Community post
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by likes)
Hello ladies...
@ Emma that’s nice to hear you have an appointment. I know it must be exciting.
Scuba I’m rooting for you as well.
Good luck to all ladies For this cycle.
AFM I Should be 7 weeks yesterday based on when I think I ovulated. I had a doctors appointment a few weeks where pregnancy was confirmed. I have a First Trimester appointment and dating scan next Monday when I should be 8 weeks. Will keep you all updated.
5 years ago
@Ana Yay!! So exciting! Congrats! I've loved having a girl as #1
@Pando sorry AF arrived. I hope the break from tracking will help you relax and that it will lead to a BFP
@scuba I see a faint line on the cheapy. Honestly I don't trust faint lines on FRER because they're pretty much never completely blank in my experience but the faint line on the other one looks more convincing to me.
@Lalou sorry to hear about your dad. I hope the diagnosis will allow him to get the treatment he needs to feel better soon
@Nadine sounds like you have a great plan in place. Good luck to you!
@Shanta sorry it's been such a long and disappointing journey for you so far. I hope you finally get good news this month though!
Nothing new on my end. CD 10 and no positive OPK yet which is good news
5 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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