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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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Shanta I truly hope you’ll get one of those really late bfps! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Mama Hi!! I really hope this is it for you!!!!!

Jessica I’m not sure I can really see the line but it’s too early anyways! Let’s hope tomorrow you’ll get a more visible one!

Lalou thanks babe and take it easy as well! I really hope this will be a good month for all of us!

Scuba I’m pretty sure it’s darker than the last one! Can you take a comparison pic? Omg I really hope this is it scuba!!!

AFM CD9 here and I’m officially on my fertile days but we haven’t manage to bd at all. Hopefully we can make it tonigh but we’re finishing work very very late. Emotionally I feel like shit because yesterday my secretary and friend told me she won’t be with us no longer from the new season (September) and I’m devastated. This might sound stupid but she was my right hand at work and now I have to find a new one and train her etc and I hate this. So no mood for anything at this point! Hopefully I’ll be ok soon!

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5 years ago

Hi ladies! Back after about a 5 month break TTC. Didn’t lose the weight I wanted to but decided we wanted to start trying again to hopefully have a close to 3 year gap.

Congrats @anna!!! So exciting

And @scuba I think this is totally your month!!

As for me, I’m 8DPO and got a BFN this morning but with my son I didn’t get a BFP until 12DPO. So staying positive. Glad to be back on here with all of you. May try to read last months board to catch up too.

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5 years ago

CD12 today. Had appt with new obgyn who does more with fertility and pcos issues yesterday. Gave him all blood test and SA from 2016 and 2018 that had run. Had all my cycle info written down (opt pos, cm, period length, etc). Told him still breastfeeding our 21 Mo old 3 to 4 times during day and a few times at night. He didn't say no to anything. I was so happy...although lo was crying cause she wanted "boo" during the last part of our visit. He was very patient and gave options. She was even nursing towards the end of the visit cause she was so worked up.

He said for me to stick with 1500 mg metformin, not the 2250 mg the other obgyn prescribed. Said didn't need to take the progesterone suppositories. Recommended taking tsh level as last time had it was looked at was 6/18 and then it was 4.93 miu/l. He said if it was higher again he might put me on thyroid meds to help that. I saw online they came back at 3.38 uiu/ml. So not sure if he'll do anything. Looks better to me?

He also said next cycle if we wanted to he could put me on clomid for 5 to 10 days and check to see if follicles are developing. And then do trigger shot and timed intercourse or an IUI.

At least we have a doctor that didn't say to stop nursing! So excited.

5 years ago

Well I’m thinking chemical. Test is still showing positive this morning tho. Woke up to dark red blood this morning. Been going on for about 2 hours now. I haven’t actually talked to my OB yet since I looked at me results online last night. So waiting to hear from them. They’re going to think I’m crazy having a positive test with that low of HCG! I’m not to sure what to think

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5 years ago

@mama I'm so sorry x

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5 years ago

Hi ladies, I don't have great news. Blood test showed I'm only at 6 hcg levels but midwife wants me to come back next Friday for another blood test. I told my Private doc and she said it's a negative result and I should stop the Progesterone.
I sent her my photo and she still said it was negative and said there was only 1 line on the test. She couldn't see the faint second line . I'm a little cross and confused. My period would only be due today or tomorrow and she told me to test today. I shouldn't have tested for 2 more days. I'm positive my lines are getting stronger but I know they are really faint I don't know what to do? xx

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5 years ago

This was my comparison pic....

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5 years ago

Those are positive Scuba. I wouldn't stop the progesterone just yet!

5 years ago

@mama so sorry. This test really looks positive to me.
@scuba yours definitely looks darker than yesterday's to me. Are you getting a line on other tests too? I'd definitely go in for a blood test.
@Alex sorry to hear that! Recruiting someone for a position is always hard and it takes so much time to go through applications, interviews...etc. I understand the disappointment and frustration. At least after this weekend it sounds like you'll have a little more time but I'm sure you could have used the time to rest and relax instead! Hope you find a great replacement fast!
@crams glad you found a doctor who is willing to work with you and doesn't see nursing as an issue. It's so frustrating when you know you are doing what's best for your child but get pressure from other people to do otherwise. I've been there and it was hard!
@Hot welcome back. for a BFP in the next couple of days
@Burkette sounds like it was probably a chemical. What tests were you using? I've heard a lot of people say they got pregnant in the month or 2 after a chemical so hopefully that's what happens for you. If you use opk, I would start early this cycle though because sometimes O can be earlier the month right after a CP (or later for some so basically it can be different).
I'm pretty sure I'm on O day. Got a positive opk yesterday evening and EWCM. My temp was at its lowest yesterday morning and higher this morning (although I don't really trust this morning's reading because I woke up a lot last night for some reason). Anyway, good thing my husband came back from his work trip yesterday! I was also really glad to get EWCM because I had a chemical in August last year and after that didn't notice any EWCM at all until February which is when we conceived again. This was the second full cycle since my miscarriage and I didn't have any EWCM last cycle so I was worried it would take months before it started again. It really seems to make a difference for me. Every time we've conceived was on cycles that I had noticed a lot of EWCM and had BDed that day.

5 years ago

Scuba they are definitely getting darker. I would wait a few days and get another blood test! Don’t stop the progesterone! I’m really hoping my bleeding is nothing there are definitely lines on mine and I hope they continue to get darker. I’m going to test in the morning and if there’s nothing there then I know it was a chemical and I can move on.

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5 years ago

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