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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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@lalou lol last night she kicked so hard I was actually shocked I could feel it on the outside of my stomach my mind was blown I'm sorry about your studies being denied but yes I think a break is a good idea... Poor baby but I'm sure the mommy time is much appreciated

@kgirl aww I'm sorry AF came babe got my fingers crossed for you for this cycle

5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna you look fabulous! The kicks are always fun (at least until the last couple of months...)
@kgirl sorry AF showed up. It’s such a disappointment to feel like something different is happening and then in the end the outcome is negative. I’ve been there so many time that I had to stop thinking anything of any symptom.
@Lalou sorry about the masters program but I think you definitely deserve a break! Can you still teach with your current degree before you start the master?
@Alex thanks babe! Glad you were able to relax a bit on the beach. I know it will happen for you too. Sending lots of baby dust your way and hoping for those supplements to start acting very soon.
I tested again tonight and it is only a hair darker (I think the urine sample was much less diluted than last night). My temp is really stagnating too which worries me a bit. I know there’s nothing to do but wait at this point though.

5 years ago

@kgirl welcome. Fx this cycle will be a good one. Stay positive.

@agatch and @Ana thank you ladies. Yes even my folks and in laws agree that it is time for a break. Focus on us and my job. Yes I can teach because I completed a graduate certificate training program and I took a national exam to be certified. The Master program is mostly for myself and to keep pushing until I have at least one phD. But I'm taking a break for now. I need guidance and counseling for that and it will come to me. I'm giving myself max 1year then I will get back on it.

So something weird happened tonight. I went to pee in the bathroom and I had massive amount of ewcm. DH and I had sex earlier but it was like 6hrs ago and I know the difference in consistencies. This was ???? ewcm. I had not had that for 3-4cycles now. So maybe now that I am less stressed and watching my carbs, my body is starting to self heal. But I'm confused. Am I about to ovulate or gearing for AF. I'm taking Provera so maybe I should stop taking them for now. What do y all think?

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5 years ago • Edited

EWCM is a great sign that your body is ready to conceive again! I don’ Know Provera and what the mechanism of the drug is so I can’t speak to whether you should continue or not but in any case I think this is a great sign for your future cycles!

5 years ago

@Anna: So adorable! With your first it takes longer to show, as has been my experience.

I am back after a taking a TTC break after an incomplete miscarriage a few months back. We got a late start this cycle, so not even going to test as I know we missed my fertile days. AF expected tomorrow. Not even going to take OPKs this time, don't want to stress or obsess this time. Just going to take vitamins and let whatever happens happen. Taking more of a not preventing, not trying approach, I guess?

Congrats to the ladies who have gotten their BFPs since I last logged on!

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5 years ago

2 or 3dpo. Hoping our bd'ing was timed right figure start testing in a few days, have a ton of internet cheapies with the pregmate pack I got and easy@home ones too.

5 years ago

Hey ladies!!! I am so sorry I have been MIA the last couple of months!! I have been focusing on getting myself healthy. Plus I have been anovulatory for two cycles in a row. Hoping that changes this cycle!! Went to the doctor and had all of my blood work done and she says everything is almost perfect!! So that is at least good. Hubby and I have just been enjoying ourselves lol not trying but not preventing. I have still been taking my bbt and that is how I know I have been anovulatory even with a shorter cycle last month.

Congrats to all you lovely ladies that have gotten your positives!!! I am so excited for you!! And good luck to all of you still trying!!

Here are the ovulation tests I took the last couple days. What do you ladies think? I feel like I got my surge yesterday!

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5 years ago

Hey beauitful ladies ! We are back at it, finally. Been a rough 6/7 months since my miscarriage back on Christmas. TCurrently I'm on CD 21, not sure when I O'd as I havent been tracking for some time now. I would say about 4-6dpo. but fingers crossed for us this cycle!

5 years ago

@Rosie and Crystal welcome back! I hope you both have your rainbow baby soon.
@Shay great to hear from you! It does look like 7/9 may have been your surge. Any other sign of O you can rely on. Fingers crossed for you this cycle!
@ Cram hope this is your month too
My tests seem to be getting darker and I’m experiencing symptoms now. As uncomfortable as morning sickness can be I think I am really going to embrace it this time because it was the one thing that was mild and completely disappeared around 8 weeks when my baby stopped growing back in April. If I don’t feel sick, it’s going to worry me now!

5 years ago

@agatch I am so happy for you!! I am sure everything will go great this time!!

I have had some cramping on and off last night and today. That is usually a sign but not always. I am trying to patiently wait for my temps to rise. My temps have been all over the place lately though so we will see what happens. The hubby and I haven't been focusing on it, instead we are just enjoying ourselves. If I ovulated yesterday or today we have pretty good chances I think. We will see though. I am not going to stress over it and focus on it too much though. I am supposed to be going to a brush and cork even for my sisters birthday the 28th so I will have to test by then regardless if AF hasn't shown up by then.

Good Luck Ladies!! I am so happy for those of you who have your positives already!!! Fingers crossed for all of us ladies still waiting!!

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5 years ago

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