already see a faint line of you are indeed pregnant
@scuba hope tomorrow’s tests start showing a stronger line!
AFM still feeling pretty good but it is starting to worry me. That’s what happened in April before I miscarried: nausea almost disappeared and my energy level was really good. I know I am only 5 weeks but I feel like I should be more tired already and feeling more queasy. I can still sleep on my tummy right now which means my boobs are not even really sore! I may try to pick up a digital test that tells you how many weeks you are so I can at least check if my hormones are going up the way they should

5 years ago

Thanks ladies, I'm bummed but not actually that beat up about it. It arrived this morning, 2 days earlier but well within my normal. It wouldn't be a bad thing if I didn't get pregnant until the fall anyway, that way I have the chance to graduate before a little one arrives. I graduate in june 2020 and have to take an internship for a few weeks before I graduate and that would be a little difficult with a newborn. So I think we'll be practicing a little bit of NTNP from now on and then get back to ttc in a few months. I will still check in with you guys, but will not have anything ttc related to report.

5 years ago

Hi ladies, feeling really down today and had a little cry when I got to work. All my tests are white today not even a hint I thought I might see something by now. I dreamt I had a really strong line. Official test day is Wednesday / Thursday but I think I'm out. Just so depressed today and feeling fed up xx

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5 years ago

My ??? Pray for me, please!!

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5 years ago

Omg @lissa what a beautiful second line! xxx

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5 years ago

Thank you @Scuba! Isn't it time for you to test too?!

5 years ago

@lissa Yes but I can't figure out if it's Wednesday or Thursday I should be testing. Dr said 12 days after starting Progesterone which was on the Saturday night. So if I count the Sunday as day 1 I should test this Thursday. How many days post trigger are you? Did you test yesterday? I'm thinking of not testing tomorrow and just testing Wednesday and Thursday. To be honest I'm feeling like it's going to be negative. xx

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5 years ago

@Scuba - i did not trigger or medicate this cycle. The cycle monitoring was so expensive last month we decided to try on our own for a few more months and then use that money we would have spent on medicated cycles towards IVF if we end of up needing it. So i'm 12 DPO today and just tested for the first time. The reason i tested today was because i woke up with another canker sore in my mouth which apparently is a pregnancy symptom for me because i've had it with all my BFPs (and never when i'm not pregnant). AF is due on thursday, so if i had got a BFN today i would have kept testing until wednesday morning which would have been 14 DPO. If i had gotten a negative then i would have stopped progesterone (2 days before expected AF). However, my LP is always 16 days like clock work, so that's why i get the two extra days of progesterone, if that makes sense. Good luck to you -- i hope you start seeing some lines soon!

5 years ago

@lissa that's such amazing news! If we are not successful this cycle ww have one more then no more as we can't afford it. xx

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5 years ago

@shay I agree with agatch. I feel like you might have O'd between CD 19 or 21.

@agatch I'll probably bring it up when I go for my annual. It would be nice to have regularity year round, if that means a better chance for us to get pregnant. Are you in the US? I thought they stopped selling the digitals with the weeks here or am I mistaken?

5 years ago

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