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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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I'm sorry @scuba. I really thought this was it. You are on the right path for sure.

@Kait how are you?

@mamaof2 so sorry to hear that. But you are also on the right path. Obs what you are doing is working. Keep up?

AFM we went by a small beach yesterday. Baby boy was ecstatic. It was his 1st time. He loved it. It felt good. Also bought myself a new phone. And we got the keys for our new house yesterday. Our container will arrive on Tuesday but we can start deep cleaning the place and deciding about the organization and decoration. Since we will be planning on buying our 1st house next year, we will try the minimalist decoration we will keep most of our things in boxes. We might not even last the year depending on how much we can save for a down payment. But we are working hard on making our credit looks good. It feels to have something else to focus on. I will also rest more of course. I think I'm just really stressed about the moves. DH and I have been bd without schedule but it feels good. Praying for everyone. Keep the faith. Happy last day of June.

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5 years ago

@Scuba sorry i really thought this wait for you too
@Lalou moving is definitely really stressful but you seem to be handling it so well. Sounds like the hardest part is almost over though and you can start enjoying your new home soon
@mama sorry it didn’t stick but glad things seem to be moving in the right direction for you.
I’m 1 dpo today and hoping for an easy 2 week wait. We’re leaving on Tuesday to go visit my in-laws who live 2 hours away. We have some fun activities planned and will get to see some friends who live down there too. DH and I are planning to take advantage of the grandparents babysitting to go out to dinner one night (late anniversary celebration!). So hopefully the days will go by fast and the urge to test won’t be bad.

5 years ago

@lalou that will be nice to be able to settle for a little bit. I hope you guys find a home that you love. I'm alright, I think I'm 8 or 9dpo. I tested yesterday since we were going out and it was negative. For whatever reason, I'm very calmly optimistic for this cycle but also trying really hard not to think about it. AF should be due Tuesday so we shall see.

5 years ago

Hello everyone! Happy July!
I’ve been busy the last few days due to the big event of my dance studio but I’ve been checking how you all doing! I’m so sorry for the chemical mama and scuba for the false positives. I really thought the trigger would be gone days ago.
For everyone waiting for O I’m with you! I think today is the day and we only managed to BD once the day before yesterday. I will definitely give one more shot today! I woke up so tired from everything... physically and mentally tired. Closing a season is always the most difficult thing especially when you’re losing a member of the team.. Usually I’m happy that is vacay time but now I have to go through all the process to find a new assistant.
For everyone who’s on their TWW waiting to test.. You got this!! I’m positive that we’ll see plenty of bfps this cycle!!!
Good luck ladies, keep it strong

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5 years ago

EDD: March 11, 2020

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5 years ago • Edited

Oh wow! Where is everyone?

I’m 2dpo at the moment and days are passing slow. Not waiting much this cycle either. I’m pretty sure I ovulated from my wrong side.. story of my life!
I hope everyone is doing well. This thread is so quiet!! Hopefully y’all coming back with some bfps

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5 years ago

Hello Alex,

I'm well. Sorry @Scuba. I'm just busy trying to get city permit for our things to arrive here. We had to reschedule already once. No sign of AF for me or pregnancy. I think this is another annovulatory cycle. I'm waiting for my new health insurance papers to find a doc. How are you?

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5 years ago

5 dpo here and not much to report. I saw a friend who is 8 months pregnant with her second this minute and she was telling me it took them 2 years to conceive and she had 2 MCs before she finally got pregnant with her rainbow baby right before starting fertility treatment. It was encouraging to know it can still happen after all those hurdles.
@Lalou hope you can get all your things delivered soon.
@Alex hope you are enjoying a well-deserved break from work
to all!

5 years ago

Thank you @agatch I hope so too. I am having insomnia about it all. I am thinking about taking provera to bring AF and start taking vitex. I have found the clinic that I would like to get a new Dr. At but I am waiting on my new healthcare paperwork.

Where is everyone at or doing?

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5 years ago

Hey everyone!

Congratulations @Amylove
Good luck to awaiting O and in TWW

Well AF only finished for me on Sunday and my digital OPK has been showing me in high fertility since Wednesday, so I'm just testing daily to see when peak fertility appears and BD'ing regularly. The fact that I'm fertile very early this cycle kind of further confirms my suspicions of having had a chemical last month!
Fingers crossed it sticks this month

5 years ago

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